November 2012 Board Meeting Minutes

Council of Civic Association
Board Meeting Minutes
November 26, 2012
City Hall, 8th Floor Cafeteria



1.       Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by President Marilyn Mammano at 5:30 pm.


2.       Attendance:  All present except Past President Doug Sterner, Treasurer Madelene Klein,   and District III Rep Dr. Magdalene Lewis.  Chairman of Committees position is vacant.

 3.       Minutes:  Minutes of the August 27, 2012 and October 22, 2012 board meetings were unanimously approved upon motion and second.

 4.       Treasurer’s Report:   Review of the Treasurer’s Report was deferred.

 5.       Dave Rose from the Tarpon River Civic Association, Development Review Committee, presented to the Board for discussion his detailed analysis of the proposed Marina Lofts project.  The board advised Mr. Rose to circulate his report to other neighborhood associations, the Commissioners and City staff.

 6.       It was the consensus of the board to keep the December meeting on December 19.

 7.       It was the consensus of the board to send the latest version of the City Speed Hump Policy to the membership to review and hold a vote at the January General meeting.

 8.       It was the consensus of the Board not to hold a candidates forum for the District 2 special election since the election would be held prior to the January general meeting and because there are numerous debates already scheduled within the District.

 9.       Past President Sterner will hold a meeting of the Nominating Committee for Officer Slate for 2013-14 Fiscal Year and will report at the December meeting.

 10.   Membership Report: Membership renewal efforts for 2013-14 will commence in January 2013.

 11.   Holiday Party. The invitation was approved. Plans have been completed.


The meeting was adjourned at  6:35 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Rochelle Golub
Recording Secretary