Daily Archives: January 10, 2014

October 8 2013 Minutes

Fort Lauderdale Council of Civic Associations
General Meeting Minutes
October 8, 2013

City Hall, 8th Floor Conference Room

  1. Call to Order:  The meeting was called to order by President Mammano at 7:34 pm.
  2. Pledge of Allegiance to the flag of the United States of America
  3. Roll Call:  First VP Centamore called attendance and declared a quorum.
  4. Review and Acceptance of the Minutes:  Minutes for September 2013 meeting were deferred until the November 2013 General Meeting.
  5. 5.     Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer’s Report Attached
  6. Police/Fire Report: Captain Robert Dietrich gave the Police Report and the Batalion Chief Jo-Ann Lorber of the Fire Department gave the Fire Report. Battalion Chief Lorber reminded us all of the upcoming CERT classes to be held October 26 & November 2. Captain Robert Dietrich discussed crime statistics, upcoming traffic announcements, and opened the floor to questions. Regarding statistics, Captain Dietrich explained the necessity to call in anything and everything a resident is concerned with. Each call is logged and assists the Police Department with crime patterns and trends. He recommended two ways to view online crime statistics in the City. First, he suggested residents go to www.flpd.org, hover over Community, and select the Crime Statistics tab. Here is the direct link: http://flpd.org/. The second web site he recommended is Raids Online: http://raidsonline.com/. Captain Dietrich alerted residents to the upcoming traffic changes and increase is traffic volume due to the Las Olas Art Show, the International Boat Show and the upcoming FDOT work to be done to the Sunrise BLVD Bridge. Questions from the floor came in about shootings, and “smart water.” Captain Dietrich offered to discuss questions outside to clear up information on shootings, and he directed us to the Smart Water web site: http://smartwatercsi.com/
  7. Special Guests & Topic: Tonight’s Special Guests and Topics came from the City’s own Assistant City Manager Susanne Torriente and staff. You can find out more about Susanne at the following link: http://www.fortlauderdale.gov/ . Susanne offered a power point demonstration on FEMA Flood Zone Maps, Elevation Certificates and Flood Insurance Rate Maps, Flooding and more. This extensive information can be reviewed at the following link: http://www.fortlauderdale.gov . The focus of the presentation was to promote “Adaptation Action Areas” that would take sustainability “Planning to Action.”
  8. The City’s Green Your Routine program under the Sustainability Division seeks to teach residents to adapt to a lifestyle of sustainability while we manage to live among 300 miles of coastal waterways and 7 miles of beach. Because we are a city surrounded by water we will experience flooding. The Sustainability Department seeks to build a city for the future; one that has an informed public and enhances the idea that we will be the City you never want to leave. Guest Dr. Nancy Gassman from Broward County also spoke on various Climate Change topics. For in depth research on this topic you can review this web site: https://www.broward.org/Climate/Pages/default.aspx . Both speakers expressed that an informed public that adapts to the climate changes and suggestions offered by experts will sustain their properties, the City’s future and will affect the city’s Community Rating System. This rating system ultimately measures the climate of a city, and consequently property insurance. The membership supported adding the Adaptation Action Areas (AAA) Initiative to the Comprehensive Plan and the development of guidelines to assist communities.
  9. For additional related topics, please review:

https://www.broward.org/Climate/Pages/default.aspx (This will take time to load.)

FEMA Flood Insurance Zones: https://gis.fortlauderdale.gov/2020prelimFEMAFloodMaps/

Flood Zone Information Maps: http://www.fortlauderdale.gov/floodzones

Bio Swales: http://www.broward.org/Stormwater/Pages/bioswales.aspx

Southeast Florida Regional Climate Change Compact: http://southeastfloridaclimatecompact.org/

  1. 10.  President’s Report: President Mammano plans to draft a letter to the City Attorney regarding slap suits against residents speaking on behalf of the community against a developer. There is great concern over the protections of citizens who are executing their civic duty and the threat from businesses against them personally.
  2. Committee Reports: 1) Public Participation Ordinance is still being reviewed and is more a Public Notification Ordinance. This is going to be discussed further at the next General Meeting and this ordinance should also address ongoing public notification, changes in the develop plans, and neighborhood opportunity to response throughout planning at a quasi-hearing before the Commission.  New state law may trump local law. 2) Legislative Committee: Concern over Cluster Housing was brought up for topic to be researched.
  3. Old Business: Mr. Don Zimmer requests that the Council formally address the concerns over the way the code is written regarding trailers in neighborhoods.
  4. 13.  For the Good of the Community: Youth, William Howell set up the Fort Lauderdale Water Ways Clean Up for October 19, 2013 at George English Park. Residents are encouraged to contact William at [email protected].
  5. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 8:34 pm.

Respectfully Submitted, Linda Nugent for Shannon Harmeling Recording Secretary