Minutes – Board Meeting

June 2010 Board Meeting

Council of Civic Association
City Hall 8th Floor
June 28, 2010, 5:30 PM
Board Meeting Minutes

1. Call to order. The meeting was called to order by President Doug Sterner at 5:35 PM.

2. Board members present: Genia Duncan Ellis, Juanita Gray, Marilyn Mammano, Donna Mergenhagen, David Parker, Betty Shelley, Shirley Smith, Doug Sterner, Bruce Tanner and Tom Welch.

Board members absent: Gabriel Ocasio-Davila, and Drew Pickens

3. Approval of Minutes. Approval of the May minutes was tabled until the next meeting.

4. Treasurers Report. Tom Welch deferred treasurers report since report was given at recent general membership meeting. An updated report will be provided at the next meeting.

5. New Business.

Florida Neighborhood Conference. Two representatives are scheduled to attend the upcoming conference as Ron Centamore, who was originally going to attend, will not be able to attend,

A discussion took place regarding subsidizing attendees for the Neighborhood Conference, including who should be the recipient of any funds whether they are a board member or a general member and if there is a maximum number of potential attendees.

One board member and one rep from each district is the goal for attendance and subsiding through the council with $500.00 for the annual budget amount with allocation being determined annually. A motion was made by Genia Duncan Ellis to retain the current budget allocation of $500 in the upcoming year and leave up for discussion how it is to be allocated, seconded by Betty Shelley. One opposed otherwise approved.

Council Comments on NDCR Initiative.

Genia Ellis indicated that she is expecting two more sets of comments on the submission to the commission based on the input from the council regarding the Prospective Neighborhood Prospective Plan dated July 10, 2007. A review of some of the comments received took place as well as a discussion about the plan itself.

6. Committee Reports. Committee reports were tabled until the next board meeting.

7. General Meeting July 13, 2010 Agenda
Greg Brewton, from the Planning and Zoning Department is scheduled to speak.
It was also suggested that any additional comments for the NDCR being submitted prior to the next meeting.

8. Old Business.

There was no further old business to discuss.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6: 27 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Bruce Tanner, Recording Secretary

May 2010 Board Meeting

May 24, 2010
Board Meeting Minutes
8th Floor Conference Room
5:30 pm

REVIEW AND ACCEPTANCE: Meeting Minutes March 22, 2010 – outstanding from David Marshall…

TREASURERS REPORT  Tom Welch provided at the General Meeting of May 11th, 2010.
1. Speaker Requests:

a.) Amendment 4, pro and con€œ Doug was going to arrange for a panel on each side of the issue and bring back for a September or October General Meeting to help inform the members.
b) P.U.D.
Discussion centered again on having an association present and not having a corresponding presenter. It was determined that Doug would contact Planning and Zoning Director and request staff participation to provide the history and guidelines regarding PUDs. It was also determined that the discussion would not center on any project but on the zoning itself.

2. Pedestrian Safety Richard Mancuso discussion It was determined that we would request the Police Department to give us an update on the existing plan to improve pedestrian safety in the downtown and on the beach. A request by Doug Sterner to the department would be made for presentation at the June General Meeting.
3. Committee Reports
4. General Meeting June 8, 2010 œ Agenda

Announcements/Guest Introductions
Lighthouse of Broward œ after some definition and discussion, it was agreed to allow them to come and present at the June 8, 2010 meeting.
5. NDCR €œ update on public meeting to be held in June by Winter & Company and presentation to the Commission.

For the Good of the Community
Announcement of the May CVC Project and flyer was provided
Announcement of the June CVC Project and flyer was provided
Flyers for the Riverwalk Urban Market were provided
Flyers on the Volunteer Challenge were provided.
OLD BUSINESS œ Discussion on outstanding minutes and notebook records.

Adjourned œ 6:48 PM

February 2010 Board Meeting

February 22, 2010
8TH FLOOR Commission Chamber

2. ROLL CALL – Quorum present.
3. REVIEW AND ACCEPTANCE €œ BOARD MEETING MINUTES of January 25, 2010* — Motion by Genia Ellis and second by Shirley Smith to approve minutes; motion passed.
4. TREASURERS REPORT œ Tom Welch reported that there is $7438.01 in Council accounts as of January 31, 2010. Motion by David Marshall and second by Genia Ellis to approve Treasurers report; motion passed.
5. ANNOUNCEMENTS/GUEST INTRODUCTIONS Hal Barnes spoke briefly about NCIP projects, how long they typically take to complete, and what types of items can delay projects.
a. Nuisance Abatement €œ Discussion by board members, after which Pres. Sterner agreed to invite the City liaison to the Nuisance Abatement Board to speak at our March 9 General Meeting.
b. St. Patricks Day Parade œ Donna Mergenhagen moved and Marilyn Mammano seconded a motion authorizing the expenditure of up to $50 to decorate a car for the Council entry for the St. Patricks Day Parade.
c. Mar. 9 General Meeting Agenda
i. Canine Assisted Therapy Debra Berger
ii. Community Appearance Board (CAB) Awards
iii. Utility Undergrounding/Consensus discussion. Genia Ellis introduced a resolution for discussion at the Council General Meeting stating, “We respectfully request that the city establish a standard of “55% of respondents as a “consensus. Board members discussed whether such a standard could be discussed independently of a particular special assessment such as utility undergrounding. Genia Ellis moved, and Dave Marshall seconded, a motion to forward the proposed definition to the membership for review. Motion passed.

a. Membership Notices. Second notices will be sent out for member associations which have not renewed their memberships.
a. On Wed. Feb. 24 the Planning & Zoning Board will host another discussion of the Neighborhood Development Criteria.
9. ADJOURNED at 6:52PM.

January 2010 Board Meeting

January 25, 2010
8TH FLOOR Commission Chamber

2. ROLL CALL – Quorum present.
3. REVIEW AND ACCEPTANCE œ BOARD MEETING MINUTES of December 28, 2009* — Motion by Betty Shelley and second by Tom Welch to approve minutes; motion passed.
4. TREASURER’S REPORT œ Tom Welch reported that there is $8017.47 in Council accounts as of December 31, 2009. Motion by Genia Ellis and second by David Marshall to approve Treasurer’s report; motion passed.
a. Centennial Project Discussion €œ Donna Mergenhagen led the discussion of potential projects, including:
– T-shirts
– Coffee Mugs
– Ice Cream
– Private-Labeled bottled water from Publix
– Old-Fashioned Picnic
– Photography project possibly  day in the life (of Fort Lauderdale)or before/after photos

Donna agreed to write up a summary of the last two items prior to the general meeting.
b. St. Patricks Day Parade €œ Council Participation. Genia Ellis moved and Betty Shelley seconded that the Council and neighborhoods take part. Motion passed.
c. Ad Hoc Code Reform €œ Richard Mancuso reported that consultants Winter & Co. will meet with the Planning & Zoning Board in late February regarding the Neighborhood Development Criteria. After discussion of how best to support project progress, Genia Ellis moved, and Betty Shelley seconded, that the Council request that Planning Director Greg Brewton, Assistant (Director) Wayne Jessup, and appropriate staff attend the Council Feb. 9 meeting to update Council members on project status and timeline for completion of the Winter & Co. project. Motion passed.
d. Feb. 9 General Meeting Agenda
i. Mayor Jack Seiler  Volunteer Project
ii. Centennial Project €œ Summary of projects by Donna Mergenhagen
iii. Ad Hoc Code Reform €œ Update by Mr. Brewton

7. OLD BUSINESS (Nothing to report)
a. CVC project at the Esplanade Park/Riverwalk on Sat. Feb. 13.
b. Community Appearance Board (May 13) œ Applications were _not_ mailed because they are available online.
9. ADJOURNED at 6:37PM.

December 2009 Board Meeting

Council of Fort Lauderdale Civic Associations
December 28, 2009
Monday Board Meeting
8th Floor Conference
Room 5:30 pm

REVIEW AND ACCEPTANCE: Meeting Minutes October 26, 2009 €œ Approved. TREASURERS REPORT * Tom Welch œ Approved. $8132.88 in treasury as of Nov. 30, 2009.
P.O. Box Moving. NEW BUSINESS:
1. General Meeting Jan.12, 2010 œ Agenda   Guest Speakers Debra Berger – Canine Assisted Therapy confirmed. Erin Santiago – US Census Bureau confirmed. Sheryl Dickey – Broward County Comprehensive Operational Analysis – Doug. S. to re-contact. Hal Barnes – NUSA 2010 Neighborhood of the Year Award and 2010 FNC Update €œ confirmed.
2. For the Good of the Community Vicki Eckels – Citizen Sustainability Green Committee

OLD BUSINESS FOR THE GOOD OF THE COMMUNITY – Discussion of undergrounding ordinance. – Meeting Schedule for 2010. – Dave Parker asked if we want to reinstate committees; – Progresso Crime March Jan. 8. ADJOURN at 6:30PM.

*Indicates voting items General Meeting Tuesdayœ Jan.12, 2010 7-9 PM – 8th Floor Board Meeting – Monday – Jan. 25, 2010 €œ 8th Floor NOTE: Two or more Commissioners and/or city board members may be present at this meeting.

Submitted by David Marshall, Recording Secretary

October 2009 Board Meeting

October 26, 2009 Monday
Board Meeting
8th Floor Conference Room
5:30 pm

REVIEW AND ACCEPTANCE: Meeting Minutes September 28, 2009*

TREASURERS REPORT * Tom Welch Approved
1. General Meeting Nov.10, 2009 Agenda  – Approved as featured speakers     Guest Speakers – Cheryene Mullings, Broward Health-Community Services Coordinator – Sheryl Dickey – Broward County Comprehensive Operational Analysis
OLD BUSINESS – Richard Mancuso Advised that the P&Z Board would be hosting a public workshop with Winter & Company, Consultants on the Neighborhood Development Criteria at 6:30 PM on November 4, 2009.  Public Workshops will be held the following day with details to follow.
FOR THE GOOD OF THE COMMUNITY President Sterner advised that Middle River Terrace President Tim Smith had  requested to be placed on the agenda to discuss the proliferation of SSRFs in his neighborhood.  After much discussion, it was determined to advise Mr. Smith that we would place this on our November General Meeting Agenda for informational purposes and would be inviting City Staff to provide information on existing regulations, how they are applied and the limitation of  City Government.  It was also discussed that the issue is city wide and while MRT will be introducing the concerns, until further information is provided the Council will not be taking a position.

Council Christmas Party discussion determined the date and time of December 8, 2009, from 7 to 8:30 PM on the 8th Floor at City Hall.  Invitations will be sent to invite all Council Representatives and Alternates and each is to bring a covered dish.  The Council will provide paper goods, drinks, ice, Ham and Turkey.  The City Commission, City Manager, City Attorney, City Auditor, & City Clerk will be included as well as major department heads, including Hal Barnes, Sheri Roberts, Maxine Singh and the Commission Staff Assistants. ADJOURN *Indicates voting items General Meeting Tuesday€œ Nov. 10, 2009 7-9 PM – 8th Floor Board Meeting – Monday – November 23, 2009 – 8th Floor NOTE: Two or more Commissioners and/or city board members may be present at this meeting.

August 2009 Board Meeting

August 24, 2009
Board Meeting
8th Floor Conference Room
5:30 pm

REVIEW AND ACCEPTANCE: Meeting Minutes June 22, 2009* Motion to approved offered by Genia Ellis, seconded by Betty Shelley.

TREASURERS REPORT * Tom Welch    Adoption of Council Budget* – Deferred ANNOUNCEMENTS/GUEST INTRODUCTIONS    Alison Soule – SFECC
1. General Meeting Sept. 8, 2009 œ Agenda Robert Wolfe of the County Tax Appraisers Office will provided an update on current trends in assessments and estimated tax.
2.  Neighborhood Forum re Code Enforcement œ the Planning & Zoning Board will be setting a date to host a workshop on the information provided by Winter and Company prior to the presentation to the Commission.  Council Committee members have asked to see that documentation prior to presentation to the P&Z.
3.  NCIP Grant Application are due on September 25th by 4:30 PM.  The Council determined to remind all members to be on time to be competitive.

1. Dues notices for upcoming year€œ status was requested from Marilyn Mamamno with a listing of each association that had joined and the contact information for the representative and alternate.
2. Recruitment for Standing and Ad Hoc Committees – Gabe Ocasia Davila œ deferred to the next meeting.
3. Report on Neighborhood Development Criteria €œ the process committee has continued to meet to redefine means to apply through the building department in a more expeditious fashion.
4. Budget Questions and Input will again be requested from all members to be forwarded to the Commission.
FOR THE GOOD OF THE COMMUNITY Discussion on how Code Enforcement and how to best work with the department came up with a suggestion that we put together a guidebook for dealing with certain types of issues.  Individual neighborhoods contact code for specific issues through the hotline and via e-mail directly to their Code Officer on behalf of the association.  Priorities within each neighborhood vary and there needs to be a better means of having those items enforced.
*Indicates voting items General Meeting œ Tuesday€œ Sept. 8, 2009 7-9 PM – 8th Floor Board Meeting – Monday – September 28, 2009 €œ 8th Floor NOTE: Two or more Commissioners and/or city board members may be present at this meeting.

June 2009 Board Meeting

June 22, 2009

City Hall 8th Floor Commission Chamber

1. CALL TO ORDER at 5:30 PM
Present: Absent:
Doug Sterner Gabriel Ocasio-Davila
Marilyn Mammano Mike Vondermeulen
Betty Shelley Juanita Gray (Excused)
David Marshall
Tom Welch
David Parker
Drew Pickens
Genia Ellis
Donna Mergenhagen

3. REVIEW AND ACCEPTANCE of Meeting Minutes for the May 28, 2009 Board meeting was deferred to the July Board Meeting.
4. TREASURERS REPORT Tom Welch indicated there was no change since the June General Meeting.
5. Proposed Budget Tom Welch presented a draft budget for the Council, which the Board discussed. Marilyn Mammano moved and Genia Ellis seconded, that the Board approve the budget as amended (to add $250 for the Holiday Party). Motion passed.
a. General Meeting July 15, 2009 Agenda
i. Code and Buildings Dept. staff – discussion of abandoned/stalled construction projects, AT&T cabinets, and foreclosed property maintenance Valerie Bohlander has agreed that a representative from the Code or Building Department will attend.
b. Florida Neighborhood Conference – reports to be required from participants €œ 2 people confirmed including Doug Sterner. Genia Ellis moved, and Donna Mergenhagen seconded, that the Council budget for FNC be allocated to the two members attending the conference. Motion passed.
c. Parks Goals Committee Report – input from members needed.
a. Dues notices for upcoming year status€œ Marilyn Mammano reported that second notices had been sent out by District Representatives Dave Parker and Juanita Gray.
b. Recruitment for Standing and Ad Hoc Committees – Gabe Ocasio Davila (No update)
c. Report on Neighborhood Development Criteria €œ Richard Mancuso reported that City Planning Staff Wayne Jessup and Adrian Ehle are waiting for consultants Winter & Co. to “digest the raw data from the workshops held in the last month. A June project deadline was missed; the team may possibly provide the next update in October. Marilyn Mammano agreed to review the contract to see what timeline it contained.
a. CVC Event planned for July 25 at 8AM in Snyder Park
b. Kathy Curry €œ Meals on Wheels/CERT
c. Board Member Attendance €œ Doug Sterner to contact Board Members who have missed recent meetings.
10. ADJOURNED at 6:45

*Indicates voting items

General Meeting Tuesday July 14(Note Corrected Date), 2009 7-9 PM – 8th Floor Conference Room

Board Meeting – Monday – July 27, 2009 €œ 8th Floor Conference Room

April 2009 Board Meeting

April 27, 2009 Monday Minutes
Board Meeting
8th Floor Conference Room
5:30 pm
1. CALL TO ORDER at 5:30 PM
2. Attendance.  Present:     Absent: Doug Sterner    Gabriel Ocasio-Davila Marilyn Mammano  Mike Vondermeulen Betty Shelley   Drew Pickens David Marshall Donna Mergenhagen Tom Welch Juanita Gray David Parker
3. REVIEW AND ACCEPTANCE: Genia Ellis moved that the Board Meeting Minutes for March 23, 2009* be approved; Dave Marshall seconded.  Motion to approve passed.
4. TREASURER‚S REPORT * Ron Centamore presented the final treasurers report for the period April 2008 ‚¬€œ March 2009.  At the conclusion of the meeting, Auditor Betty Shelley confirmed that the report was accepted as presented.
5. ANNOUNCEMENTS/GUEST INTRODUCTIONS George Hruska was recognized.
6. NEW BUSINESS: a. General Meeting May 12, 2009 œ Agenda. No special agenda items were suggested by Board members at this time.  The question of Council assistance for the Downtown Development Authority (DDA) Downtownà event May 27 from 5 to 7 PM was discussed; the Board agreed to forward information about the event to the membership.  It was noted that the event date (May 27) is the same as a Community Appearance Board event.
b. Signature for proposed new bank account.  Two signatures (Pres./Treas.) are adequate for signature cards.  The signature cards for the Certificates of Deposit also need to be updated.
c. Transfer of Recording Secretary Records.  Dave Marshall reported that Reid Morgan indicated that his records were filed in the 8th Floor closet along with other Council records and supplies.  Marshall and Genia Ellis will review the records after the meeting.
d. Ad Hoc Code Reform Community Meeting Schedule.  The City has announced four Neighborhood Development Criteria Revisions Meetings on May 11 in District I – (6-8PM at the Beach Community Center), May 12 in District II – (6-8PM at Holiday Park Social Center), and May 14 in District III – (6-8PM at the Joseph C. Carter Park – Social Center), May 13 in District IV (7-9PM in Croissant Park).  The Council will send out an email blast to remind members of these meetings and the importance of citizen input.

a. Dues notices for upcoming year. Three additional membership applications received for a total to date of 28.  1st VP Mammano to send a second notice to Associations which have not renewed.
b. Refreshment List and Status.   List is fully subscribed.
c. Identification of Standing and Ad Hoc Committees Richard Mancuso reviewed current and past Council committees and suggested how they might be organized.  The relationship of the committees to the goals of the Council was also reviewed.  After thorough discussion, Genia Ellis moved, and Marilyn Mammano seconded, that the topic of Council committees be added to the May 12 General Meeting Agenda for discussion, and that the results of that discussion be forwarded to Gabriel Ocasio-Davila for further action.  Motion passed. 8. FOR THE GOOD OF THE COMMUNITY a. Dave Marshall noted that Riverside Park Residents Association sponsored a Stranahan High School team in the Plywood Regatta, and encouraged other neighborhoods to do the same in next years event.
e. Marilyn Mammano moved, and Dave Marshall seconded, that the Council add a presentation and discussion of the legislation pending in Tallahassee regarding mortgage holder responsibility for pre-foreclosure expenses to the May 12 meeting agenda.  Motion passed 5-1.

9. Meeting adjourned at 7:15.

*Indicates voting items General Meeting – Tuesday– May 12, 2009 7-9 PM – 8th Floor Board Meeting May 25, 2009 8th Floor NOTE:  Two of more Commissioners and/or city board members may be present at this meeting.

February 2009 Board Meeting

February 23, 2009 MONDAY

CALL TO ORDER by President Ellis at 5:30 PM
ROLL CALL €œ All members present, Guest included Juanita Gray and Dennis Ulmer Review and approval of the January 26, 2009 Meeting Minutes were provided.
TREASURERS REPORT €œ previously approved at the February 10, 2009 Meeting.
ANNOUNCEMENTS/GUEST INTRODUCTIONS President Ellis announced the loss of Dr. Elizabeth Hays and indicated that funeral arrangements would be provided later in the evening via e-mail.
1. Questions for Candidates Forum for February are being assembled by Moderator Christopher Pollock from ones submitted by Council members.
2. Role of Board members @ Candidate Forums was detailed as an attachment with specific assignments.
3. Centennial Committee had no report at this time. 
4. Agenda for March General Meeting will focus solely on the election of incoming officer of the Council.  The meeting date was moved from March 10 to March 09 to support the Citywide General Election and those working at the polls on that day.  District Representatives were directed to call each of their member associations and remind them to attend, vote and participate in this process.  It was noted that with the loss of Dr. Hays, there is a vacant position on the Board for the upcoming election.  Board Members were asked to canvas their members for a possible willing volunteer to run for this office.

1. Ad Hoc Code Reform Committee Report no change at this time.
2. Nominating Committee Report œ no change at this time however, Betty Shelley agreed to contact Drew Pickens, Chair and advise of the vacancy In candidates for office of recording secretary.
3. Upcoming Elections œ Members are reminded to vote, encourage your district members to participate and remain active in selecting the incoming Commission.
FOR THE GOOD OF THE COMMUNITY Attached to the agenda back-up were flyers for two upcoming CVC projects, one in February and one in March.

ADJOURNED        6:20 PM

Indicates voting items Board Meeting 5:30 pm, 8th Floor Conference Room, Monday, March 23, 2009 March General Meeting  Moved to Monday, March 9, 2009,  8th Floor Cafeteria 7:00 PM NOTE:  Two of more Commissioners or  City Advisory Board Members may be present at this meeting