October 2008 Board Meeting

October 27, 2008
Board Meeting Minutes
8TH FLOOR Commission Chamber

CALL TO ORDER by President Genia Ellis at 5:30 PM.

ROLL CALL BY President, all Board members present, with Tom Welch who was excused along with Ray Dettman. David Marshall was listed as absent. Everyone welcomed the new District Three representative, Cathy Currie.

MEETING MINUTES of September 22, 2008 were motioned to approve and seconded by Betty Hays and Betty Shelley.

TREASURERS REPORT- Ron Centamore indicated that the report is the same as that approved and accepted at the October 14, 2008 General Meeting.


1. The date of the November General Meeting was changed to November 10th due to the Holiday.
2. The Agenda for the November 10th meeting will consist of the following items:

On the agenda for the November 10th, 2008 agenda will be a presentation of a plaque to Commissioner Carlton Moore for his more than 20 years of service.

The Police Department will present on the new Street Crime Unit and the presentation will be by Capt. Luis Alvarez on behalf of Chief Adderley who will be out of town.

Questions for the upcoming Candidate Forums are due December 1st, 2008. Each association is encouraged to provide input to this very important process.

3. The Annual Christmas/Winter Party will held on December 9th, 2008 from 6 to 8 PM on the 8th floor of City Hall. Betty Shelley will be the contact point along with Tom Welch. The Council will furnish the ham and turkey, paper goods and drinks. Council members are invited to participate, but each should bring a covered dish or bread or dessert.
4. Decorum of the Board was discussed and it was agreed we will refrain from being confrontational with any of our guest speakers and only speak out when called upon by the chair. It is of great important that we remain respectful even when disagreeing with a presentation.
5. It was requested that all Board member fill out the MPO questionnaire tonight before leave.
6. Agendas through March 09 were discussed. The actual elections will be held in March, so we only need a January and February agendas. Genia will appoint a nominating Committee and we will be accepting nomination up to the February General Meeting.
7. Notices to Council Membership renewal needs to go out soon. The first notice has always been done during the November/ December time frame. These notices need to go to new members as well.


1. Meeting Minutes are all up to date and posted both on the web and in the records files at City hall.

2. Richard explained the current situation from the City Planning Dept. They will seek public input on October 28th, 2009. The Fast Track items will be presented on November 18th, 2008 Commission Meeting as an Agenda Item.

3. Committee Meetings and reports need to be submitted to Richard as often as possible. The Goals Committees are incomplete. It was discussed that since no one has responded to Reid’s Committee that he should prepare recommendations to the BOD based on the Goals.

4. Candidates Forum is all set and scheduled with City Hall. Betty Shelly as committee chair said Christopher Pollock has agreed to moderate the meetings, again. Betty needs volunteers to set up the events and seat people and help with crowd control. Water and cookies will be served.

5. The 2007 Council NCIP Grant request is in and needs support for the street closure request By Trinity Lutheran Church at SW 1st Ave at FEC RR tracks at the Commission meeting of November 4th.

For the Good of the Committee:

No Announcements.

Motion to adjourn at 6:30pm.