August 2009 Board Meeting

August 24, 2009
Board Meeting
8th Floor Conference Room
5:30 pm

REVIEW AND ACCEPTANCE: Meeting Minutes June 22, 2009* Motion to approved offered by Genia Ellis, seconded by Betty Shelley.

TREASURERS REPORT * Tom Welch    Adoption of Council Budget* – Deferred ANNOUNCEMENTS/GUEST INTRODUCTIONS    Alison Soule – SFECC
1. General Meeting Sept. 8, 2009 œ Agenda Robert Wolfe of the County Tax Appraisers Office will provided an update on current trends in assessments and estimated tax.
2.  Neighborhood Forum re Code Enforcement œ the Planning & Zoning Board will be setting a date to host a workshop on the information provided by Winter and Company prior to the presentation to the Commission.  Council Committee members have asked to see that documentation prior to presentation to the P&Z.
3.  NCIP Grant Application are due on September 25th by 4:30 PM.  The Council determined to remind all members to be on time to be competitive.

1. Dues notices for upcoming year€œ status was requested from Marilyn Mamamno with a listing of each association that had joined and the contact information for the representative and alternate.
2. Recruitment for Standing and Ad Hoc Committees – Gabe Ocasia Davila œ deferred to the next meeting.
3. Report on Neighborhood Development Criteria €œ the process committee has continued to meet to redefine means to apply through the building department in a more expeditious fashion.
4. Budget Questions and Input will again be requested from all members to be forwarded to the Commission.
FOR THE GOOD OF THE COMMUNITY Discussion on how Code Enforcement and how to best work with the department came up with a suggestion that we put together a guidebook for dealing with certain types of issues.  Individual neighborhoods contact code for specific issues through the hotline and via e-mail directly to their Code Officer on behalf of the association.  Priorities within each neighborhood vary and there needs to be a better means of having those items enforced.
*Indicates voting items General Meeting œ Tuesday€œ Sept. 8, 2009 7-9 PM – 8th Floor Board Meeting – Monday – September 28, 2009 €œ 8th Floor NOTE: Two or more Commissioners and/or city board members may be present at this meeting.

July 2009 General Meeting

July 14, 2009
City Hall 8th Floor Commission Chamber

1. CALL TO ORDER at 7:32 PM
3. ROLL CALL BY 1st Vice President (Marilyn Mammano) 18 of 33 members present (quorum present).
4. REVIEW AND ACCEPTANCE: MEETING MINUTES of June 9, 2009* – Motion by Genia Ellis and second by Betty Shelley to approve minutes; motion passed.
5. TREASURERS REPORT Tom Welch* – Motion by David Marshall and second by Betty Shelley to approve Treasurers report; motion passed.
a. Valerie Bohlander, Michael Maloney, Deborah Hernandez, and Chris Augustin of the Fort Lauderdale Building Department led a discussion of code enforcement priorities and AT&T utility boxes. The department can use a new nuisance ordinance to address hazards and nuisances more quickly than before.
a. Committee Chair Recruiting Members to serve Gabriel Ocasio-Davila (No update)
b. Neighborhood Updates Hal Barnes and Sheri Roberts noted that NCIP applications are due by Sept. 25.
c. City Budget Questions and Concerns Genia Ellis noted that the City zero-based budgeting differed from the conventional practice of zero-based budgeting.
d. Vacancy €œ District II Representative €œ The vacancy was announced for a vote at a future meeting.

a. Centennial Committee Report €œ Donna Mergenhagen requested responses to the Centennial Survey no later than Sept. 7.
b. Ad Hoc Code Reform €œ Richard Mancuso reported that findings from consultant are due out this week (the week of July 13).
c. Membership no update.

a. AT&T Box Proliferation€œ Brief discussion of AT&T plans to install additional utility boxes in public right of way; a copy of the “AT&T Cabinet Checklist and related information was provided to the Recording Secretary.
b. Parks Goals Report No update.
c. CVC events were announced for Sat. July 25, Sat. Aug. 15, and Fri. Sept. 25 (Crime Walk).

10. ADJOURNED at 9:15.

*Indicates voting items or may be a voting item
Board Meeting 5:30 pm, 8th Floor Conference Room, Monday, August, 24, 2009
General Meeting – Sept. 8, 2009 PM 8th Floor City Hall

June 2009 Board Meeting

June 22, 2009

City Hall 8th Floor Commission Chamber

1. CALL TO ORDER at 5:30 PM
Present: Absent:
Doug Sterner Gabriel Ocasio-Davila
Marilyn Mammano Mike Vondermeulen
Betty Shelley Juanita Gray (Excused)
David Marshall
Tom Welch
David Parker
Drew Pickens
Genia Ellis
Donna Mergenhagen

3. REVIEW AND ACCEPTANCE of Meeting Minutes for the May 28, 2009 Board meeting was deferred to the July Board Meeting.
4. TREASURERS REPORT Tom Welch indicated there was no change since the June General Meeting.
5. Proposed Budget Tom Welch presented a draft budget for the Council, which the Board discussed. Marilyn Mammano moved and Genia Ellis seconded, that the Board approve the budget as amended (to add $250 for the Holiday Party). Motion passed.
a. General Meeting July 15, 2009 Agenda
i. Code and Buildings Dept. staff – discussion of abandoned/stalled construction projects, AT&T cabinets, and foreclosed property maintenance Valerie Bohlander has agreed that a representative from the Code or Building Department will attend.
b. Florida Neighborhood Conference – reports to be required from participants €œ 2 people confirmed including Doug Sterner. Genia Ellis moved, and Donna Mergenhagen seconded, that the Council budget for FNC be allocated to the two members attending the conference. Motion passed.
c. Parks Goals Committee Report – input from members needed.
a. Dues notices for upcoming year status€œ Marilyn Mammano reported that second notices had been sent out by District Representatives Dave Parker and Juanita Gray.
b. Recruitment for Standing and Ad Hoc Committees – Gabe Ocasio Davila (No update)
c. Report on Neighborhood Development Criteria €œ Richard Mancuso reported that City Planning Staff Wayne Jessup and Adrian Ehle are waiting for consultants Winter & Co. to “digest the raw data from the workshops held in the last month. A June project deadline was missed; the team may possibly provide the next update in October. Marilyn Mammano agreed to review the contract to see what timeline it contained.
a. CVC Event planned for July 25 at 8AM in Snyder Park
b. Kathy Curry €œ Meals on Wheels/CERT
c. Board Member Attendance €œ Doug Sterner to contact Board Members who have missed recent meetings.
10. ADJOURNED at 6:45

*Indicates voting items

General Meeting Tuesday July 14(Note Corrected Date), 2009 7-9 PM – 8th Floor Conference Room

Board Meeting – Monday – July 27, 2009 €œ 8th Floor Conference Room

June 2009 General Meeting

June 09, 2009
City Hall €œ 8th Floor Commission Chamber


2. ROLL CALL BY 1st Vice President Marilyn Mammano – 17 of 33 members present (quorum present).
3. REVIEW AND ACCEPTANCE: MEETING MINUTES of May 12, 2009* – Motion by Genia Ellis and second by Betty Shelley to approve minutes; motion passed.
4. TREASURERS REPORT Tom Welch* – Motion by David Marshall and second by Ron Centamore to approve Treasurers report; motion passed.
a. Historical Preservation €œ Alysa Plummer, VP Sailboat Bend & Diane Smart, Broward Trust for Historical Preservation€œ Spoke about historic preservation in Fort Lauderdale
b. County Vice Mayor Ken Keechl €œ County Update “ 8:00 PM (Time Certain) Spoke about County issues, including the County budget and the ongoing budget discussion with Sheriff Lamberti; answered member questions.

a. Committee Chair Recruiting Members to serve €œ Gabriel Ocasio-Davila (No update)
b. Florida Neighborhood Conference (NUSA) €œ Council Reports St. Petersburg, Fl. Hal Barnes and Sheri Roberts noted additional details are available at
c. City Budget Questions and Concerns (no update)

a. Centennial Committee Report Donna Mergenhagen noted that the City Commission has added a Council seat to the City Cent„ennial Committee.
b. Ad Hoc Code Reform €œ Richard Mancuso reported that the minutes from the Planning Workshop are not yet posted; he will update the Council when they are.
c. Membership €œ Has increased from 28 to 33 in the last month.

a. AT&T Box Proliferation €œ Brief discussion of AT&T plans to install additional utility boxes in public right of way.
b. Library Openings €œ Support to retain €œ Members are encouraged to raise the issue with their county Commissioners in light of current budget issues.
c. BARC Facility Expansion Report €œ Doug Sterner updated the membership re. the issue raised by Edgewater Civic Association and the letter he sent to the Mayor regarding the issue.
d. Parks Goals Report €œ July discussion and vote
e. Andy Ziffer €œ spoke regarding construction site code enforcement concerns.

9. ADJOURNED at 9:20.

*Indicates voting items or may be a voting item
Board Meeting 5:30 pm, 8th Floor Conference Room, Monday, June, 22, 2009
General Meeting – July 14, 2009 PM 8th Floor City Hall

May 2009 General Meeting

Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, May 12, 2009

City Hall, 8TH Floor Commission Chamber

1. CALL TO ORDER        at 7:30 PM


3. ROLL CALL BY 1st Vice President (Marilyn Mammano) –19 members plus 1 late arrival present; quorum met.  (See Attachment B.)

a. MEETING MINUTES of April 14, 2009* – Motion to approve by Genia Ellis and seconded by Ron Centamore.  Motion passed.  (See Attachment D,)
i. April 2009 Report –  Motion to approve (with amended date) by Genia Ellis,seconded by Betty Shelley.  Motion passed. (See Attachment E)
ii. Annual (Apr. 2008-Mar. 2009) Final Audited Report – Audit committee reported that the year-end treasurer’s report passed their review. (See Attachment F)


6. Hal Barnes/Sheri Roberts – NUSA – Florida Conference – Mr. Barnes announced the Neighborhoods USA (NUSA) conference to be held in Spokane, WA May 20-23 and the Florida Neighborhoods Conference to be held in St. Petersburg FL July 9-11. (See Attachment I.)  A motion by Genia Ellis, seconded by Betty Shelley, for the Council to sponsor all registration fees for 5 members to the Florida Neighborhoods Conference passed unanimously.

7. Downtown Development Authority – Chris Wren & Elizabeth van Sant – Mr. Wren and Ms. van Sant made a presentation to the membership regarding the activities of the DDA, and invited members to attend their May 27 event at the Performing Arts Center.

8. Historical Preservation – Alysa Plummer, VP Sailboat Bend & Diane Smart, Broward Trust for Historical Preservation  ** This item was rescheduled for the June 09, 2009 meeting.

a. Membership – District Representatives will send out 2nd notices to those civic associations which have not renewed their memberships.  The Council currently has 31 members, out of 63 city-recognized and 23 non-recognized associations city-wide.
b. Refreshment Assignment & Sign Up – Refreshments are assigned through December 2009.
c. Committees for the Upcoming year – Standing & Ad Hoc – A list of Regular/Standing, Ad Hoc, and Goals committees was circulated.  (See Attachment G.)  A motion by Marilyn Mammano, seconded by Genia Ellis, to sunset all Goals Committees, passed. A second motion,by Betty Shelley, seconded by Bijon Fayyaz, to keep the following (9 + 4) standing and ad hoc committees, carried.

Regular/ Standing Committees
Crime/Public Safety/Emergency Preparedness

Ad hoc Committees:
Code Reform
Process Reform

a. Centennial Committee – The committee passed out a draft form (see Attachment H) and requested feedback regarding the form, and also asked members to respond with information by September.
b. Ad Hoc Code Reform Committee Report – Richard Mancuso noted that the City’s monthly Civic Packet indicates that the City will be holding Neighborhood Development Criteria Community Workshops from May 11 – 14 (Mon. – Thu.), at 6:00 p.m. in locations to be announced.  Also, with respect to the “Process” Ad Hoc Code Reform committee, committee member Courtney Crush and Planning Director Greg Brewton are leading an effort to streamline administrative procedures for development projects.
c. Centennial Committee Report – The Council’s committee meets the 1st Tues. of each month and members are invited to join.  The committee is looking for suggestions re.possible take-aways.
d. EAB Report – Available on the Council website.

a. The Community Appearance Board will give its awards May 27.
b. The City is holding neighborhood development workshops May 11-14.  (See Attachment J.)
c. Margaret Haney-Birch and JoAnne Simmonds  of  Lake Aire Civic Association were recognized.

12. ADJOURN – Marilyn Mammano moved to adjourn; Richard Mancuso seconded.  Meeting adjourned at 9PM.

*Indicates voting items
Next Board Meeting 5:30 pm, 8th Floor Conference Room, Thursday, May 28, 2009
June General Meeting – June 9, 2009 PM 8th Floor City Hall

Attachment A – Agenda, May 12, 2009
Attachment B – Attendance Record, May 12, 2009
Attachment C – Sign-in Sheet, May 12, 2009
Attachment D – Minutes of General Meeting, April 14, 2009.
Attachment E – Treasurer’s Report for April 2009
Attachment F – Treasurer’s Report for April 2008-March 2009
Attachment G – List of Committees
Attachment H – Centennial Committee Form
Attachment I – Florida Neighborhoods Conference flyer
Attachment J – Neighborhood Development Workshop schedule flyer.

April 2009 Board Meeting

April 27, 2009 Monday Minutes
Board Meeting
8th Floor Conference Room
5:30 pm
1. CALL TO ORDER at 5:30 PM
2. Attendance.  Present:     Absent: Doug Sterner    Gabriel Ocasio-Davila Marilyn Mammano  Mike Vondermeulen Betty Shelley   Drew Pickens David Marshall Donna Mergenhagen Tom Welch Juanita Gray David Parker
3. REVIEW AND ACCEPTANCE: Genia Ellis moved that the Board Meeting Minutes for March 23, 2009* be approved; Dave Marshall seconded.  Motion to approve passed.
4. TREASURER‚S REPORT * Ron Centamore presented the final treasurers report for the period April 2008 ‚¬€œ March 2009.  At the conclusion of the meeting, Auditor Betty Shelley confirmed that the report was accepted as presented.
5. ANNOUNCEMENTS/GUEST INTRODUCTIONS George Hruska was recognized.
6. NEW BUSINESS: a. General Meeting May 12, 2009 œ Agenda. No special agenda items were suggested by Board members at this time.  The question of Council assistance for the Downtown Development Authority (DDA) Downtownà event May 27 from 5 to 7 PM was discussed; the Board agreed to forward information about the event to the membership.  It was noted that the event date (May 27) is the same as a Community Appearance Board event.
b. Signature for proposed new bank account.  Two signatures (Pres./Treas.) are adequate for signature cards.  The signature cards for the Certificates of Deposit also need to be updated.
c. Transfer of Recording Secretary Records.  Dave Marshall reported that Reid Morgan indicated that his records were filed in the 8th Floor closet along with other Council records and supplies.  Marshall and Genia Ellis will review the records after the meeting.
d. Ad Hoc Code Reform Community Meeting Schedule.  The City has announced four Neighborhood Development Criteria Revisions Meetings on May 11 in District I – (6-8PM at the Beach Community Center), May 12 in District II – (6-8PM at Holiday Park Social Center), and May 14 in District III – (6-8PM at the Joseph C. Carter Park – Social Center), May 13 in District IV (7-9PM in Croissant Park).  The Council will send out an email blast to remind members of these meetings and the importance of citizen input.

a. Dues notices for upcoming year. Three additional membership applications received for a total to date of 28.  1st VP Mammano to send a second notice to Associations which have not renewed.
b. Refreshment List and Status.   List is fully subscribed.
c. Identification of Standing and Ad Hoc Committees Richard Mancuso reviewed current and past Council committees and suggested how they might be organized.  The relationship of the committees to the goals of the Council was also reviewed.  After thorough discussion, Genia Ellis moved, and Marilyn Mammano seconded, that the topic of Council committees be added to the May 12 General Meeting Agenda for discussion, and that the results of that discussion be forwarded to Gabriel Ocasio-Davila for further action.  Motion passed. 8. FOR THE GOOD OF THE COMMUNITY a. Dave Marshall noted that Riverside Park Residents Association sponsored a Stranahan High School team in the Plywood Regatta, and encouraged other neighborhoods to do the same in next years event.
e. Marilyn Mammano moved, and Dave Marshall seconded, that the Council add a presentation and discussion of the legislation pending in Tallahassee regarding mortgage holder responsibility for pre-foreclosure expenses to the May 12 meeting agenda.  Motion passed 5-1.

9. Meeting adjourned at 7:15.

*Indicates voting items General Meeting – Tuesday– May 12, 2009 7-9 PM – 8th Floor Board Meeting May 25, 2009 8th Floor NOTE:  Two of more Commissioners and/or city board members may be present at this meeting.

March 2009 General Meeting

March 09, 2009
Meeting Minutes
8TH FLOOR Cafeteria

ROLL CALL BY 2nd Vice President €œ Tom Welch, indicating 25 member associations present thereby exceeding the required number to make a quorum.
MEETING MINUTES of February 10, 2009 were approved unanimously by the membership
TREASURERS REPORT €œ Provided by Treasurer Ron Centamore indicating a balance of $7,515.97 as of 28 February 2009. Report was approved and unanimously accepted by the membership.

Mayor Jim Naugle was unable to attend and his plaque was provided to his secretary for delivery.

Commissioner Cindi Hutchinson, District IV, accepted her plaque on behalf of the Council Membership and spoke about her time spent learning civics through the Council and her neighborhood association. She encouraged all neighborhoods to continue to work together and speak with the large voice that they hold.

1. The description of each job was read prior to the voting of each office. All members were advised that we accept nominations from the floor for anyone interested in service in any position.

President had two candidates, David Marshall and Doug Sterner. Each spoke about their history and expectations. The Council then provided a secret ballot in accordance with the by-laws and Doug Sterner was elected as the incoming president.

1st Vice President had one candidate, Marilyn Mammano. She was asked to give a brief summary of her history. Seeing that there was no other candidate and by a unanimous vote of the membership, the requirement for secret ballot was waived and Ms. Mammano was elected by a show of hands.

2nd Vice President had one candidate, Betty Shelley. She was asked to give a brief summary of her history. Seeing that there was no other candidate and by a unanimous vote of the membership, the requirement for secret ballot was waived and Ms. Shelley was elected by a show of hands.

Recording Secretary had one candidate, David Marshall. Mr. Marshall had previously given a summary of his history. Seeing that there was no other candidate and by a unanimous vote of the membership, the requirement for secret ballot was waived and Mr. Marshall was elected by a show of hands.

Corresponding Secretary had one candidate, Donna Mergenhagen. She was asked to give a brief summary of her history. Seeing that there was no other candidate and by a unanimous vote of the membership, the requirement for secret ballot was waived and Ms. Mergenhagen was elected by a show of hands.

Treasurer had one candidate, Tom Welch. He was asked to give a brief summary of his history. Seeing that there was no other candidate and by a unanimous vote of the membership, the requirement for secret ballot was waived and Mr. Welch was elected by a show of hands.

Chairmen of Committees had one candidate, Gabriel Ocasio. He was asked to give a brief summary of his history. Seeing that there was no other candidate and by a unanimous vote of the membership, the requirement for secret ballot was waived and Mr. Ocasio was elected by a show of hands.

District I Representative had one candidate, Drew Pickens. He was unable to attend the meeting. Seeing that there was no other candidate and by a unanimous vote of the membership, the requirement for secret ballot was waived and Mr. Pickens was elected by a show of hands.

District II Representative had one candidate, Mike Vonder Mullen. He was unable to attend the meeting. Seeing that there was no other candidate and by a unanimous vote of the membership, the requirement for secret ballot was waived and Mr. Vonder Mullen was elected by a show of hands.

District III Representative had one candidate, Juanita Gray. She was asked to give a brief summary of her history. Seeing that there was not other candidate and by a unanimous vote of the membership, the requirement for secret ballot was waived and Ms. Gray was elected by a show of hands.

District IV Representative had two candidates, Rudy Herman and David Parker. Each spoke about their history and expectations. The Council then provided a secret ballot in accordance with the by-laws and David Parker was elected.
Nominating Committee Report

2. Middle River Terrace Representative Tim Smith made a motion to appoint Genia Ellis as a life member of the Council with the of Emeritus to continue to work with the Council and its Board of Directors. His motion was further amended and seconded stating that the By-Laws committee would meet and make a recommendation on the proposed change and how it could be addressed. It will be presented at the upcoming General Meeting for further discussion.

1. Ad Hoc Code Reform Committee Report €œ Richard Mancuso reported that Winter and Company is continuing to prepare for public input however no dates have been identified by the Planning Department. The Council will continue to follow this contract and the proposed changes to insure implementation.
2. Re-Cap of February 23, 2009 Candidate Forum indicated that there were approximately 140 people present as opposed to 330 for the 1st Forum. It was deemed a success, the board was thanked for the participation and help and the gift certificate for $100 delivered to Christopher Pollock for acting as moderator for both events.
3. President Ellis introduced the current board of directors and thanked them for their service. She made note of the many times that they stepped up to the plate to assist in projects and to insure that the Council was moving forward.


1. All members were reminded that the City General Election is March 10, 2009 and that each eligible member should make time to cast a vote.
2. Current board members and incoming board members were advised that there will be a meeting on March 23, 2009 with all attending to start the transition. It was also noted that the incoming board does not become effective until April 1, 2009 and will be serving a two year term in accordance with the by-laws.

*Indicates voting items
Board Meeting 5:30 pm, 8th Floor Conference Room, Monday, March 23, 2009
April General Meeting €œ April 14, 2009 PM 8th Floor City Hall * in discussion
NOTE: Two of more Commissioners or advisory board members may be present at this meeting.

Meeting Minutes posted to the web March 10, 2009
Eugenia Duncan Ellis, President
Reid Morgan, Recording Secretary

Parks Goals


Report of the CFLCA Parks Goals Committee

Submitted February 10, 2009
The committee was tasked with the following:

            1) Find a method to continue to increase green space.

            2) Find an equitable approach to spread parks throughout the city and increase green                          space in neighborhoods that are under-served.

            3) Provide more Park Rangers and allow for coordination of police and Park Rangers.
The term “green space” can mean different things to different people.  We have decided to define “green space” as a community park which could consist of open space, a bike path, a dog park, a community garden, a community square, a golf course or any combination thereof. 
Our focus has been on creating smaller scale community parks with minimal “programed space” and preserving existing endangered recreation areas that are not “parks” per se such as golf courses, but could add substantially to the open space of the City if kept from development.
The need for green, open space in an urban environment is unquestioned.  Not only does it provide areas for recreation and/or relaxation but can also create a sense of place and provide a gathering place for the neighborhood.  In addition parks increase property values in the surrounding area which translates into increased tax revenues for the City.  We would hope that the City would view acquiring more park land as an investment in our future that will pay dividends both in the well being of its citizens and the positive impact on the City’s budget.
Before increasing the amount of “green space” we first must preserve what we already have.  To that end the committee urges the City to adopt a “no net loss” principle.  If park land is taken away for another use it must be replaced elsewhere in the vicinity by the addition of at least an equal parcel.
Creating More “Green”                                                                                               
Opportunities exist throughout the City to reuse vacant land to create more green open space for the communities where these parcels are now often the source of blight, crime and illegal uses.  Many of these lots are city-owned or could be purchased from private owners.  For some good advice on how to get a park in your neighborhood please refer to Appendix “A”.
Where possible, the concept of a community or “Town Square” should be explored.  Using the example of Savannah, GA these town squares could create a powerful sense of place and community pride.  The town squares could be used for public celebrations, meetings or gatherings as well as for recreation, relaxation and the dissemination of information through the use of message boards.

Mindful of the need to conserve natural resources and scarce revenues we recommend the use of design concepts that utilize xeroscape principles, i.e. low maintenance, drought resistant plant and shrub species, pathways and a minimum of grassy areas.
Spreading the Wealth

The committee has studied the Fort Lauderdale Parks and Recreation Long Range Strategic Plan.  Among the Plan’s recommendations we particularly endorse the standard of a minimum of one (1) acre of green space/parks per neighborhood association.  It may be difficult in some neighborhoods to assemble a single parcel totaling one acre so contiguity would not be required.  Priority should be given to those areas of the city that are currently under-served.
Funding or “Show Me the Money”

In the past the City has floated bond issues to pay for park land acquisition and construction.  We recommend a new bond issue to pay for new parks.  (See Appendix “C”)
Additional operating funds could be derived from vendor rentals of equipment such as bicycles, roller blades, lounge chairs etc.  Our larger parks such as Holiday Park may be good candidates for the creation of a Foundation or Trust, such as New York’s Central Park, which would provide an endowment to supplement city funding.  If revenues can be found from sources such as these and others more general funds would be freed up to provide funding for the smaller neighborhood parks and town squares. 
The Lone Rangers

The committee had the benefit of input from Earnest Jones, Park Ranger Supervisor.  Currently there are for all City parks, in total, only 2-4 rangers working from 6:30am to 3:00pm and 4-6 rangers from 3:00pm to11:30pm.  Their duties include public relations, monitoring and reporting on hazardous conditions, assisting in crowd control and rules enforcement, etc.  The idea is to do more with less.  Mr. Jones recommended the creation of 1) a Jr. Park Ranger Program and 2) the institution of a Park Watch Program in partnership with local neighborhood associations.  The Jr. Ranger program would focus on exposing High School students, grades 11 and 12, to the profession of park safety and security.  Students would earn community service points for participating in the program.  Community points could be credited to the Associations who become involved in the Parks Watch Program.  Both programs could be funded with corporate sponsorships.  A breakdown of some of the costs involved can be found in Appendix “B”.
!          Focus should be on preserving existing parks and green space and creating community parks in areas that are currently under-served.

!          City should adopt a “no net loss” principle.

!          City should consider parks and green open spaces an investment paying dividends in economic terms through increased property values and a better quality of life for its citizens.

!          Town Squares should be created where possible.

!          To save revenue and natural resources, Xeroscape principles should be adopted for new parks/green spaces and phased in in existing parks where possible.

!          The City should adopt the standard of at least one (1) acre of park/green space per neighborhood association.

!          A bond issue should be floated to finance land acquisition and capital improvements.

!          For larger Parks the City should explore the establishment of a Trust or Foundation.

!          A Junior Park Ranger Program should be established with funding to come from corporate or private sponsorships.

!          A Parks Watch Program should be established with participation from Neighborhood Associations.


This report was prepared by Committee Chair Doug Sterner with the participation of:
Abel Conejo, Lake Ridge; Dennis Ulmer, Lauderdale Manors; Mark Boyd, Progresso Village; Marilyn Markus, Bermuda Riviera; Betty Hays, River Run;
DebraVan Valkenburgh, Chula Vista Isles





February 2009 General Meeting

February 10, 2009
8TH FLOOR Commission Chamber

CALL TO ORDER by President, Genia Ellis at 7:30 PM followed by the

ROLL CALL BY 2nd VP Tom Welch with 17 present, indicating a quorum of members present.
MEETING MINUTES of January 13,2009 moved by Tom Welch and accepted as submitted.
TREASURERS REPORT was provided by Treasurer, Ron Centamore and it was moved by Richard Mancuso and accepted.
1. Marilyn Mamamano from the Community appearance Board and the WOW Awards made a short presentation urging civic associations to get more active in the nominating of more properties. She said it would help their volunteers find better selections as they have to drive around ask for nominations. They would feel better if they could develop a better partnership with the neighborhood associations.

New Business:
1. The next general meeting for March is on the same day as the elections and a motion was made by Ron Centamore and approved that the general meeting be moved to March 9th, Monday.

2. The next candidates forum Feb 26th, 2009 in the City Commission chamber at 7PM. There are only three Districts (I, II & IV) left to decide and all will be present.

3. Nominating Committee has found at least one candidate for each position. However due to Dr Hayes health, she will not be able to fulfill that position. Anyone interested in the Recording Secretary position please contact any BOD member. The current list is attached as D.

4. The Centennial Committee has suggested commemorative pins for distribution by the Council.

Old Business:
1. Ad hoc Committee Richard Mancuso gave a brief description of the latest series of meetings attempts, but no reported outcomes.
2. Re-cap the January 29th, 2009 Candidates Forum was a great turn out by the citizens. It was standing room only. Genia thanked all who helped and said it went like very well and finished ahead of schedule.
3. There were no committee reports as there no new meetings to report action.

For the good of the Community:
1. The next CVC is Feb 21st in Poinsettia Heights. See attached flier
2. The next CVC after that is February 28th in Shady Banks
3. Waterway Cleanup is scheduled for March 7th, 2009, this also a CVC Project

Meeting was adjourned at 8:51pm

Next Board Meeting is February 23, 2009 at 5:30 pm on the 8th floor of City Hall.
Next General Meeting is March 9th, 2009 at 7pm at the 8th floor of City Hall