Daily Archives: June 23, 2008

June 2008 Board Meeting

June 23, 2008
Board Meeting Minutes
8TH FLOOR Commission Chamber

CALL TO ORDER by President Genia Ellis at 5:30 PM.

ROLL CALL BY President, all Board members present, with David Marshall arriving 6:06 and Betty Shelley arriving at 6:20pm. Gabriel Ocasio absent.

MEETING MINUTES of June 10th, 2008 were reviewed and Dr. Hayes made a motion to accept as submitted. Motion carried with no objections.
Treasurers Report- Ron Centamore €œThe report has not changed since June 10th general meeting.


1. Agenda for July 08, 2008 General Meeting was discussed and there were several items reviewed. The most important will be the June 30th Crime Night Out final Planning and the Goals Committees progress report by each Chair.
2. Committee Duties and Postings Richard Mancuso. The Goals Committees need to get organized for a good kick off in September. Please report to Richard the times and agenda on the committees. There are several that have not met and need to get on board to report. Richard was requested to draft a letter to the Commissioners reflecting the Councils disappointment for not selecting a consultant for the Code reform efforts.
3. Crime Night Planning- Police and Fire Department Appreciation Night at Holiday Park on June 39th will begin at 5pm, but all tables and Neighborhoods need to start at least by 3pm. All Board members are expected to attend or send a representative or alternate. Betty Shelley, co-chair said that is has been decided that no money will be allowed from candidates running for office. Tim Smith is getting donations and has a major donor for all the food and water. Commissioner has agreed to participate as a co-host. ( see attachment B for the event flyer.
4. July Board Meeting schedule: There will be no meeting in July. The next meeting will be August 25th.
5. There will be no General meeting in August 2008.


1. Richard explained further that the July 15th Budget Workshop will review the funds needed to pay for the Code reform Contract that is expected to require in excess of $100,000.
2. The refreshment list was discussed and needs more participation from new members.
3. Candidates Forum is all set and schedules with City Hall. Betty Shelly as committee chair said Christopher Pollock as agreed to moderate the meetings, again.
4. Committee reports by Richard and there are several meeting coming up for the committee: Parks Committee will meet June 26th at City hall at 6pm Chaired by Doug Sterner. Agenda is attachment C.
5. Genia presented a fax notice sent by Edna Elijah of Lauderdale Manor’s requesting the change of the associations representative. This representative is a Board member – District III representative elected by the membership. He would not be allowed to continue to serve in this role without being either the representative or alternate from that Association. She went on to explain that Membership Chair, Betty Hays had requested that the proper forms with the change be provided. Because there are by-law guidelines, the position has been advertised and a replacement will be voted on at the September meeting. Mr. Ulmer will continue to serve until the election is held. The term of this office currently concludes in March 2009. Objections by a number of board members were noted when an association who has previously agreed to support a member for a board position, terminates that agreement without discussion with the board leaving an important position unfilled.
For the Good of the Committee:
1. Genia brought up the item requested by Riverwalk Trust to come to the General Meeting for presenting the banner Program along the Riverwalks full length. Brochures are attached for everyone review. It was agreed to make it agenda item in July.
2. Condolences were expressed by all Board members to Genia for the recent loss of her mother.
Motion to adjourn at 6:35pm.