February 2009 Board Meeting

February 23, 2009 MONDAY

CALL TO ORDER by President Ellis at 5:30 PM
ROLL CALL €œ All members present, Guest included Juanita Gray and Dennis Ulmer Review and approval of the January 26, 2009 Meeting Minutes were provided.
TREASURERS REPORT €œ previously approved at the February 10, 2009 Meeting.
ANNOUNCEMENTS/GUEST INTRODUCTIONS President Ellis announced the loss of Dr. Elizabeth Hays and indicated that funeral arrangements would be provided later in the evening via e-mail.
1. Questions for Candidates Forum for February are being assembled by Moderator Christopher Pollock from ones submitted by Council members.
2. Role of Board members @ Candidate Forums was detailed as an attachment with specific assignments.
3. Centennial Committee had no report at this time. 
4. Agenda for March General Meeting will focus solely on the election of incoming officer of the Council.  The meeting date was moved from March 10 to March 09 to support the Citywide General Election and those working at the polls on that day.  District Representatives were directed to call each of their member associations and remind them to attend, vote and participate in this process.  It was noted that with the loss of Dr. Hays, there is a vacant position on the Board for the upcoming election.  Board Members were asked to canvas their members for a possible willing volunteer to run for this office.

1. Ad Hoc Code Reform Committee Report no change at this time.
2. Nominating Committee Report œ no change at this time however, Betty Shelley agreed to contact Drew Pickens, Chair and advise of the vacancy In candidates for office of recording secretary.
3. Upcoming Elections œ Members are reminded to vote, encourage your district members to participate and remain active in selecting the incoming Commission.
FOR THE GOOD OF THE COMMUNITY Attached to the agenda back-up were flyers for two upcoming CVC projects, one in February and one in March.

ADJOURNED        6:20 PM

Indicates voting items Board Meeting 5:30 pm, 8th Floor Conference Room, Monday, March 23, 2009 March General Meeting  Moved to Monday, March 9, 2009,  8th Floor Cafeteria 7:00 PM NOTE:  Two of more Commissioners or  City Advisory Board Members may be present at this meeting

January 2009 Board Meeting

January 26, 2009

CALL TO ORDER by President Ellis at 5:30 PM
ROLL CALL BY 2nd Vice President Tom Welch
Present Genia Ellis, Reid Morgan, Tom Welch, Richard Mancuso, Ron Centamore, Betty Shelley, Juanita Gray, and Gabriel Ocasio Davila œ excused are Ray Dettman and Betty Hays
TREASURERS REPORT unchanged from the January 13, 2009 report provided at the General Meeting.


1. Questions for Candidates Forum were provided to the moderator and have been selected for the event. Follow up questions will be added to the list at the upcoming February Forum, prior to the General Election.
2. Role of Board members @ Candidate Forums
All Board members were advised to wear their Council Shirt and provided the following services:

Moderator Christopher Pollock
Time Keeper Richard Mancuso
Council Intro Genia Ellis
Event Chair Betty Shelley
Greeters Gabriel Ocasio Davila/Betty Shelley
Council Table Dennis Ulmer/Betty Hays
Seating- Candidates Ray Dettman/David Marshall
Food/Drink Tom Welch/Juanita Gray
Candidates to Dias Reid Morgan/Ron Centamore

Hang Banner; provide council brochures, pins and applications

We will provide cookies and water to the public

3. Centennial Committee Committee Report to be posted to the web for work in progress.
4. Agenda for February/March General Meeting will be light because the meetings occur on election days. We will ask our General Membership at the February meeting if they would like to move the March meeting. We will give the Community Appearance Committee 5 minutes on the February agenda.


1. Ad Hoc Code Reform Committee Report €œ no updated information since the General Meeting
2. Nominating Committee Report was provided at the General Meeting in January and one additional name is now added, Doug Sterner, to run for the position of President. Members are reminded that we welcome nominations from the floor for any interested party.
3. Upcoming Elections œ we remind our board members to vote and encourage their associations to remind their members.


There are 3 upcoming CVC projects (attachment a) and they are as follows:
February 21, 2009 Poinsettia Heights
February 28, 2009 Shady Banks
March 7, 2009 Waterway Clean-up


January 2009 General Meeting

January 13, 2009
Meeting Minutes


CALL TO ORDER At 7:30 PM by President Ellis
ROLL CALL BY 2nd Vice President€œ Tom Welch indicating a quorum is present
MEETING MINUTES of November 10, 2008 were reviewed and approved.
TREASURERS REPORT provided by Treasurer Ron Centamore
Tim Smith €œ New Vision Fort Lauderdale œ Proposal for the Council
Presented to the Council was the information regarding American Assembly and the plan generated by the City in conjunction with the public, FAU and other in 1994-1995 to establish a vision and plan for the city. It was suggested that the Council take on a mission to update this vision and present it to the new incoming Commission for adoption, consideration and participation. After much discussion, it was suggested by President Ellis that an ad hoc committee be formed to review the plan, determine the role of the Council and coordinate with other organizations that are considering the same process. The Committee consists of Richard Mancuso, Tim Smith, Reid Morgan, Betty Shelley, Marilyn Mammano, Donna Mergenhagen and Tom Welch.

1. Schedule of February Meeting (February 10, 2009) €œ In light of the meeting being scheduled for election day and with the number of members that actively work at the polls, it is anticipated that the turn out for our meeting will be light therefore our agenda will accommodate.
2. The first in a series of two Candidate Forums sponsored by the Council is scheduled for January 29, 2009 at City Hall in the Chamber from 7 to 9 PM. All members are encouraged to come and participate. Questions had been previously submitted and provided to the moderator. Board members are required to attend and work on behalf of the Council.
3. Nominating Committee Report is as follows:

Past President Genia Ellis Mandatory
Harbour Inlet
President Doug Sterner Agreed
Progresso Village
David Marshall Considering
Riverside Park

1st Vice President Marilyn Mammano Agreed
Harbordale Civic

2nd Vice President Betty Shelley Agreed
Imperial Point

Recording Secretary Betty Hays Agreed
River Run Civic

Corresponding Sec. Donna Mergenhagen Agreed
Harbordale Civic

Treasurer Tom Welch Agreed
Collee Hammock

Chairmen of Gabriel Ocasio Davila Agreed
Committees Poinsettia Heights

District I Drew Pickens Agreed
Imperial Point

District II Mike Vonder Mullen Agreed
Poinsettia Heights

District III Juanita Gray Agreed
Rock Island

District IV David Parker Agreed
Sailboat Bend

5. Duties and Roles of Council Board Members and Representatives were outlined by President Ellis and members were encouraged to volunteer to serve on the board. The membership was reminded that nominations are always accepted from the floor and we welcome additional participation.
6. Centennial Committee reported that they continue to attend the City Centennial Committee meeting and work independently on ideas for the Council. We still remain hopeful that the City will allow a formal seat at the table for the Council and will continue to lobby for that.

1. Ad Hoc Code Reform Committee Report Richard Mancuso reported that Winter and Company is continuing to work in preparation of the public meetings that will be scheduled. Currently it is unknown when those dates will be but we are committed at following through on the commitment by the city and will provide that information as it becomes available.
2. 2007 NCIP Grant for Trinity Lutheran School Report was submitted to commission, having been adjusted to reflect speed tables VS road closure and was unanimously approved.


December 2008 Board Meeting

December 22, 2008
Board Meeting Minutes
8TH FLOOR Commission Chamber

CALL TO ORDER by President Genia Ellis at 5:30 PM.

ROLL CALL BY President –   Board members present were Betty Hayes, Ray Dettman, Tom Welch, Richard Mancuso, David Marshall, and Genia Ellis  with Betty Shelley and Ron Centamore as excused,  Reid Morgan, Cathy Curry and Gabriel Ocasio-Davila were absent without notice.  Guest was Dennis Ulmer.

MEETING MINUTES of November 24, 2008 remain outstanding by Secretary Reid Morgan with a written request that they be provided as soon as possible.

Treasurers Report- Ron Centamore €œThere was no report provided as Treasurer Ron Centamore was not in attendance and did not provide a copy for review and approval by the Board.


NEW BUSINESS: 1. Resolution discussion regarding the Sand By-Pass proposal by the County was discussed at length and it was unanimously agreed that the Council would send a letter in support of the South Beach Alliance in asking that the City provide a resolution to request that the County more thoroughly research a remedy.  2. Questions for Candidates were due by December 1st, 2008 to Betty Shelley or Genia Ellis and very few additional ones have been submitted.  A meeting with the moderator will be set up to put the plan program in place.  3. All Council Board Members are required to attend and assist in the hosting of the Candidate Forum on January 29, 2009 and February 26, 2009.  Board members will place candidates in the reserved section by District and will collect questions from the audience, if necessary as well as be ambassadors. 4. The Council Centennial Committee met for the first time on November 5, 2008 and will be meeting again on January 7, 2009.  The City did not offer a set to the Council on the City wide committee however we will continue to make the request and seek inclusion.

1. Richard Mancuso reported on the lack of movement on the public outreach meeting schedule being planned by the Planning Department.  We will continue to try to urge these meetings forward and to host them at a time when the maximum numbers of residents are available to participate.
2. The Fast Track items were presented on November 18th, 2008 Commission Meeting as an Agenda Item were passed. However we have not seen any legislative or SOP changes as yet to incorporate those items.
3. Nominating Committee œ Reid Morgan committed to schedule the initial committee meeting following the Council Christmas Party however it was not done nor has there been any forward movement to date.  Committee Member Drew Pickens has contacted Morgan to get this scheduled and completed prior to the January General Meeting at which time, the committee is to provide a report and offer a list of candidates.  It was agreed that perhaps another member of the Committee should take the lead in scheduling and seeking candidates.
4. The 2007 Council NCIP Grant request which was modified from a street closure to a series of speed humps will be back in front of the Commission at the January 6, 2009 evening meeting as a public hearing.  Council Board members are urged to attend and to speak in support of this proposed change. The support of our members is appreciated.
For the Good of the Committee:
1. The Charter Review Board initially scheduled to meet on several occasions and cancelled received a number of recommendations from the public about items to consider, as well as some from the Commission.  It was suggested that an inquiry be submitted to ascertain when this committee will meet and hold public discussion of those items submitted.
2. There will be a CVC Project on January 10, 2009, South Side School in support of the opening of the Boundless Playground.  Volunteers are asked to arrive no later than 9 and be prepared to remain until approximately 2:00 PM to assist in the festivities.  The Council will have a table in conjunction with the CVC to encourage support and provide information.  Additional projects are scheduled in late January and two in February and will be announced shortly. Council Members are encouraged to attend as many of the Candidate Forums as possible to become familiar with all of the candidates and their positions on important issues to the city and the Council.

Motion to adjourn at 6:25pm.

November 2008 Board Meeting

November 24, 2008
Board Meeting Minutes
8TH FLOOR Commission Chamber

CALL TO ORDER by President Genia Ellis at 5:30 PM.

ROLL CALL BY President,  Board members present were Reid Morgan, Betty Shelly, Betty Hayes, Ray Dettman and Tom Welch with Ron Centamore and Richard Mancuso excused, but Dave Marshall, Cathy Curry and Gabriel Ocasio-Davila were absent without reason.

MEETING MINUTES of October 27, 2008 were motioned to approve by Tom Welch and seconded by Betty Hays.

Treasurers Report- Ron Centamore –There was no report as it has not changed since being submitted at the November General meeting.


1. Questions for Candidates are due by December 1st, 2008 to Betty Shelley or Genia Ellis.
2. The Annual Christmas/Winter Party will be held on December 9th, 2008 at 6pm in City hall 8th floor. The Council will furnish the meat and set ups and drinks. Everyone is invited, but each should bring a covered dish or bread or dessert.
3. Centennial Committee for the City has been formed and we need to discuss the Council involvement over the next several months.

1. Richards report is attached for the status of the Ad Hoc Code reform Status.
2. The Fast Track items were presented on November 18th, 2008 Commission Meeting as an Agenda Item we passed. The attached item D is the approved items.
3. The 2007 Council NCIP Grant request is in and the street closure request By Trinity Lutheran Church at SW 1st Ave at FEC RR tracks at the Commission meeting of November 4th Commission meeting and the request is now for placement of speed tables. The support of members is appreciated.
4. Minutes for the Education Advisory Board and the Parks Goals meeting minutes were attached and have been posted on the Council Web Page.

For the Good of the Committee:
1. Several neighborhoods had forwarded a request to the Council to ask candidates to please wait to install yard election signs until after the holiday season.  This request will be transmitted to the candidates as a suggestion.
2. There are several upcoming CVC Projects and flyers provided as they are announced.
3. Council Members are encouraged to attend as many of the Candidate Forums as possible to become familiar with all of the candidates and their positions on important issues to the city and the Council.

Motion to adjourn at 6:10pm.

November 2008 General Meeting

November 10th, 2008
8TH FLOOR Commission Chamber

CALL TO ORDER by President, Genia Ellis at 7:30 PM followed by the
ROLL CALL BY First VP, Dr. Hayes, and a quorum of 19 members are present. Sign In Sheets
MEETING MINUTES of October 14th, 2008 moved by Dr. Hayes and accepted as submitted unanimously. (Attachment B
TREASURERS REPORT for dated October 31st,2008 was submitted for review by Treasurer, Ron Centamore and it was moved by Dave Marshall and accepted unanimously.

1. Carlton Moore, District Commissioner for District III, was presented a plaque from the Council recognizing his twenty plus years of service to the Citizens of Fort Lauderdale. The event was celebrated by a cake, also in his honor.
2. Police Captain Luis Alverez presented a new program by the Fort Lauderdale Police that has pulled together several special units to form a Street Crimes Unit that operates 24/7 with three full shifts of personnel. This Special Unit has already been very effective with not only arrest, but in surveillance of future operations of suspected criminal elements. There was a discussion about rumors of Police quotas. The Captain explained there never has been any quotas as there are other ways to judge an officers performance. Arrest records do support a lack of performance, if it below other similar patrols. It is not just the only method of managing the bench marking an officer’s performance.

New Business:
1. Ad Hoc Code reform Committee Report œ Richard Mancuso stated that the Fast Track items will be presented at November 18th, 2008 Commission meeting as a consent Agenda item.
2. The Mobility Chair, Reid Morgan reported no volunteers have come forward to assist on this Goal of the Council. Therefore Reid will review the different articles listed and make recommendations to the Council per conversations with City and County staffs.
3. There was a request by Genia to establish a nominating Committee for new Officers and District delegates to be announced in January and voted in February. The committee will consist of Reid Morgan, Drew Pickens, Dennis Ulmer, Doug Sterner and Donna Mergenhagen.
4. A committee for the Centennial celebration of Ft Lauderdale has been formed obn behalf of the Council with Dr. Elizabeth Hays, Tim Smith and Donna Mergenhagen volunteering to be our representatives.


1. Ad Hoc Code Reform Committee Report was updated by Richard Mancuso stating that on November 18th 2008 it will be on the City Agenda for FAST TRACK items.
2. Winter contract has been approved.
3. 2007 NCIP item for Trinity Lutheran Church has a problem with the street closure and has been revised to reflect speed humps, signage and the installation of a school Zone notice.

For the Good Of the Community:

1. Christmas Party will be December 9th, 2008 at the City Hall and will start 6 pm. The Council will furnish ham and turkey, drinks and paper goods. Members are to bring a covered dish to share – vegetables, salads, desserts, breads or other special foods. Please invite everyone to come .

Meeting was adjourned at 8:15 pm

© Copyright

October 2008 Board Meeting

October 27, 2008
Board Meeting Minutes
8TH FLOOR Commission Chamber

CALL TO ORDER by President Genia Ellis at 5:30 PM.

ROLL CALL BY President, all Board members present, with Tom Welch who was excused along with Ray Dettman. David Marshall was listed as absent. Everyone welcomed the new District Three representative, Cathy Currie.

MEETING MINUTES of September 22, 2008 were motioned to approve and seconded by Betty Hays and Betty Shelley.

TREASURERS REPORT- Ron Centamore indicated that the report is the same as that approved and accepted at the October 14, 2008 General Meeting.


1. The date of the November General Meeting was changed to November 10th due to the Holiday.
2. The Agenda for the November 10th meeting will consist of the following items:

On the agenda for the November 10th, 2008 agenda will be a presentation of a plaque to Commissioner Carlton Moore for his more than 20 years of service.

The Police Department will present on the new Street Crime Unit and the presentation will be by Capt. Luis Alvarez on behalf of Chief Adderley who will be out of town.

Questions for the upcoming Candidate Forums are due December 1st, 2008. Each association is encouraged to provide input to this very important process.

3. The Annual Christmas/Winter Party will held on December 9th, 2008 from 6 to 8 PM on the 8th floor of City Hall. Betty Shelley will be the contact point along with Tom Welch. The Council will furnish the ham and turkey, paper goods and drinks. Council members are invited to participate, but each should bring a covered dish or bread or dessert.
4. Decorum of the Board was discussed and it was agreed we will refrain from being confrontational with any of our guest speakers and only speak out when called upon by the chair. It is of great important that we remain respectful even when disagreeing with a presentation.
5. It was requested that all Board member fill out the MPO questionnaire tonight before leave.
6. Agendas through March 09 were discussed. The actual elections will be held in March, so we only need a January and February agendas. Genia will appoint a nominating Committee and we will be accepting nomination up to the February General Meeting.
7. Notices to Council Membership renewal needs to go out soon. The first notice has always been done during the November/ December time frame. These notices need to go to new members as well.


1. Meeting Minutes are all up to date and posted both on the web and in the records files at City hall.

2. Richard explained the current situation from the City Planning Dept. They will seek public input on October 28th, 2009. The Fast Track items will be presented on November 18th, 2008 Commission Meeting as an Agenda Item.

3. Committee Meetings and reports need to be submitted to Richard as often as possible. The Goals Committees are incomplete. It was discussed that since no one has responded to Reid’s Committee that he should prepare recommendations to the BOD based on the Goals.

4. Candidates Forum is all set and scheduled with City Hall. Betty Shelly as committee chair said Christopher Pollock has agreed to moderate the meetings, again. Betty needs volunteers to set up the events and seat people and help with crowd control. Water and cookies will be served.

5. The 2007 Council NCIP Grant request is in and needs support for the street closure request By Trinity Lutheran Church at SW 1st Ave at FEC RR tracks at the Commission meeting of November 4th.

For the Good of the Committee:

No Announcements.

Motion to adjourn at 6:30pm.

October 2008 General Meeting

October 14, 2008
8TH FLOOR Commission Chamber

CALL TO ORDER by President Genia Ellis at 7:30 PM followed by the PLEDGE of ALLEGIANCE.

ROLL CALL BY First VP, Dr. Hayes, and a quorum of 22 members are present.

MEETING MINUTES of July 8th, 2008 were moved by Dr. Hayes and accepted as submitted unanimously. There are no minutes for the September 9th, 2008 meeting as it was cancelled due to the hurricane watch/warnings announcements in South Florida.

TREASURERS REPORT for September 30th, 2008 was submitted for review by Treasurer, Ron Centamore and it was moved by Dave Marshall and accepted unanimously.
1. Bruce Roberts – former Police Chief (6.5 years) was given a plaque by the Council in appreciation of his years of dedicated service (35 years) to the citizens of Fort Lauderdale.
2. Police/Fire Event Committee was introduced and thanked for their dedicated service and for providing their talents and hard work for a very successful  event. They were Betty Shelley and Tim Smith, Co-Chairs of the event, Annette Ross and Danielle Kleinrichert €œ Food Committee, Doug Sterner €œ set-up and clean up, David Forman Fire Liaison, Cindy Smith Police Liaison, Jim Mileto – strategic planning and layout of the event, Coleman Prewitt Entertainment and Genia Ellis Council Sponsor
3. Jonda Joseph, City Clerk & John Herbst, City Auditor were introduced and spoke on the City Charter Change that is on the November 4th  ballot allowing  them to hire staff directly for their departments.  This item was recommended by the City Charter Review Board and adopted by the City Commission for a public vote.
4. Pamela Adams, made a presentation for the latest efforts by the Broward MPO to request a public opinion survey for the 2035 Long Range Transportation Plan. The survey was distributed and requested to fill out and send in by December 2008.

New Business:
1. Questions for the Candidates Forum are requested to be submitted no later than the December 1, 2008 to be reviewed and prepared for the upcoming candidate forums.  Each neighborhood should request input from their membership. Christopher Pollock- has agreed to be the Moderator again for these candidates forum
2. The Annual Christmas Party was announced to be on December 09, 2008 on the 8th Floor with Council Members being encouraged to invite their board and association members.  Each member is to bring a covered dish to share.  The Council will provide the paper goods, drinks and ham and turkey.
3. At the November 10, 2008, Council General Meeting, Commission Carlton Moore will be honored with a plaque for his 20 years of service to District III and the City.  All neighborhoods are encouraged to attend and honor this service.

Old Business:
1. Ad Hoc Code reform Committee Report – The purchase order with Winter and Company was signed on October 13, 2008 with a kick off meeting scheduled in the next few weeks.  This is the culmination of 2 years of work and will now start the formal process of making changes recommended by the residents of Fort Lauderdale through the Council Process.  It is anticipated that the Fast Trick items being moved forward by the Planning Department will be presented at October 17th, 2008 Commission meeting as a consent Agenda item.
2.  Election for a replacement of the District Three representative was concluded with Cathy Curry of Lauderdale Manors agreeing to complete the open term.  3. Richard Mancuso reported that the Crime and Parks committees have met. Three minutes were attached to the agenda and are posted on the Council Web Page along with the Crime Committee and the Education Advisory Board minutes.  There has been no report from the Traffic and Development Committees.

For the Good Of the Community:
1. Reminder – Christmas Party will be December 9th, 2008 at the City Hall and will start 6pm. The Council will furnish Ham and turkey, please invite everyone to come and bring a covered dish/ dessert/breads.
2. CVC on October 25th for South Middle River Civic Association clean up for street closures.


Meeting was adjourned at 8:35pm

September 2008 Board Meeting

September 22, 2008
Board Meeting Minutes
8th Floor Conference Room

Call to Order by President Genia Ellis at 5:30 PM

Roll Call by President, all Board members present except David Marshall, Betty Hays and Dennis Ulmer who were excused.

Meeting Minutes:  Review and Approval of corrected Board Meeting Minutes of August 25, 2008.

New Business:
1. The agenda for the general meeting scheduled for October 14, 2008 is brought forward from cancelled meeting of September 9th, 2008.  It will include a thank you for the council committee for the Police and Fire Appreciation Event, the giving of a plaque to former Chief Bruce Roberts for his 25 years of service, presentation by Jonda Joseph, City Clerk and John Herbst, City Auditor about an upcoming ballot amendment, presentation by Pamela Adams about Transit and a discussion of the District III Representative election.  Removed from the agenda and rescheduled to the November General meeting is an Update by Police Chief Adderley who had a conflict for the October meeting.
2. Polo shirt distribution to board members was accomplished with the remainder stored for later use. 3. Discussion regarding the annual Christmas Party varied but in the end, it was decided to have a covered dish supper on our regular meeting night on the 8th floor at City Hall to accommodate the majority of our membership.

Old Business:
1. Meeting Minute schedule was discussed again €œ all minutes from meetings, both board and general are to be submitted within 7 days of that meeting for posting to our web page and distribution.  The Board minutes that were not approved from March 2008 to August 2008 were reviewed collectively, amended as reflected in the August minutes and approved as a group.  They are now current and Secretary Morgan has been instructed to place the hard copies in our archives.
2. Report on Ad Hoc Code Reform was provided by Richard Mancuso.  Of particular note is that the purchase order to Winter and Company still is not released.  It was suggested that each representative contact their respective Commissioner to urge this process along.  Also of note was the status of “low hanging fruit that is winding its way through the process and expected to be implemented in the upcoming fiscal year.
3. Committee Reports Education Advisory Board Representative Betty Shelley gave an oral report of their most recent meeting and will submit a written report to be posted and distributed. Richard Mancuso, Committee Chair, will be making contact with each of the committees to ascertain when they will be meeting and reporting back to the membership. Parks Committee is scheduled in the upcoming week and we expect a report at the next meeting.
4. Dates of our anticipated Candidates Forum have been confirmed with the city for the use of their facility and the moderator confirmed.  Christopher Pollock has once again agreed to moderate both events.  Questions will be requested from all members and member associations to be compiled and included in the format for the event.  It was noted that the first forum will have a large number of candidates from all districts and mayor and will be less effective in getting questions answered.  The second forum will be of the candidates in the general election and will provide a better opportunity to be specific with their views.
5. The NCIP Grant application for additional lighting on the Riverwalk is nearly complete and will be submitted by the due date of September 26, 2008.  It follows the previous applications made by the Council for items of public use or public safety.

For the Good of the Community
1. It was announced that the Chamber of Commerce is continuing with its Candidate Forums, having first done District IV and advertising that the Mayors would be presenting on September 25th.  District I candidates will be presented at the Chamber on October 14th, District III Candidates on November 14, 2008  and District II candidates on  January 16, 2009.  Members are encouraged to utilize every opportunity to get as much information as possible to make an informed decision and vote.
2. October 2, 2008, Politics in the Park, 5:30 to 8:30 PM, Huizenga Plaza, Andrews and Las Olas sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce.

Meeting adjourned at 7:00 pm

Submitted on behalf of Reid Morgan, Recording Secretary

August 2008 Board Meeting

August 25, 2008 Board Meeting Minutes 8th Floor Conference Room

Call to Order by President Genia Ellis at 5:30 PM

Roll Call by President, all Board members present except Tom Welch who was excused.

Meeting Minutes:  Review and Approval of Board Meeting Minutes from March 2008  – June 2008 were accepted with the following correction added to the March Minutes:  “Ray Dettman expressed concern about not being able to make a motion at the March Meeting.   Motions are required to be noticed in advance of presentation.

New Business: 1. Agenda for September 9th, 2008 will include a thank you for the committee for the Police and Fire Appreciation Event, an Update by Chief Adderley, Election of a new District 3 Representative and a plaque to Former Chief Bruce Roberts. 2. Committee Duties and Postings –  Richard Mancuso   The Goals Committees need to get organized for a good kick off in September.  Please report to Richard the time and agenda on the committees.  There are several that have not met and need to get on board to report. 3. October General Meeting will have Jonda Joseph, City Clerk and John Herbst, City Auditor making a presentation on ballot amendments.

Old Business: 1. Richard explained the current situation from the City Planning Dept. on outstanding items.  They hope to have public input in October.  The Fast Track items will be presented on the September 3rd or later.  The AIA Chapter of Broward County wants to include cities county-wide. 2. Candidates Forum is all set and scheduled with City Hall, Betty Shelley as committee chair has confirmed that Christopher Pollock has agreed to moderate the event.

For the Good of the Community 1. Genia Ellis reported that Riverwalk Trust had sold all banner locations for this year.  We will be added to the list for next year. 2. It was discussed to have a presentation by the Treasurer for quarterly reports on the budget status versus proposed.                                                                                                                           3. Council authorized NCIP Grant Committee to apply for a matching grant utilizing points assigned to install new poles on the Riverwlk due to an increase in density, pedestrian traffic and incidents of crime.

Meeting adjourned at 6:35pm