Minutes – Board Meeting

Minutes of the Executive Board July 28,2014

Council of Fort Lauderdale Civic Associations

Executive Board Meeting

July 28, 2014

 1)  Call to Order:  The meeting was called to order by Marilyn Mammano, President at 5:22 PM

2)  In Attendance:  Betty Shelley, Jackson Boren, Marilyn Mammano, Linda Nugent,

      Ron Centamore, Steve Stahl, Chuck Black, Lester Williams, Cathy Stubbs and Member Raymond Dettmann.

3)  Approval of Minutes:  A motion to approve the previous executive board meeting on 5/19/14 was made by Jackson Boren and seconded by Chuck Black. The motion was approved unanimously.

4) President’s Report:  Marilyn complained that the City has put an important update during the month of July, with the Social Services Facilities Update. Lee Feldman is expected at this meeting at 6pm to give us the City’s perspective on this issue. She believes that the purpose of the amendment is to shut down the problematic feeding program in Stranahan Park or at least regulate it. It is a comprehensive plan that revamps the entire ordinance, and Betty commented that they leave no place for the services to be rendered since there are so many – distances from this and that, etc. Marilyn said they propose a new map showing the proposed areas which is significantly different than the present map. The most significant change is the addition of the B1 Business District to the map. The people in the new proposed areas are not happy with it. Jackson noted that some areas that show up red are actually schools which do not serve food etc. and the map does not give a true representation of the actual sites that can start up programs. Marilyn stated that the proposed map is made up using zoning criteria where it would be possible to locate a facility. The one exception to the map is any church, anywhere, can have a program as long as it is done inside. There are many new restrictions concerning placement, restrooms, hand washing, food preparation safety, and time of operation. Betty and Jackson said the beach was not addressed and there is a lot of loitering. Marilyn stated that the new loitering regulation does not solve any problems but simply relocated them from downtown to 17th Street and those persons are just not going to disappear, they relocate to a new comfortable place. Some communities will like the proposal, others will say, why me. There are some good and bad things in the proposal.

Lee Feldman was introduced to discuss the Social Services proposal that will be before the City Commission in September. He said there were 2 previous proposals that were passed recently concerning loitering and urination/defecation in public and the other concerning storage of personal belongings on public property that is coming back for description changes on September 3rd. The proposal to address public solicitation is still being worked on and it also may be addressed on September 3rd.  Camping will not be permitted between 6AM and midnight on public property and things such as discrimination, citizen taking a nap vs. a homeless person taking a nap, is one of the areas still being discussed.

The Abbott decision as it stands states that the city cannot prohibit feeding in public areas. The ordinance that is being worked on include 4 different types. Fixed General, Outdoor, Indoor and rehabilitation sites. The sites will be required to have sanitary facilities, proper food handling and temperatures. They will be health graded facilities to limit foodborne illnesses. He said that no additional areas were being added for Social Service Facilities. Marilyn expressed confusion and requested that a closer look be taken on B1 zoning area being added as potential sites due to it being the gateway to the convention center and the beach area. Lee said he didn’t think that was so but would look into it. Existing facilities will not fall under the guidelines of distance from each other, but if a facility closes and is not reopened within 6 months, the new distance rule will be put into place. Marilyn pointed out that some communities with many facilities would get relief over time. Chuck brought up the monitoring of the sites and would it be monthly, quarterly or just when. Code, rather than hiring more persons will reset priorities in order to address the food services compliance issue and the exact manner of the inspections have not been determined. The issue will be further discussed with the Council in September. The proposal will be before the planning and zoning in August and before the Commission in the 2nd meeting in September or the 1st meeting in October.

5)  New Business:  Chuck Black stated that the Chamber of Commerce has been discussing County Funded Homeless that effects our city in an adverse way. They come to our courthouse and have no way to return to where they came from. And the main objective is to reduce the number of lawsuits and it is being discussed. Jackson brought up the issue of the destruction of 18 acres of coral, dredging of a lake, shipping in hazardous materials and concern of the safety of the tank cars on the railroad. Also he expressed a concern of other potential environmental disasters with businesses being given permission to drill and frack for oil in the everglades and until issues like this gets printed, nothing is done. The information from the port authority has let us know that the only item related to gasoline that is handled by the port is Ethanol that is inbound from the mid-west for gasoline production. There are other hazardous materials that are shipped in and out and can be identified by the numbered signs displayed on the outside of every railcar. Chuck Black brought up an issue concerning a problem on his neighborhood board and asked if the Council could help with the issue. Marilyn stated that the Council is a coalition of associations as members that all operate under their own by laws and settle their own issues. Persons can ask advice of individuals, but not as an action or decree of the Council. The only issue that the Council will do on an associations behalf is to sponsor and/or monitor elections and will perform that function on receipt of an official letter from the president of the association requesting the assistance.

6)  Old Business:  Ron inquired what is being done with the public participation ordinance. Marilyn stated that the vote of the membership fell through and said if the committee chair is not in attendance at the next meeting, Ron is a member on that board and should propose a resolution to the issue at the next meeting. At our last meeting it was reported that we had 45 members. Linda stated that as of 7/6 her count is 38 and she counted it several times.

7)  Future meeting agendas: Our next meeting we will have Dr. Blackburn to discuss the proposed $800,000,000 improvements to the Broward County Schools. It is being called a “smart initiative” that will fund safety, maintenance, art and technology. Linda stated that there are complaints of large pay increases and little accountability for how the funds are spent. Marilyn quoted a Sun Sentinel article stating that this will cost every taxpayer $50/yr. for the next 30 years. Linda and Betty said they would like to know what schools and exactly what is being done with the funds, just as every business has to do. The proposal without this information will lead to funds not being placed where the citizens think it should be. Betty will be out of the country and won’t be able to take the lead on a discussion with Chester Ludwig that is on the Education Advisory Board and will come to the meeting and can answer questions concerning the county and also the city schools. Betty stated a big issue for the city schools is getting a better identity for Fort Lauderdale Schools to have them stand out from the county schools. There are 3 ideas that have come up, logos to be displayed on busses, signage, ask businesses to adopt schools and mentor and to get a link on the school website to identify city schools which are never mentioned at the School Board meetings and there is not any identity for the Fort Lauderdale Schools. The School Board has hired a consulting firm to do a needs assessment and 5 city schools came up as needing improvement. There are many schools that are in bad shape and we need to know if they are included in the upcoming $800,000,000 proposal. Linda stated that if they don’t come up with a comprehensive plan, the proposal is doomed to fail. People are having a hard time keeping up their personal issues without being burdened with the additional tax. At the August meeting we will also discuss briefly the upcoming budget hearings to be held in September and ask candidates to come to an extended meet and greet prior to the meeting, but not to give any presentations. It was announced that a meeting was going to be held with civil and county judges on August 6th at Art Serve. It was suggested that we could combine code enforcement, conservation and Florida friendly Landscape. Communication between our County commissioners is lacking and we need to ask them to furnish us with some form of communication that we can share with the membership as to what is going on. Some commissioners have newsletters some do not. Tobacco Free Florida will be asked to give a presentation at a future meeting, possibly in October.

8)  Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 7:06PM.

Respectfully Submitted, Steve Stahl, Recording Secretary

CFLCA ex board meeting 7-28-14 MMLN

May 2014 Board Meeting Minutes

Council of Fort Lauderdale Civic Associations

Executive Board Meeting

May 19, 2014

 1) Call to Order:  The meeting was called to order by Marilyn Mammano, President at 5:35 PM.

2) Attendance:  Present: Marilyn Mammano, Ron Centamore, Lester Williams, Chuck Black, Jackson Boren, Cathy Stubbs, Brucie Cummings, Steve Stahl. and Ray Dettman.  Ron Centamore, First VP declared a quorum was present.

3) New Business: A discussion took place on the items to have at our future general meetings:

4) June General Meeting: We will Invite Yvonne Garth of Garth Associates to give us a Convention Center Presentation to discuss the 4 options, building design, traffic congestion, street extensions, etc.  Also an update on All Aboard Florida Quiet Zones and Marine concerns with bridge closings. Steve agreed to take point on these issues.

5) August General Meeting: Meet and Greet for Candidates up for election. Suggested ½ hour for introductions and ½ hour for candidates to speak.  Also, hands only CPR presented by Jo-Ann Lorber, Battalion Chief, Fort Lauderdale Fire-Rescue Emergency Manager.

6) Future items with dates to be determined: –Ralph Page with Broward County Crime Stoppers to discuss their operation with the police department and raids-on-line. –Julia Roberts, to discuss an update of last year’s report regarding school repurposing, also with the appropriation to come of a proposed 800 million dollar  bond for the schools, raise questions concerning the disposition of schools that have been closed, and what has been saved in doing so. –Social Services Rehab Facilities, raise questions concerning higher densities in some neighborhoods and not evenly distributed across the city and Sober Houses legislation that would have required a license to operate.  Ray Dettman agreed to take point on these issues.

7) Announcement:  The Association now has 45 members.

8) Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 6:40 PM.

December 2012 Board Meeting Minutes

Council of Civic Association
Board Meeting Minutes
December 19, 2012
City Hall, 8th Floor Cafeteria


1. Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by President Marilyn Mammano at 5:30 pm.

2.       Attendance:  All present except Corresponding Secretary Donna Mergenhagen and District III Rep Dr. Magdalene Lewis.  Chairman of Committees position is vacant.

 3.       Minutes:  Minutes of the November 26, 2012 board meeting were unanimously approved as corrected upon motion and second.

 4.       Treasurer’s Report:   Treasurer Klein stated that as of December 19, 2012, the balance in the checking account and the CD total $7,593.04.

 5.       President Mammano gave a Redistricting Committee update. She stated that essentially District IV was too big and District 1 was too small.  The Committee agreed to put all of Progresso Village in District II and move Bal Harbour from District II to District 1. Staff will run numbers again for next meeting.

 6.       First Vice President Centamore stated that he was getting renewals out and that he wanted to include notes from District Reps. The consensus was that said letters would be more effective as follow-up.

7.       It was the consensus of the board to send the latest version of the City Speed Hump Policy to the membership to review and hold a vote at the January General meeting.

 8.       Past President Sterner as chair of the  Nominating Committee for Officer Slate for 2013-14 Fiscal Year stated that the full committee met  and made good progress and will be ready to announce slate at the February general meeting.

 9.       Neighborhood Map. Past President Doug Sterner reported that he found a third party printer (not the City’s printer) who will print two maps for about the same price as the current quote for one map. Therefore, we could print a new map to post as the Council’s centennial gift now and reprint a replacement when the new Commission district lines are finalized. The board unanimously agreed to print a current map.

 10.   Although Ms. Mergenhagen was not present, President Mammano stated that the Consensus Committee is still planning to present the report for approval at the January 2013 general meeting.

 11.   The meeting dates for 2013 were reviewed. It is the Board’s consensus to change the format of the annual holiday party to hold it at the regular time and place of the December general meeting, to provide an interesting speaker and to enhance the refreshments usually provided.

 12.   The agenda for the January 2013 general meeting was discussed. President Mammano will prepared an agenda for distribution.

 The meeting was adjourned at 6:35 pm.

 Respectfully submitted,

Rochelle Golub
Recording Secretary

November 2012 Board Meeting Minutes

Council of Civic Association
Board Meeting Minutes
November 26, 2012
City Hall, 8th Floor Cafeteria



1.       Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by President Marilyn Mammano at 5:30 pm.


2.       Attendance:  All present except Past President Doug Sterner, Treasurer Madelene Klein,   and District III Rep Dr. Magdalene Lewis.  Chairman of Committees position is vacant.

 3.       Minutes:  Minutes of the August 27, 2012 and October 22, 2012 board meetings were unanimously approved upon motion and second.

 4.       Treasurer’s Report:   Review of the Treasurer’s Report was deferred.

 5.       Dave Rose from the Tarpon River Civic Association, Development Review Committee, presented to the Board for discussion his detailed analysis of the proposed Marina Lofts project.  The board advised Mr. Rose to circulate his report to other neighborhood associations, the Commissioners and City staff.

 6.       It was the consensus of the board to keep the December meeting on December 19.

 7.       It was the consensus of the board to send the latest version of the City Speed Hump Policy to the membership to review and hold a vote at the January General meeting.

 8.       It was the consensus of the Board not to hold a candidates forum for the District 2 special election since the election would be held prior to the January general meeting and because there are numerous debates already scheduled within the District.

 9.       Past President Sterner will hold a meeting of the Nominating Committee for Officer Slate for 2013-14 Fiscal Year and will report at the December meeting.

 10.   Membership Report: Membership renewal efforts for 2013-14 will commence in January 2013.

 11.   Holiday Party. The invitation was approved. Plans have been completed.


The meeting was adjourned at  6:35 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Rochelle Golub
Recording Secretary

October 2012 Board Minutes

Council of Civic Association
Board Meeting Minutes
October 22, 2012
City Hall, 8th Floor Cafeteria 

1.  Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by President Marilyn Mammano at 5:30 pm. At 6pm Ms. Mammano left to attend another meeting and turned the gavel over to 1st Vice President Ron Centamore. She returned at  approximately 7pm. District 1 Rep Shirley Smith left at 6:15 pm.

2.  Attendance:  All present except Treasurer Madelene Klein,   District III Rep Dr. Magdalene Lewis, and District IV Rep Brucie Cummings.   Second Vice President position is vacant.

3. Minutes:  Review and approval of September Board meeting was deferred.

4. Treasurer’s Report:   Review of the Treasurer’s Report was deferred.

5.  Ms. Mammano initiated a discussion of how to get members to attend the City’s November 10 Visioning Meeting. It was decided to send out email blasts and make it the topic of the November Council Corner.   This meeting will be the final opportunity to make opinions known.

6.  Nominating Committee for Officer Slate for 2013-14 Fiscal Year:  2nd Vice President Betty Shelley, Mr. Centamore, and Past President Doug Sterner volunteered to serve on the committee. Volunteers would be solicited through the close of the November 13 General Meeting.

7.  Membership Report: The Board discussed ways to increase membership for the 2013-14 fiscal year.   Some of the ideas discussed included polling non-members to ask why they do not join, sponsoring an event for non-members, having a meeting or using the website to inform neighborhoods how to become a City recognized neighborhood, dues incentives.

8.  Website: No formal rollout of the new website occurred at the last general meeting as planned because of the full agenda.  The new website is fully operational.

9.  Consensus Committee: Corresponding Secretary Donna Mergenhagen confirmed that the final report of the Consensus Committee would be ready for presentation at the Nov. General Meeting (final committee meeting on Nov 5). Since the last public Visioning Committee meeting was scheduled for Nov 10 – before the general meeting, it was discussed that  Ms. Mammano may want to send the final draft to the Visioning Committee with an update once it is approved.

10.  Holiday Party. The final general meeting of the calendar year will be December 11 in the cafeteria at 5pm. We will collect food for the Pantry of Broward. Tim Smith’s band has volunteered to play again at the party. The play list should focus on non-religious general seasonal and holiday music. It was decided not to sponsor a toy drive at this late date this year.

11.  Map. Mr. Sterner said that he is making some headway on getting the map finalized (CFLCA gift to City for Centennial).

The meeting was adjourned at 7:25 pm. 

Respectfully submitted,
Rochelle Golub
Recording Secretary



August 2012 Board Minutes

Council of Civic Association
Board Meeting Minutes
August 27, 2012
City Hall, 8th Floor Conference Room


  1. Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by President Marilyn Mammano at 5:35 pm.
  2. Attendance:  All present except District III Rep Dr. Magdalene Lewis, and District IV Rep Brucie Cummings.  First Vice President position is vacant.
  3. Minutes: Minutes for the April 23, May 21 and July 23 Board Meetings were reviewed and unanimously approved.
  4. Treasurer’s Report:   Treasurer Madeline Klein went through the receivables and payables for the month of August to date as well as the status of prior approved expenses: bricks, map, and stipend.
  5. Ms. Mammano reported on the City Commission conference meeting on August 21. She noted that the Affordable Housing Advisory Board was advised by the City Manager to first present its recommendations to the CFLCA before bringing them to the Commission. Ms. Mammano also reported on the Conference Committee Public Participation Plan which the City Manager wants finalized by the end of the calendar year. She commented that the developers in attendance opposed the plan. The Board discussed its position.
  6. September General Meetings: Ms. Mammano suggested that we devote a general meeting to a mock “meeting in a box” to encourage neighborhoods to hold meetings and advance importance of neighborhoods in the visioning process. Our representative to the process, Susan Howell, could run the meeting.  We will have a minute of silence for 9/11.
  7. Ms. Golub was charged with draft a formal retention policy.
  8. October General Meeting will be candidates’ “meet and greet” in advance of the election. We will invite all state and federal candidates who are running for an office that includes Fort Lauderdale voters. 

The meeting was adjourned at 7:25 pm. 

Respectfully submitted,
Rochelle Golub
Recording Secretary



July 2012 Board

Council of Civic Association
Board Meeting Minutes
July 23, 2012
City Hall, 8th Floor

1. Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by President Marilyn Mammano at 5:30 pm.

2. Attendance: All present except District III Rep Magdalene Lewis. Betty Shelley attended as Second Vice President leaving the First Vice President position vacant. Ray Dettman of Poinciana Park and Don Crinklaw of the Sun Sentinel were in attendance.

3. Minutes: The minutes for the April Board meeting were again not available and this item was deferred to August. The minutes for the May Board meeting were not available and the Board, upon motion and second, voted unanimously to circulate said minutes by electronic mail for review and approval electronically.

4. Treasurer’s Report: Ms. Klein circulated the Treasurer’s Report showing an ending balance as of July 1, 2012 of $8013.58. A Report as of July 31, 2012 will be presented at the August General Membership Meeting for approval.

5. Ms. Mammano gave her President’s Report as follows: Diana Alarcon has agreed to meet with the Council on the City Wide Parking Proposal before its presentation to the Commission; the Council has renewed its NUSA free membership; the Council will have a seat on the Reapportionment Committee and Ms. Mammano has been designated as the Council’s representative for that seat. It is anticipated that the Commission will take the necessary actions on August 17 to activate the Committee and appoint the members.

6. VP Vacancy: Ms. Mammano noted that Betty Shelley did not accept the position of First Vice President leaving that position to be filled by general election. Ron Centamore was nominated for the position. In the notice for the election, Ms. Mergenhagen will state that a nomination has been made and additional nominations will be taken from the floor before the vote to be held at the August 14 General Meeting.

7. Consensus Committee: Ms. Mergenhagen stated that the committee would be meeting in August and would have a draft report to present to the Board in August. She alerted the Board to be prepared to review it and decide what to do with it. Because communications between the City and the neighborhoods was an important issue, Ms. Mergenhagen suggested that the Council submit a regular monthly report to the Commission. There was discussion. There seemed to be a consensus that communications will be made when there was something important to raise to the Commission and that the Council would follow up on that. It was also noted that Council Corner is circulated to the Commissioners and important issues can be brought to their attention that way as well. Ms. Mergenhagen also suggested that the Council regularly attend conference and Commission meetings through a rotation of Board members. That suggestion was well received.

8. City Attorney Search: Ms. Golub reported that the committee has met and is currently reviewing the job description prepared by the consultant. The committee also suggested modifications in the timetable to accommodate the committee’s input to the process. In response to questions, M s Golub stated that the position should be filled by the end of the year, that she would accept suggestions for qualifications, and that she did not believe the interviews would be public like those of the City Manager. Mr. Sterner noted that once the preliminary matters were completed the process would move quickly, much like the search for the new City Manager.

9. Visioning Process: Susan ______ was not in attendance. Ms. Mammano and others noted that the telephonic town hall calls did not generate discussion appropriate for visioning. Better response was generated by a speaker at an association meeting. Also, tools promised to promote visioning have not been completed.

10. Website Update: Ms Golub and Ms. Mergenhagen reported that they were meeting with the web designer/host on July 24 for final modifications and training . They thought that the site would be ready to launch by October 1. They reminded the Board that we only had $500 to spend and that Gatman gone far beyond what we paid to assist us in designing a better site.

11. Future General Meetings: It was agreed that the topic for the August 14would be a presentation of about the Broward Performing Arts Center Expansion. It was decided to have a State Rep candidate forum for all districts that included a portion of Fort Lauderdale for the October General Meeting with an extended meet and greet. We will try to get the cafeteria for that meeting.

12. Community Participation: Ms. Mammano stated that a number of different neighborhoods had contacted her about problems getting input to the City staff or Commission on important issues. Mr. Dettman spoke about his concerns over getting insufficient notice about a proposal to rezone certain land in his community. The Board agreed that it was an important issue that we should investigate. It was decided that we should educate ourselves about ordinances, policies and practices related to notification of ands communication with neighborhood associations. It was suggested that we ask Greg Brewton to send knowledgeable staff to meet with the Board.

13. Citizen’s Recognition Committee: Ms Mammano stated that she wanted to designate Genia Ellis to serve on that Committee as the Council President’s designee. It was suggested that such a designation was not permitted. Ms. Mammano stated she would look into it.

14. Retention Policy: Ms. Klein stated she had some boxes of treasurer’s documents to put in the Council’s storage room at City Hall. Ms. Golub stated that the Council needed a retention policy to start to cull through the boxes of archived material. That matter will be addressed at a future meeting.

15. Brick for Mancuso: Linda Nugent will write the inscription for the River Walk brick previously approved by the Board to be purchased by the Council.

16. Map: Upon motion and second, the Board unanimously voted to have the current map on the City website printed as the Council’s centennial gift to the City. We are still waiting for final pricing from Hal Barnes.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:10 pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Rochelle Golub
Recording Secretary

May 2012 Board

Council of Civic Association
Board Meeting Minutes
May 21, 2012
City Hall, 8th Floor

1. Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by Acting President Marilyn Mammano at 5:35 pm.

2. Attendance: All present except District IV Rep Brucie Cummings. Betty Shelley attended as Acting First Vice President. Second Vice President position stood vacant. Former Past President Genia Ellis was in attendance.

3. Minutes: The minutes for the April Board meeting were not available and this item was deferred.

4. Treasurer’s Report: Ms. Klein circulated the Treasurer’s Report showing an ending balance as of May 1, 2012 of $8,436.86, not including recent expenses and approved expenditures of $500 for map as Council gift to City in honor of Centennial, $500 for website, and $100 stipend for Council representative to NUSA. A Report as of May 31, 2012 will be presented at the June General Membership Meeting for approval.

5. Ms. Mammono made a President’s Report about recent matters she believed to be of interest to the Council including the Broward Center Expansion Plans. It was recommended that we have a speaker at the August General Meeting about this topic. She also noted the new parks plan and the closing of the FAU downtown campus. She also circulated a copy of the letter provided to Hal Barnes on behalf of the Council supporting the NCIP/BCIP grants.

6. Membership: Ms. Mamanno noted the Council was invited to present at Commissioner Bobby DuBose’s pre-agenda meeting on June 4, 2012. We have 30 paid memberships and 5 memberships expected for processing. The District Reps are planning to continue to encourage neighborhoods to join based on growing membership and influence and other recommendations of the Ad Hoc Consensus Committee.

7. Website: It was decided that the new website would be unveiled at the Sept general meeting.
8. Ad Hoc Code Reform: Ms. Mammano stated that it appeared that the Commission and staff would be picking pieces of the consultant’s report to move forward.
9. Ad Hoc Consensus Committee: Ms. Mergenhagen reported that the committee’s second meeting was to occur immediately after the Board meeting. There was some discussion about the direction the committee should take but it was agreed to let the committee process continue unfettered and to see where it led.

10. Visioning Committee: After some discussion, the Board was in agreement that the Council should look for an individual to monitor the work of the City’s Visioning Committee on behalf of the Council rather than establish an ad hoc committee. The Board further agreed that to seek an interested volunteer from the general membership for this task.

11. June 12 General Membership Meeting Agenda: Greg Stuart, Executive Director of the Metropolitan Planning Organization is to be the guest speaker about transportation. The election for a new President will also take place at this meeting. Nominations will be taken from the floor. The required 10 day notice about the election is to be sent to all City recognized associations with the caveat that only members of the Council in good standing can vote.

The meeting was adjourned at 6:55 pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Rochelle Golub
Recording Secretary

April 2012 Board

Council of Civic Association
Board Meeting Minutes
April 23, 2012
City Hall, 8th Floor

1. Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by President Doug Sterner at 5:30 pm.

2. Attendance: All present except Treasurer Madeline Klein, District II Rep Shirley Smith and District III Rep Dr. Magdalene Lewis.

3. Minutes: The minutes of the Board Meetings for February 27, 2012 (as amended at the meeting) and March 26, 2012 were unanimously approved.

4. Treasurer’s Report: The Treasurer’s Report was deferred.

5. Bradford Cohen, President of Progresso Village, was in attendance and spoke about the status of the Association’s representatives to the Council. He stated that there that he was under the impression that he could appoint the representative rather than hold an election for the representative. He stated that the Association did conduct an election for a new representative and alternate. He was requested to submit minutes of the meeting where the election was held and to update the application.

6. The agenda for the May 8, 2012 General Meeting was discussed. City Manager Lee Feldman is the speaker. He requested some topics for his talk. The Board agreed on the general topics of “Ad Hoc” Code Reform, how to improve communication, especially about notices of meetings, the budget, city bonds, the homeless and street widening on Las Olas. The issue of transportation was also raised and it was decided that it would be a better topic for another meeting with a transportation expert as a speaker. Ms. Mammano agreed to contact Greg Stuart of the Broward MPO.

Ms. Golub will provide a written report to be read at the May 8 meeting about the Charter Revision Board’s final recommendations to the Commission on changes to elections for the mayor and commissioners. The Board is meeting prior to the May 8 General Meeting. Neighborhoods and individuals are encouraged to read the proposed changes and voice their opinions to their commissioners. The Charter Revision Board’s meetings are noticed and open to the public.

7. City Attorney Search: Mr. Sterner stated that he wrote a letter and attended the Commission meeting requesting that a representative from the Council be appointed to the search committee for the new City Attorney. The Commission apparently takes the position that the Council is akin to a lobbying group and is therefore not eligible to have an appointment to the committee. The Commission did decide to make a consensus appointment and would take nominees for that position. On a motion from Ms. Mammano seconded by Mr. Centamore, it was unanimously agreed that the Council would nominate Rochelle Golub for the appointment.

8. Redistricting Committee: The City Commission is going to form a redistricting committee and the Council may have a representative on that committee. After some discussion on who should be the Council’s representative, a motion was by Ms. Mammano, seconded by Ms. Golub, the Council’s President should be the representative and, if the President chose not to serve, the membership would elect a representative. The motion passed.

9. City Map: Thirty-four neighborhoods made correction and comments to the map. It was decided that the Council would request an update of the map and then circulate it a final time.

10. Dave Parker Alternate Representative from Sailboat Bend had contacted the Council to request a stipend to attend the Neighborhoods USA Conference. It was moved and unanimously approved to provide Mr. Parker with $100 toward his attendance as a representative of the Council. He will be expected to make a report to the membership on the meeting.

11. For the Good of the Community: Attendance at the the Police Memorial Service on May 2, 2012 in Esplanade Park was encouraged.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:05 pm

Respectfully submitted,
Rochelle Golub
Recording Secretary

February 2012 Board

Council of Civic Association
Board Meeting Minutes
February 27, 2012
City Hall, 8th Floor

1. Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by President Doug Sterner at 5:35 pm.

2. Attendance: All present except 1st Vice President Marilyn Mammano, Treasurer Madeline Klein, and District 3 Rep Dr. M. Lewis. District IV Rep Brucie Cummings arrived after the start of the meeting..

3. Minutes: The minutes for the December 2011, as amended by Past President Genia Ellis to include the date November 21, 2011 for the prior meeting minutes referred therein, and the January 2012 Board meetings were unanimously approved.

4. Treasurer’s Report: Mr. Sterner circulated the Treasurer’s Report by Ms. Klein showing an ending balance of February 27, 2012 of $7,904.90. The Report was unanimously approved.

5. Mr. Sterner noted that there was no speaker scheduled for the March General Meeting. It was agreed that we would attempt to get Gene Dempsey to talk about the white fly problems the City was experiencing and/or Bob Wolf from The County Appraisers Office. Other topics that we will pursue for future meetings include a transportation forum, a conversation with the county commissioners about City concerns, a forum about beach issues including the Swimming Hall of Fame, parking and Mahia Mar, and a report from the Parks and Recreation Department.

6. David Isharq from Radio Station WIOD 610 made a presentation to the Board about advertising on the station or buying time to broadcast meetings. The Board agreed to invite Mr. Isharq to present a written proposal for consideration.

7. Mr. Sterner reported on the progress of upgrading the planned painting of the City’s water tower as part of Waterworks 2011. The City is applying for a grant from the Community Foundation of Broward to fund the additional cost of the project. CFLCA will function, as agreed, as the liaison between the City and the neighborhoods for solicited opinions and comments on the design selected. A professional artist will be required to qualify for the grant.

8. Ms. Cummings raised the issue of whether the CFLCA should take a formal written position on the Commission’s decision to hire City Atty Harry Stewart on a month-to month basis until his replacement is hired. After a spirited discussion, it was decided that while individuals could certainly express their concerns to the Commission, the Council would wait and see how the quickly a replacement was selected before taking an official position.

9. Mr. Sterner announced that a donation had been made to the Council by Marilyn Markus in honor of Richard Mancuso. That triggered a discussion of whether the Council should do something to recognize his contributions to the CFLCA at this time of his death. Corresponding Secty Donna Mergenhagen raise the idea of a “Sunshine Fund” and a committee to recommend policies in this area and implement that policy. Others feared that it would be too hard to uniformly implement a policy and feelings could be hurt if someone’s life cycle event was inadvertently overlooked. At least with respect to Board Members’ deaths, it was decided that the Council should do something appropriate on a case by case basis. Ms. Cummings suggested buying bricks on Riverwalk. It was unanimously approved to do so with Ms. Ellis’s caveat that the message be “in honor of…” and not “in memory of…”.

10. Time Capsule. Ms. Mergenhagen reported that we are still waiting on the City to adopt a business plan for the project.

11. St Patrick’s Day Parade. Second Vice President Shelley volunteered to be the CFLCA captain representing us at the Parade informational meeting. There appears to be less response to participate given the March 10th versus March 17th date.

12. Mr. Sterner reported that planning staff has not scheduled a second meeting to finish the presentation of the Council’s ad hoc reform committee. Staff responded well to the initial presentation.

13. Ms. Ellis announced that there will be a planting event on March 31, 2012 at 8am at the Women’s Club in Stranahan Park.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:25 pm

Respectfully submitted,
Rochelle Golub
Recording Secretary