July 2008 General Meeting

July 8, 2008
8TH FLOOR Commission Chamber

CALL TO ORDER by 1st Vice President, Dr. Betty Hays at 7:30 PM followed by the PLEDGE of ALLEGIANCE.

ROLL CALL BY Second VP, Tom Welch, and a quorum of 17 members are present.
MEETING MINUTES of June 10th, 2008 approval will be postponed until September meeting.

TREASURERS REPORT for July 8th, 2008 was provided by Treasurer, Ron Centamore and it was moved by Dave Marshall and accepted unanimously.

1. Scott Strawbridge of Riverwalk Trust presented a new program on Riverwalk for adding trees to replace the ones removed due to hurricane Wilma.  The program is called Tree Harmony and they are looking to relocate trees of special qualities that needed to moved from their present location due to development or some other reason. They have partner with the Parks and Recreation Department to have the trees relocated by the owners and maintained by the City. He did not have any more information other contact Riverwalk Trust, if you know of any such trees. He also reminded everyone that Riverwalk is sponsoring twice weekly walk on Tuesday and Thursday nights. Meet at the Gazebo at 6:30pm.
2. Richard Mancuso shared his frustration with the City Commission not making a decision on the consultant to assist the City staff develop ideas for improved ULDR policies. Richard was asked by the chair to draft a letter to the Commissioners explain the Councils disappointment.
3. The Police & Fire Appreciation event will be at Holiday Park on August 5th 2008 as part of National Night Out Against Crime. Co-Chairs Betty Shelley and Tim Smith said that no Council funds will be used and neighborhood are asked to come out and set up a booth and give away desserts and drinks. There is a need for each neighborhood to nominate their best Police person to receive recognition at this event.


1. Ad Hoc Code reform Committee Report- Richard Mancuso- Reported there has not been a consultant chosen and it will decide at next weeks Budget meeting.
2. Goal Setting Committee Update- Crime Committee has met and the minutes are attached. The Park Goals team met and there is a draft of the minutes of their meeting on June 26th, 2008.
3. The Education Advisory Board meeting minutes are attached.

New Business:

1. The Chair of the Candidates Forum, Betty Shelley announced the dates are set for the January 29th, 2009 and February 26th all at 7pm at the City Commission Cambers. Mr. Pollock agreed to moderate as before.
2. It has been decided that Dennis Ulmer has been recalled as his neighborhood representative and will need to step down as the District III representative. Therefore an election will be held at the September meeting. District III Associations are requested to send  us names of qualified candidates willing to serve out Dennis’ term.

For the good of the Community:

1. There is going to be decision on the Dr. Kennedy House for destruction by the Land Use Change on July 16th, 2008.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:56pm

June 2008 Board Meeting

June 23, 2008
Board Meeting Minutes
8TH FLOOR Commission Chamber

CALL TO ORDER by President Genia Ellis at 5:30 PM.

ROLL CALL BY President, all Board members present, with David Marshall arriving 6:06 and Betty Shelley arriving at 6:20pm. Gabriel Ocasio absent.

MEETING MINUTES of June 10th, 2008 were reviewed and Dr. Hayes made a motion to accept as submitted. Motion carried with no objections.
Treasurers Report- Ron Centamore €œThe report has not changed since June 10th general meeting.


1. Agenda for July 08, 2008 General Meeting was discussed and there were several items reviewed. The most important will be the June 30th Crime Night Out final Planning and the Goals Committees progress report by each Chair.
2. Committee Duties and Postings Richard Mancuso. The Goals Committees need to get organized for a good kick off in September. Please report to Richard the times and agenda on the committees. There are several that have not met and need to get on board to report. Richard was requested to draft a letter to the Commissioners reflecting the Councils disappointment for not selecting a consultant for the Code reform efforts.
3. Crime Night Planning- Police and Fire Department Appreciation Night at Holiday Park on June 39th will begin at 5pm, but all tables and Neighborhoods need to start at least by 3pm. All Board members are expected to attend or send a representative or alternate. Betty Shelley, co-chair said that is has been decided that no money will be allowed from candidates running for office. Tim Smith is getting donations and has a major donor for all the food and water. Commissioner has agreed to participate as a co-host. ( see attachment B for the event flyer.
4. July Board Meeting schedule: There will be no meeting in July. The next meeting will be August 25th.
5. There will be no General meeting in August 2008.


1. Richard explained further that the July 15th Budget Workshop will review the funds needed to pay for the Code reform Contract that is expected to require in excess of $100,000.
2. The refreshment list was discussed and needs more participation from new members.
3. Candidates Forum is all set and schedules with City Hall. Betty Shelly as committee chair said Christopher Pollock as agreed to moderate the meetings, again.
4. Committee reports by Richard and there are several meeting coming up for the committee: Parks Committee will meet June 26th at City hall at 6pm Chaired by Doug Sterner. Agenda is attachment C.
5. Genia presented a fax notice sent by Edna Elijah of Lauderdale Manor’s requesting the change of the associations representative. This representative is a Board member – District III representative elected by the membership. He would not be allowed to continue to serve in this role without being either the representative or alternate from that Association. She went on to explain that Membership Chair, Betty Hays had requested that the proper forms with the change be provided. Because there are by-law guidelines, the position has been advertised and a replacement will be voted on at the September meeting. Mr. Ulmer will continue to serve until the election is held. The term of this office currently concludes in March 2009. Objections by a number of board members were noted when an association who has previously agreed to support a member for a board position, terminates that agreement without discussion with the board leaving an important position unfilled.
For the Good of the Committee:
1. Genia brought up the item requested by Riverwalk Trust to come to the General Meeting for presenting the banner Program along the Riverwalks full length. Brochures are attached for everyone review. It was agreed to make it agenda item in July.
2. Condolences were expressed by all Board members to Genia for the recent loss of her mother.
Motion to adjourn at 6:35pm.

May 2008 Board Meeting

June 10, 2008 Tuesday Delayed May Board Meeting 8TH FLOOR 5:30 pm

CALL TO ORDER by President Genia Ellis at 5:30 PM
ROLL CALL BY 1st Vice President Betty Hays with the following members present, Genia Ellis, Betty Shelley, Betty Hays, Richard Mancuso, Dennis Ulmer & Ray Dettman. Absence Ron Centamore, Tom Welch, Reid Morgan, Gabriel Ocasio & David Marshall
REVIEW AND ACCEPTANCE: Meeting Minutes dated April 28, 2008* were tabled for further discussion and correction at the request of Ray Dettman.  Secretary Morgan is to provide copies of minutes from the April and May General & Board Meetings to address the changes desired by Mr. Dettman.
TREASURERS REPORT not provided at this time.


1. General Meeting June 10, 2008 œ Presentation will be made by new Chief Frank Adderley who will answer the questions provided by the Council 8 weeks ago.
2. Committee Duties and Postings Richard Mancuso €œ the EAB report was posted on line  as was the Parks report.
3. Crime Night Out Planning was discussed and moved to be presented to the membership for discussion and consensus as to moving forward.

1. Ad Hoc Code Reform Report indicated that the item was to again be presented at Commission on June 17, 2008 to attempt to select consultant.  The commission was unable to find 3 votes to support the staff recommendations after a long and lengthy process of review.
2. Refreshment List and Status is to be provided by Tom Welch at the next meeting.
3. Candidates Forum Committee €œ Betty Shelley asked each member to suggest a possible moderator for the upcoming events.
4. Committee Reports and Update 5. Need for current and complete member/alternate list for 2007 and 2008

FOR THE GOOD OF THE COMMUNITY €œ continued concerns were raised regarding public safety and the continued  loss of officers and visible patrol in the neighborhoods.
*Indicates voting items General Meeting œ Tuesday– July 08, 2008 7-9 PM – 8th Floor

Board Meeting June 23, 2008 œ 8th Floor NOTE:  Two of more Commissioners and/or city board members may be present at this meeting

June 2008 General Meeting

June 10, 2008
8TH FLOOR Commission Chamber

CALL TO ORDER by President, Genia Ellis at 7:30 PM followed by the

ROLL CALL BY Second VP, Tom Welch, and a quorum of 21 members are present.
MEETING MINUTES of May 13th, 2008 moved by Dr. Hayes and accepted as submitted unanimously.
TREASURERS REPORT for May 30th, 2008 was provided by Treasurer, Ron Centamore and it was moved by Dave Marshall and accepted unanimously.

1. Chief Frank Adderley – Responded to written community questions previously submitted to the chief. See attachment (D). The basic overview is that the Police Chief had a positive attitude to making the department work with what assets they do have. There are 510 approved position and only 34 are vacate, which is less than 7 percent of the total.

They are actively recruiting to fill those as quickly as possible. He spent 50 minutes answering in detail the concerns of those questions submitted and those asked from those present.
2. The Council members and their individual associations provided input in to what is believed to be sufficient responses to indicate consensus on items that may be proposed for ULDR changes, NCIP Grant consensus, as well as issues like speed bumps, road closures and the like. A variety of percentages were offered with the ranges from 50% plus 1 to as high as 60%. Recommendations also indicated that the consensus should be of the property owners within the geographic boundary of the proposed change. These numbers and summary will be provided to the Planning Department, at the request of the Commission, to be combined with other historical information gathered to attempt to establish a reasonable and consistent guideline for the review of such items.


1. Ad Hoc Code reform Committee Report- Richard Mancuso- Reported there has not been chosen and it will go to the June 17th meeting. Council Members were urged to contact their Commissioners and urge them to select a consultant, in accordance with their own purchasing guidelines, and move the item forward.
2. Goal Setting Committee Update- Only the Crime Committee is moving forward
The sub-committee for the DRC process by consultants and AIA is developed with the assistance of David Bruton and City staff.
New Business:
1. Crime Night Out Planning- Tim Smith presented the idea of a Celebration and appreciation to the City Fire and Police Department at a City Park. Asst City Manager œ David Hebert indicated the City will support the event. Dave Marshall made a motion that the Council support this celebration with notifications and volunteers, but no monetary support, for August 5th, 2008. The motion carried.
Old Business:
1. Committee reports by Richard Mancuso will be delayed until new Chair is selected for the Crime Committee. The other Goals Committee need to report into Richard.
2. The Chair of the Candidates Forum Betty Shelley announced the dates are set for the January 29th, 2009 and February 26th all at 7pm at the City Commission Cambers.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:56pm

May 2008 General Meeting

May 13, 2008
General Meeting
8th Floor
City Hall

CALL TO ORDER by President, Genia Ellis at 7:30 PM followed by the PLEDGE of ALLEGIANCE.

ROLL CALL BY First VP, Dr. Hayes and a quorum of 22 members are present.

MEETING MINUTES of April 8th, 2008 moved and accepted as submitted unanimously.

TREASURERS REPORT was provided by Treasurer, Ron Centamore and it was moved and accepted unanimously.


1. State Representatives Jack Seiler and Ellyn Bogdanoff made a presentation on the last session of the Florida Legislature for 2008. The update took about 25 minutes with questions and answers. The summary basically revolved around the reduction of the budget due to the latest economic crisis.  Copies of the Legislative Summary from the Whip will be provided via e-mai through Corresponding Secretary David Marshall.

2.  Ad hoc Committee €œRichard Mancuso gave a brief description of the latest series of meetings since the Planning Director quit. They had meetings with Greg Bruton and the RFPÃs are back from consultants and the results resulted in 4 finalist. The City staff have selected a finalist for presentation to the Commission on May 20th, 2008.

3. Sub Committee Report on the DRC Process and Customer Service improvements     is being assembled and M. Mathias of the AIA is hoping to work successfully with its members and the Building Department.

New Business:

1. The Citywide Yard Sale report was presented by Genia Ellis held on the past May 3, 2008. The net resulted in a gain to the treasury of $1,047.01.

2. Hal Barnes discussed the date for the Florida Neighborhood Conference in Tallahassee on June 26-28, 2008. The City will sponsor 2 members from each neighborhood for the cost of the convention only. There are buses scheduled at a minimal cost. Food and hotel expenses are not covered. The county is providing a bus to Tallahassee will be around $10 round trip. There may be other space available if other Civic Associations choose not to attend.

3. There will be changes for the next General meeting date due to the City Commission changes. The current projection is to move it to June 3rd in lieu of June 10th as planned. The BOD also needs to change due the 26th is a holiday. This will be done by email. Old Business: 1. Committee reports by Richard Mancuso will be delayed until new Chair is selected for the Crime Committee. The other Goals Committee need to report into Richard. 2. The Chair of the Candidates Forum Betty Shelley announced the dates are set for the January 29th, 2009 and February 26th all at 7pm at the City Commission Cambers.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:56pm

January 2008 General

Minutes – January 07, 2008 – General Meeting

January 7th, 2008
8TH FLOOR Commission Chamber

CALL TO ORDER by President Eugenia Duncan Ellis at 7:30 PM followed by the
ROLL CALL BY 2nd VP Tom Welch confirmed a quorum of members were present.
MEETING MINUTES of October 9th, 2007 moved by Dr. Hayes and accepted as submitted . There were no minutes of the November meeting as it was the Neighborhood services night and December meeting was the Annual Christmas Party.
TREASURERS REPORT was provided by Treasurer, Ron Centamore and it was moved by Dave Marshall and accepted. ANNOUNCEMENTS/GUEST INTRODUCTIONS
1. Robert Wolfe €œ Office of the Property Appraiser €œ Broward county made a presentation on the proposed Property Tax Amendment No.1 to be voted on January 29th, 2008. He handed out copies of the Property Appraisers Newsletter where in it explained the four parts of this amendment. It was further recommended that everyone go online to to see the calculator to your properties that would take in the Tax Year 2008/09. In addition, he asked that property owners go on-line and complete the Property Appraisers Questionnaire and verify the floor plan on record and make appropriate changes. He encouraged residents to vote on January 29th.
2. State representative Jack Seiler was recognized and offered his comments of support to the proposed amendment. He went on to stay this may be the only opportunity for change for a while until the Tax Reform Committee meets this summer and with the next election being over two years away. Representative Seiler did say that Rep. Nick Thomas is working on a change that might offer another option during the November 2008 election, should the January 29th Proposed Tax Amendment not be successful.
3. Marilyn Mammano from the Community Appearance Board and the WOW Awards made a short presentation encouraging Civic Associations need to get more active in the nominating of more properties. She said it would help their committee find better selections. They are working hard to develop a better partnership with the neighborhood associations.
1. Ad hoc Committee €œRichard Mancuso gave a brief description of the latest series of meeting since the Planning Director left the city. The RFP is being drafted to hire a consultant to assist the City in implementing the proposed building and zoning changes as well as including updated guidelines. It is anticipated that the RFP will be released by the end of January and awarded in the next 60 days. It was further reported that the Board of Directors had voted to recognize and honor explained by Richard that Courtney Crush and Gus Carbano at the February 12, 2008 meeting with plaque and a small gift certificate.
2. DRC Sub Committee A short report by Richard indicated that the committee will complete their recommendations during January and present the findings to the Board. The Board will review and report to the membership at the February meeting.

New Business:
1. The next years meeting dates are attached in this months packet and on the web.
2. The February meeting will be our goal setting actions for the upcoming year 2008/09.
3. The first of three Crime Walks will be on January 11, 2008 at the Mizell Center at 1409 Sistrunk. Participation in all three will result in CVC points so be sure to have at least one neighborhood representative sign in at the reception area. It was also reported that Progresso Village and SMRA will be the February and March Crime Walks.
Old Business:
1. Crime Committee new Chair (Ron Centamore) announced the next meeting on January 16th, Wednesday in City Hall Cafeteria at 5:30pm.
2. The Neighborhood Services Night in October was reported to be very successful and it will not be held again until 2009/10.
3. The Annual Christmas Party was fun and fulfilling thanks to the BOD who volunteered to decorated and serve the great food.

For the good of the Community:
The City Hollywood has invited Genia Ellis to come and present on behalf of the City of Fort Lauderdale, information about their Neighborhood Recognition Program and the CVC at their January evening meeting. Ms. Ellis has also been asked to come to the Hollywood Council of Civic Associations on January 21, 2008 to discuss how CFLCA addresses key issues.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:51pm

Next General Meeting is February 12, 2008 at 7pm at the 8th floor City Hall

Resolution to Commission on Utility Cabinets

In accordance with a unanimous vote of the General Membership, the following resolution was transmitted to the Mayor, Commission and staff.


WHEREAS, the State of Florida has passed HOUSE BILL 529, “The Consumer Broadband Choice Act of 2007”, that authorizes the State of Florida to grant state-issued franchises to AT&T and any number of other telecommunication companies for the intended purpose of allowing these companies to provide Florida residents with competitively priced DSL and cable TV services; and

WHEREAS, the unregulated unsightly appearance and location of the telecommunication equipment used to provide these services has and will have a profound negative impact on the safety along our public rights-of-way, the appearance of neighborhoods, and property values throughout Fort Lauderdale.

NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Council of Fort Lauderdale Civic Associations:

That the Council formally objects to the unsightly appearance and location of the telecommunication equipment that has already been constructed on both public and private property in the City of Fort Lauderdale; and

That the Council fully supports the City of Fort Lauderdale’s anticipated creation of an Ordinance to regulate the appearance and location, on both public and private property, of all telecommunication equipment, both existing and planned, authorized by House Bill 529, in order to minimize the negative impact this equipment will have on the safety along our public rights-of way, the appearance of our neighborhoods and property values; and

That the Council formally requests that the aforementioned Ordinance include a requirement that all telecommunication equipment authorized by House Bill 529, be placed on poles or underground whenever possible; and

That the Council formally requests that the aforementioned Ordinance include a requirement that all telecommunication companies in the process of planning the construction of this equipment be required to consult with appropriate neighborhood representatives and property owners prior to receiving a permit for construction of the planned equipment, in order to ensure a minimal impact on the proposed location.

Adopted this, the 11 day of  September, 2007.

Eugenia D. Ellis , President On behalf of the Council of Fort Lauderdale Civic Associations

Resolution Las Olas Marina

Resolution Las Olas Marina – July 12, 2005

At the July 12, 2005 Council of Fort Lauderdale Civic Associations meeting, Mr. John Terrell, Marine Advisory Board Chair, presented the findings of that Board on the proposed change of use to allow commercial rental of dockage for the Las Olas Marina which would reduce the recreational use of the facility.

P. O. Box 1492 Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33302 July 12, 2005
City of Fort Lauderdale 100 North Andrews Avenue Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301 Attention:        Mayor Jim Naugle                         Vice Mayor Christine Teel                         Commissioner Dean Trantalis                         Commissioner Carlton Moore                         Commissioner Cindi Hutchinson                         City Manager George Gretsas                         City Attorney Harry Stewart                         City Clerk Jonda Joseph
Reference:     Las Olas Marina – Change of Use
Ladies and Gentlemen:
At the July 12, 2005 Council of Fort Lauderdale Civic Associations meeting, Mr. John Terrell, Marine Advisory Board Chair, presented the findings of that Board on the proposed change of use to allow commercial rental of dockage for the Las Olas Marina which would reduce the recreational use of the facility.
Following a lengthy spirited discussion of the assembled membership, a motion to submit the following Resolution was made by David Marshall, Riverside Park, and seconded by Bunney Brenneman, Coral Ridge Isles.  This motion was accepted by a unanimous vote.
By Resolution of the Council of Fort Lauderdale Civic Associations, It is hereby requested that the City of Fort Lauderdale make no change to the lease with the state of Florida regarding Las Olas Marina without significant public input through a hearing process.
The participating membership expressed considerable concern about making any changes to the existing lease that could allow for a commercial use at the marina on a temporary or permanent basis.  Loss of those facilities to the recreational community would conflict with the consensus attained in establishing that facility initially.
Before any change is made to the existing lease or the facility use is given over to the Water Bus or any other commercial entity, we respectfully request a public hearing on the proposed change that could result in the loss of public recreational use.

Eugenia Duncan Ellis President Council of Fort Lauderdale Civic Associations