Minutes – General Meeting


Council of Fort Lauderdale Civic Associations

General Membership Meeting

May 13, 2014

1) Call to Order:  The meeting was called to order by Marilyn Mammano, President at 7:32 PM.

2) Roll Call:  Ron Centamore, First VP called attendance and declared a quorum.

3) Announcement: Made by President Mammano welcoming a new, and happy to have, members Richard Bazerghi and Ralph Hamaker, from the Galt Mile Community Association.

4) Review and Acceptance of Minutes: A motion to accept the minutes from December, 2013, January, February, and March, 2014 was made by Ann Hilmer and seconded by Betty Shelley. Unanimously approved. Minutes for April, 2014 were deferred.

5) Treasurers Report:  Deferred

6) Police/Fire Report: Sargent Michael Siekierski, with the FLPD gave his report:  Flyers were handed out for the Great American Beach Party to be held on May 24, 10AM to 8:30 PM    http://www.fortlauderdale.gov/GABP/index.htm  Police will be triple staffed for the event Friday thru Monday. Saturday A1A will be closed at Las Olas from 6:30AM to 1:00AM on Sunday morning. The Broward County Sheriff’s Office with have a checkpoint setup on the 17th Street Causeway on Sunday, exact location unknown.

7) Additional Comments on the Beach Party: The Sun Trolley, Water Taxi and a bicycle valet will be available on Saturday for the event.

8) New Business:  The Board will discuss a candidates meeting for the August agenda.  June meeting: Convention Center presentation, Hands only CPR demonstration. A motion was made to cancel the July meeting by Ron Centamore, seconded by Jackson Boren  and unanimously approved. The election for the recording secretary was held and Steve Stahl volunteered.  Chuck Black made the motion that Steve Stahl be nominated and the motion was seconded by Brucie Cummings and Steve Stahl was elected to the position.

9) Legislative  Reports:  Richard Johns reported that sand replenishment legislation to be addressed on November 1st.  $2 million has been appropriated for a water taxi stop at Birch State Park. Short term rentals did not fare well and hope for a local take over next year. Joshua Freeman stated that the legislation for the short term rentals will easily pass the senate, but there are problems in the house. He also passed out Maria Sach’s legislative wrap up booklet for district 34 and an announcement for a veteran’s event to be held on June 11th in Fort Lauderdale. (Information: 561-279-1427)

10)  Presentation of SmartWater: Laura Croscenco reported that the City Commission approved the expenditure of police confiscated property funds for 500 free SmartWater kits to be distributed in Middle River Terrace at a cost of $15,000. There are also metal signs available for mounting on a post or fence for $30 each. Distribution to begin on June 29th.

11) Floodplain Management: Todd Hiteshew, Environmental Services Manager along with Dr. Nancy Gassman, Sustainability Manager discussed several issues concerning FEMA ordinances that will change the standards for low base flood elevations higher than 4 foot. 1 foot in height will be added to the current safety factor. The new ordinance will prohibit the use of fill material for raising structures, although it may be used on thin wall construction. Add-ons with 50% of the value of the existing structure must comply with all new requirements. Bridges being worked on may be raised slightly, but most will remain the same. Flood maps are due to be official 8/18/2014. See the Civic Associations website: City Events for more information. Or go to: http://www.fortlauderdale.gov/hurricane/hurr_flood.htm

An ongoing effort to plan and install flapper type valves to protect against street flooding on high tides. An effort is being made to choose the best design and lowest maintenance cost of the valves. Contact and Support City Commissioner Bruce Roberts and a County Commissioner Chip LaMarca in their efforts working on these issues.

12) New Street Naming Policy: Diana Alarcon is asking for support with the new policy she is soon to present to the City Commission for approval. She pointed out a couple of major points in the new proposal: A name change must be made on existing signage and that 70% of the residents must approve the change.  Also, the existing name will remain at the top due to the needs of the postal service to accurately deliver the mail and the new name will be in smaller type on the bottom. She asked that any requests that you have to contact her at Transportation and Mobility Dept. – [email protected] A motion to support made by Ron Centamore, seconded by Barbara Magill was approved unanimously.

13) Old Business:  Issues brought up at the Town Hall Meeting on Juvenile issues. Betty Shelley stated that 60 – 70 individuals are responsible for the crime problem. Chief Frank Adderley spoke and stated that the judges and the juvenile justice department are protective of the juveniles. And the first offenders without correction are destined to be one of the 60 – 70 problem individuals.

14) Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 9:04PM.

Respectfully Submitted,, Recording Secretary Steven Sthal

Minutes April 8 2014

Council of Fort Lauderdale Civic Associations

General Membership Meeting

April 8 2014


1) Call to Order:  The meeting was called to order by Marilyn Mammano, President at 7:30 PM.

2) Roll Call:  Ron Centamore First VP called attendance and declared a quorum.

3) Review and Acceptance of the Minutes:  Minutes of the December, January and February meetings were distributed but not voted on.  March meeting minutes were deferred.

4) Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer’s Report see attached

5) Police/Fire Report: Sergeant Mc Carthy and Chief Jo-Ann Lorber gave their reports.

6) Guest Introductions:

County Commissioner Chip LaMarca was introduced and answered some questions about the Convention Center Expasion Plan.

Diana Alracon discussed the Proposed Street Renaming Policy

7) President’s Report:

Members were urged to attend the Public Meeting on the Convention Center Expansion Plans on April 22. This is a significant project because of the traffic impact it will have on the surrounding neighborhoods and a signature project for the City.

The President explained the City Priority Action Plan and its relationship to our goals and priorities were discussed.

8) Committee Reports:

Membership Committee

Membership renewals are coming in. Please update the information regarding representatives and alternates.

Legislative Committee

Richard Johns gave the update on SB356 and HB307. The membership was also made aware of legislation regarding Sober Houses that was working its way as well

9) Old Business:

The proposed “Public Participation Ordinance” was disused. The Committee felt that the latest draft was acceptable but no vote was taken.  Members wanted to let the City Commission know that this was not inclusive of all our issues.

10) New Business:

Shannon Hamerling has resigned as recording secretary. Volunteers for the position are asked to contact the Board and an election will be held at the May meeting.

The City Attorney has been contacted regarding the Slap Suit in Oakland Park

11) For the Good of the Community:

Fleet Week, Fort Lauderdale Cares Day

12) Adjournment:  The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 PM

Respectfully Submitted, Marilyn Mammano


Minutes March

Council of Fort Lauderdale Civic Associations

General Membership Meeting

March 11, 2014


1) Call to Order:  The meeting was called to order by President Marilyn Mammano at 7:30 PM.

2) Roll Call:  Ron Centamore First VP called attendance and declared a quorum.

3) Review and Acceptance of the Minutes:  Minutes of the December, January and February Meetings were deferred.

4) Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer’s Report see attached

5) Police/Fire Report:  Lt. Scelfo and Chief Jo-Ann Lorber gave their reports

6) Guest Introductions

Cate McCaffery Assistant Parks and Recreation Director presented the three ordinances that are currently being considered by the City Commission regarding loitering, street signs and homeless feeding programs. Members had many questions and comments. The general feeling was supportive.

Pam Adams, who is a consultant with the Broward MPO, discussed the public outreach efforts being made to get input into the MPO’s long-range transportation plan.  It is called “Speak Up Broward” and she will provide speakers to come to civic association meetings.

7) President’s Report:

St Patrick’s Day Parade was a big success and photos were displayed of the neighborhoods that participated. They will be posted at CFLCA.org.

The Public Meetings Ordinance was discussed and it was pointed out that members need to renew their recognition paperwork with the City because only “Recognized” civics are provided notice.

Awards w ere given to the winners of the Neighbor Support Night for most attendance.

8) Committee Reports:

Membership Committee:

VP Ron Centamore has sent out the applications for renewal to all representatives and presidents. Please get your renewal information and dues in before April 1.

Legislative Committee:

SB356 and HB307 are moving in committees. The Committee is monitoring progress and facilitating the sending of letters and emails to the various committee members in support.

9) Old Business:

10) New Business:

The Board is planning a program on Juvenile Justice for the fall. We want to focus not just on Juvenile crime but all programs to help our youth avoid entering the criminal justice system.

Elections were held for the position of District 2 Representative.  The volunteers were Chuck Black and Steve Sthal.  Chuck Black won the election.

11) For the Good of the Community:

Salvation Army Week, Fort Lauderdale Cares Day, Broward Sherriff’s Community Service Guide, Proposed Street Naming Policy

12) Adjournment:  The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 PM

Respectfully Submitted, Marilyn Mammano

Minutes January 14 2014

Council of Fort Lauderdale Civic Associations

General Membership Meeting

January 14, 2014


1) Call to Order:  The meeting was called to order by Marilyn Mammano, President at 7:30 PM.

2) Roll Call:  Ron Centamore First VP called attendance and declared a quorum.

3) Review and Acceptance of the Minutes:  Minutes of the November 12 2013 meeting were approved. Minutes of the December meeting were deferred.

4) Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer’s Report see attached

5) Police/Fire Report: Major Gregory and Chief Lorber gave their reports

6) Guest Introductions:  Ms Molly Mc Kay, Project Manger for Willdan Financial Consultants gave a presentation about the Comprehensive Economic Development Plan. Mr. Al Battle from the City spoke about the process. Members were concerned about the infrastructure limits on economic development. Mr. Battle said they would come back to us with preliminary results.

7) President’s Report: Members of the Public Participation Committee met with Ella Parker and agreed to a direction forward on the ordinance.  Notice will be given prior to the DRC meeting and a required meeting between the developer and the neighborhood will be held prior to Planning and Zoning. The Committee will bring back a recommendation when the final language is submitted.

8) Committee Reports:

Membership Committee: Ron Centamore sent out the membership renewals, which are due back by April 1. Members were reminded to renew their City Recognition applications with Maxine Shing.

Legislative Committee: SB 356 is moving well through the Legislative process in Tallahassee. Senator Sacks is a co sponsor. Progress on companion bill HB307 is less certain. Representative Moraitas is a cosponsor.

Neighbor Support Night: February11 is Neighbor Support night and we want to get the word out to all our members. This will coincide with our regularly scheduled February General membership Meeting.  Hal Barnes spoke about the event. There will be a contest to see which association brings the most people. Prizes will be given. Doug Sterner is our point person on the event.

9) Old Business: Members were asked by Jim Moyer from the Salvation Army to support an ordinance regarding clothing donation boxes similar to that adopted by Miramar. The Board will discuss this and come back with a recommendation.

10) New Business: Molly Huges, President of Sailboat Bend presented information about the Historic District that was the subject of a joint workshop between the Historic Preservation Board and The City Commission. She distributed material about the Civic Association’s position.  Members can get copies by contacting her directly.

11) For the Good of the Community: Climate adaptation and Open House

12) Adjournment:  The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 PM

Respectfully Submitted, Marilyn Mammano


Minutes December 12 2013

Council of Fort Lauderdale Civic Associations

General Membership Meeting

December 12, 2013


1) Call to Order:  The meeting was called to order by Marilyn Mammano, President 8:30 after an extended Meet and Greet

2) Roll Call:  Ron Centamore First VP called attendance and declared a quorum.

3) Review and Acceptance of the Minutes:  Minutes of the September meeting were approved and minutes of the November meeting were deferred.

There were no guests and the members had a discussion of issues and potential programs for the New Year. Juvenile justice seemed to be the number one issue. Other issues were Sober Houses; transient rentals, code enforcement and homelessness. We will work on a program for Juveniles

The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 pm

Respectfully Submitted, Marilyn Mammano for Shannon Hammerling Recording Secretary

CFLCA Minutes November 2013

Council of Fort Lauderdale Civic Associations

General Membership Meeting

November 12, 2013

1)    Call to Order:  The meeting was called to order by Marilyn Mammano President 7:30 PM.

2)    Roll Call:  Ron Centamore First VP called attendance and declared a quorum.

3)    Review and Acceptance of the Minutes:  Minutes of the September and October meetings were deferred.

4)    Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer’s Report is attached

5)    Police/Fire Report: Officer Detrict described the changes to the Police Department command structure, which should not impact neighborhood policing

Battalion Chief Lorber distributed information about upcoming CERT classes

6)    Guest Introductions:  Hardeep Annard, Public Works Director gave an overview of the city’s Storm Water management planning and discussed the City’s Swale Program.  Money is available to reclaim and redesign swales to make them an integral part of the system.  Neighborhoods that are interested in participating in this program should contact Hal Barnes.

Hal Barnes distributed save the date cards for the Neighbor Support Night (City Hall Open House) on February.  The Council will co sponsor this event.  Doug Sterner is the contact person for this event.

7)    President’s Report:

8)    Committee Reports:

Legislative Committee is working on connecting with upstate legislators who are interested in restoring home rule on the issue of regulating Short Term Residential Uses.

The Executive Board met with the City Attorney on the issue of Slap suits and public participation in at public hearing and before Boards. The City Attorney is preparing guidelines to be adopted by the City Commission.  Our major concern is giving neighborhood representatives adequate time to present their position at public meetings. We will keep on top of this issue.

9)    Old Business:

10)            New Business:

11)    For the Good of the Community:

Anyone who has suggestions for Citizen of the Year should get in touch with any Board Member.

We will collect food for the Pantry of Broward at the December 10 Meeting/Holiday Party.

Dennis Ulmer distributed a report on the South East Florida Climate Change Compact. Members are encouraged to read the report and discuss it with their neighbors. We will send copies of the report to all members.

12) Adjournment:  The meeting was adjourned at 8:50 PM

Respectfully Submitted, Shannon Hammerling Recording Secretary

CFLCA Minutes 11-2013

October 8 2013 Minutes

Fort Lauderdale Council of Civic Associations
General Meeting Minutes
October 8, 2013

City Hall, 8th Floor Conference Room

  1. Call to Order:  The meeting was called to order by President Mammano at 7:34 pm.
  2. Pledge of Allegiance to the flag of the United States of America
  3. Roll Call:  First VP Centamore called attendance and declared a quorum.
  4. Review and Acceptance of the Minutes:  Minutes for September 2013 meeting were deferred until the November 2013 General Meeting.
  5. 5.     Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer’s Report Attached
  6. Police/Fire Report: Captain Robert Dietrich gave the Police Report and the Batalion Chief Jo-Ann Lorber of the Fire Department gave the Fire Report. Battalion Chief Lorber reminded us all of the upcoming CERT classes to be held October 26 & November 2. Captain Robert Dietrich discussed crime statistics, upcoming traffic announcements, and opened the floor to questions. Regarding statistics, Captain Dietrich explained the necessity to call in anything and everything a resident is concerned with. Each call is logged and assists the Police Department with crime patterns and trends. He recommended two ways to view online crime statistics in the City. First, he suggested residents go to www.flpd.org, hover over Community, and select the Crime Statistics tab. Here is the direct link: http://flpd.org/. The second web site he recommended is Raids Online: http://raidsonline.com/. Captain Dietrich alerted residents to the upcoming traffic changes and increase is traffic volume due to the Las Olas Art Show, the International Boat Show and the upcoming FDOT work to be done to the Sunrise BLVD Bridge. Questions from the floor came in about shootings, and “smart water.” Captain Dietrich offered to discuss questions outside to clear up information on shootings, and he directed us to the Smart Water web site: http://smartwatercsi.com/
  7. Special Guests & Topic: Tonight’s Special Guests and Topics came from the City’s own Assistant City Manager Susanne Torriente and staff. You can find out more about Susanne at the following link: http://www.fortlauderdale.gov/ . Susanne offered a power point demonstration on FEMA Flood Zone Maps, Elevation Certificates and Flood Insurance Rate Maps, Flooding and more. This extensive information can be reviewed at the following link: http://www.fortlauderdale.gov . The focus of the presentation was to promote “Adaptation Action Areas” that would take sustainability “Planning to Action.”
  8. The City’s Green Your Routine program under the Sustainability Division seeks to teach residents to adapt to a lifestyle of sustainability while we manage to live among 300 miles of coastal waterways and 7 miles of beach. Because we are a city surrounded by water we will experience flooding. The Sustainability Department seeks to build a city for the future; one that has an informed public and enhances the idea that we will be the City you never want to leave. Guest Dr. Nancy Gassman from Broward County also spoke on various Climate Change topics. For in depth research on this topic you can review this web site: https://www.broward.org/Climate/Pages/default.aspx . Both speakers expressed that an informed public that adapts to the climate changes and suggestions offered by experts will sustain their properties, the City’s future and will affect the city’s Community Rating System. This rating system ultimately measures the climate of a city, and consequently property insurance. The membership supported adding the Adaptation Action Areas (AAA) Initiative to the Comprehensive Plan and the development of guidelines to assist communities.
  9. For additional related topics, please review:

https://www.broward.org/Climate/Pages/default.aspx (This will take time to load.)

FEMA Flood Insurance Zones: https://gis.fortlauderdale.gov/2020prelimFEMAFloodMaps/

Flood Zone Information Maps: http://www.fortlauderdale.gov/floodzones

Bio Swales: http://www.broward.org/Stormwater/Pages/bioswales.aspx

Southeast Florida Regional Climate Change Compact: http://southeastfloridaclimatecompact.org/

  1. 10.  President’s Report: President Mammano plans to draft a letter to the City Attorney regarding slap suits against residents speaking on behalf of the community against a developer. There is great concern over the protections of citizens who are executing their civic duty and the threat from businesses against them personally.
  2. Committee Reports: 1) Public Participation Ordinance is still being reviewed and is more a Public Notification Ordinance. This is going to be discussed further at the next General Meeting and this ordinance should also address ongoing public notification, changes in the develop plans, and neighborhood opportunity to response throughout planning at a quasi-hearing before the Commission.  New state law may trump local law. 2) Legislative Committee: Concern over Cluster Housing was brought up for topic to be researched.
  3. Old Business: Mr. Don Zimmer requests that the Council formally address the concerns over the way the code is written regarding trailers in neighborhoods.
  4. 13.  For the Good of the Community: Youth, William Howell set up the Fort Lauderdale Water Ways Clean Up for October 19, 2013 at George English Park. Residents are encouraged to contact William at [email protected].
  5. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 8:34 pm.

Respectfully Submitted, Linda Nugent for Shannon Harmeling Recording Secretary

September 2013 General Meeting Minutes – Draft

Fort Lauderdale Council of Civic Associations
General Meeting Minutes – DRAFT
September 10, 2013

City Hall, 8th Floor Conference Room

1)    Call to Order:  The meeting was called to order by President Mammano at 7:30 pm.

2)    Pledge: Pledge of Allegiance to the flag of the United States of America

3)    Roll Call:  First VP Centamore called attendance and declared a quorum.

4)    Review and Acceptance of the Minutes:  Minutes of the August 2013 meeting were approved as presented.

5)    Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer’s Report Attached

6)    Police/Fire Report: 

Captain Appel gave the Police Report and the Batalion Chief Jo-Ann Lorber of the Fire Department gave the Fire Report. Two main notes of interest was the September 11 Memorial held at the Fire Museum on September 11, and the upcoming CERT classes to be held October 26 & November 2.

7)    Announcements: Tonight’s Special Meeting is the Annual Legislative Round Up for the City of Fort Lauderdale.

8)    Guest Introductions:  Invited Guests are as follows:

Representative George Moralities – District 93: In Attendance. Focus:  Creating Private Jobs at Port Everglades, Constituent Servicing, and expressed interest in the Legislative Committee’s Legislative Priorities. Left meeting early.

Representative Gwendolyn Clark-Reed – District 92: In Attendance. Focus: Sober Housing, Parasailing Safety, Civil Citation against the Youth

Representative Perry E Thurston, JR – District 94: Did not attend though invited.

Senator Maria Sachs – District 34: In Attendance. Focus: Property Insurance, Veteran Homes, Transportation. Left meeting early.

Senator Eleanor Sobel – District 33: Did not attend though invited.

9)    President’s Report:

President Mammano raised concerns with the Legislature Representatives regarding Slap Suits in Florida and the situation with the CBA. Aldo, President Mammano reviewed an email exchange with the mayor regarding the allotted time for neighborhood President’s to speak at a Commission Hearing when a major debate is on the table affecting a neighborhood on a grand scale.

10)    Old Business:

Public Participation and Neighborhood Compatibility continues to be a concern among the neighborhoods, their allowed time to present neighborhood concerns and presentations, and the lack of a District Commissioner ate such hearings. Continued expression of concern was raised concerning the Quiet Zones with the upcoming plans of All Aboard Florida.

11)    Committee Reports:

A) Legislative Committee: Provided a great evening with our legislative representatives and committed to the Council and our representatives continued involvement and engagement between the Legislative Committee and their offices.

B) The Public Participation Committee is diligently reviewing the ideas offered at the Council and by resident s regarding the Public Participation Ordinance. Committee meeting was scheduled for later in the month.

C) Suggestion has been made that a Code Committee be formulated to deal with code enforcement concerns and policies such as the ones brought up by Mr. Don Zimmer. It was expressed some of the code is ambiguous and open to interpretation and unclear. Request was made to get neighborhoods to consider this an item of further importance.

12)    For the Good of the Community:

Amber Van Buren from Broward Meals on Wheels  (BMOW) gave an overview of the BMOW program and explained the need for the elderly to have animal companion ship though at times the elderly will give their own food to the animals. BMOW went home with bags of dog and cat food to assist in this effort. For more information please view the www.bmow.org web site.

13)    Adjournment:  The meeting was adjourned at 8:56 pm.

Respectfully Submitted, Shannon Harmeling, Recording Secretary

August 2013 General Meeting Minutes

General Membership Meeting

August 13, 2013

City Hall, 8th Floor Conference Room

  1. Meeting was called to order by President Mammano at 7:30 p.m.
  2. 1st Vice President Ron Centamore called the roll and declared we had a quorum.
  3. Minutes from the June General Meeting were adopted as presented.
  4. The Treasurer’s Report was read by Treasurer Rochelle Golub.  The ending balance as of July 31, 2013 was $8462.79.
  5. Police Report: Presented by Captain Appel – New Captain for District 3 – 954-822-6376 [email protected]. Changes department-wide to attend the CFLCA meetings. Captain Alvarez for District 2 and Captain Dietrich for District 1 will also attend on a rotation. New accomplishments in dealing with transient individuals who live under the bridges and overpasses. The State has now given cities a right to hand our Trespass Affidavits for those under the bridges. FLPD does have a homeless outreach officer and they do try to get them help if they are willing to get it. This was an accomplishment of the NAT Team and the Homeless Outreach Officers.  There are vacancies in the NAT teams due to promotions. In response to some questions, an explanation of the “NAT” teams was given. NAT stands for Neighborhood Action Team. Captain Appel explained that even though there is a change in staff due to the recent promotions, the police department and the NAT Officers are here to serve the neighborhoods and welcome calls and are willing to address any concerns. Residents should expect a response of some sort from NAT Officers. If not, contact the Captains. NAT used to be Community Policing – “touchy, feely.” District 1 NAT Officers commended by more than one neighborhood and noted to be affective. Yearly the Command staff evaluates the necessary staff
  6. Guests: Gloria Battle, Gwendolyn Clark Reed’s Office; (State Representatives on September 10)
  7. Thanks to Ron Centamore for the food.
  8. Guest Speakers: from All Aboard Florida, Ali Soule Public Affairs Manager, and Jose Gonzalez VP FEC Corporate Development, Executive Director Greg Stewart of MPO Metropolitan Planning Organization, and Diana Alarcon from Transportation & Mobility (T&M) discussed the FEC All Aboard Florida plans, how this will affect Fort Lauderdale, and how MPO fits in to the plans. Diana Alacorn from the City explained how these T&M facets work together. Focus on the Quiet Zones and safety at the crossings. Explanation of connecting with the ports and the export/import business of Port Everglades. Florida population 19 million, and with tourist over 55 million travelling from Miami to Orlando and around the state. The trains will be “smart” corridors providing wi-fi, etc. 70% of travelers are leisure travelers. 400 employees to run the system; 1000s of employees to build it, plus additional retail around the stations. Goal is to provide hourly service. 32 additional trains. This is not Tri Rail. Start of operation target for 2015. All Aboard Florida is totally private; no funding from State or Federal government. (40 min)See https://www.gobrightline.com/ for more All Aboard Florida information. Also see http://www.browardmpo.org/ for Broward MPO. Also see https://www.fortlauderdale.gov/government/departments-i-z/transportation-and-mobility for City T&M information.
  9. President’s Report/New Business: 1) On the Commission meeting on the 20th:  A) Up-zoning for the Downtown RAC and B) Proposing the Anti-concentration Legislation for Social Service Facility. Problem is you can a halfway house that is not licensed and they can whoever they want there and not covered by these regulations. Houses will put ten people in a three bedroom house, etc. and there are all kinds of social problems. To be brought up at the September 10th meeting with the Legislatures. This proposed legislation is to tighten up the current regulations. Relationships can’t be forced between those living in these houses. The idea of what a “family” is cannot be defined. 2) Explanation of the ANNUAL Neighborhood Recognition Process by the City vs. the paperwork needed to fill out for the CFLCA. Go to City’s web page, and look on the Neighborhood list to see if you are “recognized.” 3) Legislative Roundup is September 10 CFLCA General Meeting. 4) Appointment of Shannon Harmeling as the Chair for the Public Participation Ordinance Committee to focus first on the draft of the Public Participation Ordinance. 5) From the Environmental Division of the City employee Larry Teichs is willing to come out and employee xxx discuss swales, and Climate Change Impact. See http://www.fortlauderdale.gov/public_services/environmental_services/  6) Meals on Wheels by Doug Sauder asking people to bring pet food for these people who have pets. Amber Van Buren will come and talk next month about this issue. 7) Resident, Mr. Don Zimmer [email protected] brought up a code concern from Coral Ridge association about commercial trailors parking in the right of way, and on private property. He met with Greg Bruten head of planning and zoning and said the code has problems and would need the community as a whole to help change the code. He had handouts for everyone. 8) Brucie Cummings of Tarpon River President had a brief discussion of the Marina Lofts project was addressed and the CFLCA has refrained from taking a stand in the matter and leaving it up to individuals and neighbors to do as they wish. It was mentioned that Commissioner Rogers recused himself from the vote on Marina Lofts. Brucie had letters to hand out. Residents are encouraged to email their commissioners.
  10. Meeting Adjourned.