Minutes – Board Meeting

January 2012 Board

Monday, January 23, 2012 5:30 pm
Board Meeting
8th Floor Conference Room, City Hall


ROLL CALL – All Board members were present with the exception of Genia Ellis, Marilyn Mammano and Rochelle Golub.

REVIEW AND ACCEPTANCE: Meeting Minutes – December 19, 2011 – not available, approval deferred.

TREASURER’S REPORT Balances as of January 23, 2012 – Checking $2,413.10, CD $5,014.15
Total expenses for January 2012 = $109.48. Total income for January 2012 – not available. On a motion and second Treasurer’s Report was approved without objection.

GUEST – Hal Barnes, Assistant to the City Manager, Office of Neighbor Support
Hal wanted to discuss with the Council Board our options for the Neighborhood map that hangs in the 8th floor conference room. Since the existing map was printed some neighborhood boundaries have changed and a new City Commission was elected. It had been previously decided that the Council would pay for a revised and updated map as the Council’s Centennial gift to the city. Due to the upcoming re-districting of the city’s commission districts and the uncertainty of the timing of the re-drawn lines, some board members felt it would be best to have the new map produced without district lines. Hal advised against this and suggested that two overlays could be printed; one now with the existing district lines and one later, once the new district lines are established. It was decided that Hal would investigate the price of the overlays and report back to the Council board.
A discussion of future topics and guest speakers for upcoming General Membership Meetings was held. Among those mentioned were: updates on mass transit in Fort Lauderdale and Broward County, parks and recreation and a Florida legislative re-cap. It was also suggested that we solicit topics from the neighborhoods.
1) Candidates Forum – Betty Shelley, chair of the ad hoc committee planning our candidates’ forum, reported that the committee met immediately before the Board meeting and finalized plans for the forum.
2) Time Capsule
Donna Mergenhagen reported that the committee met and addressed some logistical issues. She is also maintaining an ongoing dialogue with city staff.

The meeting adjourned at approximately 6:45pm

Dec. 2011 Board Minutes

Council of Civic Association
Board Meeting Minutes
December 19, 2011
City Hall, 8th Floor

1. Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by President Doug Sterner at 5:35 pm.
2. Attendance:  Present were President Sterner, 1st Vice President Marilyn Mammano, 2nd Vice President Betty Shelley, Corresponding Secty Donna Mergenhagen, Recording Secty  Rochelle Golub, Treasurer Madeline Klein, District 1 Rep Linda Nugent, District 2 Rep Shirley Smith,  District IV Rep Brucie Cummings.3. Minutes:  The minutes for the November 21, 2011 Board meeting were unanimously approved upon a motion by Ms Smith and a second by Ms Cummings.

4. Treasurer’s Report:  Ms. Klein circulated a written Report of the Treasurer showing an ending balance of December 19, 2011 of $7,594.12.  Ms. Klein stated that the only outstanding bill was for the post office box. No vote was taken on the Report.
5. Chaz Adams and Shannon Vezina from the City’s Public Information Department attended the meeting to further discuss the CFLCA’s interest in assuming the administrative responsibilities for organizing a time capsule to be sealed on March 27, 2012 – the end of the City’s Centennial celebration. They indicated that the City would offer support for the project but that it was anticipated that the Council would establish the basic rules of participation, the costs of participation with proceeds going to the Council, the collection of fees, the collection and safekeeping of  submitted materials offered by neighborhoods, individuals, organizations and businesses. Many details need to be addressed such as whether a separate bank account is established, what would be done with any profits from the event,  how submissions would be collected, whether envelopes to hold submissions would be sold in advance or participants would get their own envelopes and pay fees in accordance with the terms of participation. The event would be publicized through the City Public Information Office and at City Council meetings and through Council Corner and other Council communications. Ms. Golub  suggested that all of the organizations that sponsored events during the Centennial be contacted to participate in the time capsule. A motion was made by Ms. Golub  and seconded by Ms Shelley that  CFLCA  take on the administrative responsibilities  for preparing a time capsule for the City of Fort Lauderdale in conjunction  with the City’s Centennial celebration.  There were 6 votes in favor and 2 abstentions by  Ms. Klein and Ms Cummings. Ms. Klein indicated that she abstained because she could not take on any additional responsibilities. She was assured that she would not be overburdened by the time capsule activities.  A committee was formed to be chaired by Ms. Mergenhagen to include Ms. Golub and Mr. Sterner and Ms. Nugent. Ms Mergenhagen and Ms Golub agreed to outline a plan to be discussed by the Board. It was agreed that time is of the essence.  Mr.  Adams and Ms Vezina will research the costs of time capsules and appropriate fees.
6. Immediately before this Board meeting, the committee for the Council Election Forum met. Ms. Shelley reported that Hope Calhoun was going to be the moderator of the Forum and she attended the meeting. Over 26 questions were submitted in response to outreach by Ms. Mergenhagen.  The committee envisions that Mr. Sterner will make welcoming remarks.  Each of the 8 candidates for Commission seats will have 1 minute to introduce themselves.  They will be able to circulate printed resumes. Ninety minutes have been set aside for the Commissioner Forum including the opening remarks, introductions, responses to approximately 5 prepared questions and a 10 minute break. Excess time will be used to take questions from the audience.  After the break, the mayoral candidates’ forum will run for 60 minutes.7. Mr. Sterner reported that planning staff has not scheduled a second meeting to finish the presentation of the Council’s ad hoc reform committee. Staff responded well to the initial presentation.

8. Progress on finding a new host and programmer for the CFLCA website was discussed. To date, those contacted have been either too expensive or not reliable. Ms. Golub was advised to reach out to Tarpon Bend and Victoria Park to see who they use because they have good websites.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:50 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Rochelle Golub
Recording Secretary

October 2011 Board

Council of Civic Association
Board Meeting Minutes
October 23, 2011
City Hall, 8th Floor

1. Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by President Doug Sterner at 5:35 pm.

2. Attendance: Present were President Sterner, Past President Genia Ellis, 1st Vice President Marilyn Mammano, 2nd Vice President Betty Shelley, Corresponding Secty Donna Mergenhagen, Recording Secty Rochelle Golub, Treasurer Madeline Klein, District 1 Rep Linda Nugent, District 2 Rep Shirley Smith, Chairman of Committees Ron Centamore.

3. Minutes: No minutes were circulated by Ms. Golub for the September 26, 2011 Board meeting.

4. Treasurer’s Report: Ms. Klein circulated a written Report of the Treasurer showing an ending balance of $7,827.29 including the accrued interest from the Ascencia CD. The Report was unanimously approved.

5. The Agenda for the November 8, 2011 General Meeting was presented and discussed. Inasmuch as no legislators have confirmed their attendance for the proposed panel about the upcoming state legislative session, it was unanimously decided to postpone the panel until 2012. It was decided that it was a very busy agenda highlighted by the report of the Ad Hoc Code Reform Committee and discussion of the CFLCA response to staff. There was some discussion among the Board Members about staff’s presentation to the P&Z Board and the Board Members’ responses. There was discussion about the meaning of “incentives” and it was decided that the use of that term was misleading and should be replaced by the term “options”. The CLFCA Committee is meeting on October 27 with the Building Dept and is having a meeting to draft its report that same evening. Marilyn Mammano stated that she did not need to make a report on the visioning committee in light of the presentation at the last general meeting. President Sterner reported that there were vacancies for District 3 and 4 representatives and special elections would be required. Dr. Magdalene Lewis has agreed to run for District 3 Representative and Brucie Cummings has a agreed to run for District 4 Representative. Additional nominations will be taken from the floor. President Sterner requested that Corresponding Secty Mergenhagen send out the required notices for the special election.

6. President Sterner raised the timing of the preparing the new city neighborhoods map with commission districts. It was decided to wait until January to see if the Commission would adopt new districts before the January election or knew when the redistricting would occur.

7. The Board decided that in light of the scheduling of the elections for City Commissioners at the end of January, CFLCA would again hold its Candidates Forum in mid-January. While all commissioners are running unopposed at the present time, the filing deadline has not yet passed. It was the majority consensus of that even if all of the commissioners ran unopposed, a Forum is a good idea and has been historically poplar. A committee was formed consisting of Ms. Ellis, Ms. Mammono and Ms. Shelley to plan the Forum. Volunteer to be on the committee will be solicited at the General Meeting.

8. President Sterner asked Ms. Ellis who owned the CFLCA’s URL. She said the Council did. He asked the Treasurer about payments to GAT Media for the website. Ms. Klein stated that the fees for the URL of $38 and a fee to GAT Media of $398 were paid in December for 2011.

9. President Sterner stated that he had arranged for the CFLCA to use a storage closet in the City Manager’s office on the 7th Floor for archival documents and party supplies instead of the closet on the 8th Floor. After some discussion about convenience and privacy, it was unanimously decided that we would use the closet on the 7th floor as the archive and the closet on the 8th floor for party supplies.

10. Ms. Mergenhagen reported that the Tarpon Bend neighborhood has asked for the help and support of the CFLCA regarding the alleged use of part of Hardy Park for a fire station. It was determined that until more specific facts are gathered about the City’s actual intent for land dedicated to Hardy Park, it would be difficult to form a responsible position. However, the general issue of the City’s use of park land for purposes other than as a park is of historical importance to the neighborhoods. As part of the CFLCA’s goal-setting, a draft section on parks had been prepared based on the desires of the neighborhoods. A core concept was no net loss of park land in the event of a taking of park land by the City. It was decided to submit the draft to the membership at the next General Meeting and finalize the Council’s position.

11. Mr. Centamore announced an event hosted by the DFLCA and the DDA On October 25 to highlight the new lights on Riverwalk and the historical buildings open to the public.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:15pm

Respectfully submitted,
Rochelle Golub
Recording Secretary

June 2011 Board

Council of Civic Association
Board Meeting Minutes
June 27, 2011
City Hall, 8th Floor
5:30 PM

1. Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by President Doug Sterner at 5:30 pm.
2. Attendance: Present were President Sterner, Past President Genia Ellis, 1st Vice President Marilyn Mammano, Corresponding Secty Donna Mergenhagen, Recording Secty Rochelle Golub, District 1 Rep Linda Nugent, District 2 Rep Shirley Smith, District 3 Rep Joann Kitchen Simmons, Chairman of Committees Ron Centamore. Absent were 2nd Vice President Betty Shelley, Treasurer Madelene Klein, and District IV Rep Jackie Scott. A quorum was declared. Also in attendance were Raymond Detmann and Cathy Curry.
3. Minutes: The Board deferred approval of the minutes of the May 23, 2011 meeting.

4. Treasurer’s Report: No Treasurer’s Report was presented. President Sterner reported that the changes to the signatories to the checking account were completed and Ms. Klein had access to all accounts and deposits.

5. The Agenda for the July 12, 2011 General Meeting was presented and discussed. The Agenda will reflect the extended meet and greet for City Manager Lee Feldman . It will also reflect that the Council sponsored attendees at the Florida Neighborhoods Conference will give their reports. Ms. Mergenhagen stated that she would give an update on the vote on the by-laws.

6. The summer meeting schedule was discussed in light of the potential for Winter & Co. to submit revisions to Draft 1 of Neighborhood Development Criteria Revisions Project sometime this summer to be workshopped by the P&Z Board in August and presented for approval at the September meeting. The consensus of the meeting was that the Board and General meetings in July and August would proceed as scheduled without a summer break. The consensus of the meeting was that a letter should be prepared and sent to Staff that states that (i) CFLCA understands that the Winter & Co. redraft is anticipated to be published shortly and brought to a workshop before the Planning and Zoning Board and (ii) CFLCA respectfully requests time to circulate the redraft to the neighborhood members, gather comments, and prepare comments before the redraft is brought to the Planning and Zoning Board for a vote.

7. Membership Committee. Ms. Mammano reported that the planned District III event was going to be rescheduled.

8. Florida Neighborhoods Conference. The Board voted to reimburse a fifth attendee to the Florida Neighborhoods Conference. President Sterner stated that CFLCA would have a table at the FNC at no cost. He stated that a new CFLCA color brochure was being printed at no cost to the Council. He requested that Ms. Mergenhagen remind the neighborhoods to submit newsletters and other materials about their neighborhood for display on the table.

9. Ms. Golub reported on her research to date on options for upgrading the website to a content management system. She will continue to investigate costs and options. Other Board members will do the same. It was agreed that Ms. Golub and Past President Ellis who is currently the sole administrator for the website will meet to review the website and expand administration rights to other Board members to better ensure timely uploading of relevant information to the site.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:25pm

Respectfully submitted,
Rochelle Golub
Recording Secretary

May 2011 Board

Council of Civic Association
Board Meeting Minutes
May 23, 2011
City Hall, 8th Floor
5:30 PM

1. Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by President Doug Sterner at 5:30 pm.
2. Attendance: Present were President Sterner, Second Vice President Betty Shelley, Corresponding Secty Donna Mergenhagen, Recording Secty Rochelle Golub, District 1 Rep Linda Nugent, District 2 Rep Shirley Smith, District 3 Rep Joann Kitchen Simmons, District IV Rep Jackie Scott, Chairman of Committees Ron Centamore. Absent were Past President Genia Ellis, 1st VP Marilyn Mammano, and Treasurer Gabriel Ocasio-Davila A quorum was declared. Also in attendance for part of the meeting were Past President Dennis Ulmer and Jorg Hruschka of the Building Officials and Inspectors Education Association of Broward County.
3. Minutes: On motion by Ms. Mergenhagen and second by Ms. Shelley, the Board minutes of April 25, 2011 were unanimously accepted.
4. Treasurer’s Report: Mr. Ocasio-Davila was not in attendance to make a report. Ms. Shelley, in her capacity as chair of the audit committee, presented a report prepared by the immediately preceding Treasurer, Tom Welch, showing that as of March 31, 2011 the ending balance of all accounts was $7,715,44.

In accordance with the By-Laws, there is now a vacancy for the office of Treasurer inasmuch as Mr. Ocasio-Davila has been absent for three consecutive meetings. It was determined that a special election for a new Treasurer would be held at the General Membership Meeting on June 14 2011. The required ten day notice would be sent by the Corresponding Secretary. Nominations will be taken at the meeting.

Currently, Mr. Ocasio-Davila and Ms. Ellis are the signatories to the checking count. The checking account only requires one signature to conduct business. As current President, Mr. Sterner should be a signatory to the checking account. He will contact the bank and make appropriate arrangements to change authorized signatories to hiself and the newy elected Treasurer.

5. The Agenda for the June 14, 2011 General Meeting was presented and discussed. Rep. Gwendolyn Clark-Reed will discuss the privatization of Broward Health. Mr. Sterner noted that the Broward Health CEO had been hesitant to commit to a date to speak to the CFLCA because of unresolved issues surrounding the chapter. He will be offered an opportunity to speak at a later meeting. Ms. Shelley stated that the audit committee would be prepared to report its findings at the June meeting. Ms. Merhagen stated she would give an update on the vote on the by-laws. The Board discussed options on how best to present the proposed changes for a vote by the membership. It was determined that advance written notice would be provided as well as email notice. It was clarified that modifications, amendments and additional changes would not be entertained before the vote.

6. Increasing Council Membership.
• Topic for meetings: Ms. Scott stated her opinion the speakers/topics at the general meetings were not of sufficient interest to the neighborhoods to get them to participate. Mr. Sterner reviewed the meeting schedule to date. The new City Manager was the featured guest at the July meeting. Most likely there would not be an August meeting. The by-laws would be the topic for the October meeting. Depending on the scheduling of local elections, a meeting would be set aside for related topics. The Board brainstormed topics for future meeting. Ms. Scott stated she would work on getting a speaker about greenways for September. Ms. Scott and Ms. Golub volunteered to work on the topic of historic preservation for a future meeting.
• Better Communications: It was determined that Council Corner should commence immediately and that a permanent part of the template would ask neighborhoods to raise the issues that concerned them.
Also with respect to better communications, it was agreed that the website needed major improvements. Ms. Scott and Ms. Golub volunteered to look into it.
It was also decided that we would resume the practice of having name tags at general meetings.
• It was decided that each of the district reps would arrange one or more social events (e.g. wine and cheese party) in the district for neighborhood associations to stimulate contact.

7. The Board unanimously supports CFLCA’s gift to the City in honor of the Centennial to be a new map of the city neighborhoods and districts. The map will cost approximately $500 so it will be brought to the membership for a vote.
8. The recipients of the stipend to attend the Florida Neighborhoods conference will be announced at the June meeting. Inasmuch as no one from District IV requested to go, Ms. Scott was asked to see if there was a person interested in attending who is eligible for the stipend. The Board discussed having a table at the FNC. Materials were discussed. The charge will be $35 – the cost of the table to the sponsor. The idea was favorably received. Several Board members took copies of the current brochure to see if there was an easy way to update it.
9. The Board unanimously approved Marilyn Mammano to serve as the CFLCA representative to the Visioning Committee.
10. Jorg Hruschka announced that the Building Officials and Inspectors Education Association of Broward County approved the creation of the joint govt, business, residential program to provide educational resources about the County Building Department and building permitting.
11. The Board agreed that Ms. Golub should explore with the Charter Revision Board adding a provision to ensure that the Commission and the City Manager be obligated to use plans that are commissioned and adopted to guide decsion-making.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:35pm

Respectfully submitted,
Rochelle Golub
Recording Secretary

April 2011 Board

Minutes – April 25, 2011 – Board
Council of Civic Association
Board Meeting Minutes
April 25, 2011
City Hall, 8th Floor
5:30 PM

1. Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by President Doug Sterner at 5:30 pm.
2. Attendance: Present were President Sterner, Past President Genia Ellis, 1st VP Marilyn Mammano, , Corresponding Secty Donna Mergenhagen, Recording Secty Rochelle Golub, District 1 Rep Linda Nugent, District 2 Rep Shirley Smith, District 3 Rep Joann Kitchen Simmons, Chairman of Committees Ron Centamore. Absent were 2nd VP Betty Shelley, Treasurer Gabriel Ocasio-Davila and District 4 Rep Jackie Scott. A quorum was declared.
3. Minutes: On motion by Ms. Kitchen-Simmons and second by Ms. Mergenhagen, the Board minutes of March 28, 2011 were unanimously accepted.
4. Jorg Hruschka appeared before the Board to generate support for a new project spearheaded by the Building Officials and Inspectors Education Association of Broward County intended to educate residents of Broward County about the County Building Department and building permitting. He was advised to keep CFLCA apprised of the progress of the project.
5. The Agenda for the May 10, 2011 General Meeting was presented and discussed. Tim Smith City Visioning Committee) and Hal Barnes (Florida Neighborhoods Conference) will be guest speakers. Reports from the By-laws Committee and Audit Committee are scheduled. On motion by Ms. Mammano and second by Mr. Centamore, the Board approved spending $200 for to register four (4) persons to attend the Florida Neighborhoods Conference to be held in Ft Lauderdale on July 7,8 and 9, 2011. The criteria for selection are: (i) one from each of the four Districts; (ii) first-time attendee (iii) must make a report about their experiences to the CFLCA. The first eligible person from each District would be awarded the stipend. The Board rejected funding a fifth position for the Board.
6. President Sterner commenced a discussion about CFLCA’s failure to educate the membership and the communities about the mission of CFLCA and adequately inform them about the accomplishments of the organization. While CFLCA is prohibited from taking sides on controversial issues it is proactive in promoting needed change and fostering open forums on issues. The Board reviewed its recent accomplishments including without limit: ad hoc code reform; election issues; seat of city manager search committee, police department redistricting, forum with city staff on PUD’s, neighborhood noise ordinance.
In order to assist CFLCA member representatives to educate their communities about key issues and better publicize the work of the Council, President Sterner proposed that the Council regularly publishes an article called “Council Corner” made available on the website and for inclusion in neighborhood newsletters and email blasts.
The Board unanimously approved moving forward with “Council Corner”.
7. The Board approved adding to its 2011 initiatives updating the Council brochure.
8. District 3 Rep Kitchen-Simmons initiated a discussion on ways to achieve greater participation in CFLCA in her District. All neighborhood association whether or not recognized by the City can be members of the Counsel.
9. President Sterner noted that the by-laws include specific requirements on attendance to retain a Board position.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:25pm

Respectfully submitted,
Rochelle Golub
Recording Secretary

March 2011 Board Meeting

Council of Civic Association Board Meeting Minutes
March 2, 2011
City Hall, 8th Floor
5:30 PM

1.    Call to order. The meeting was called to order by President Doug Sterner at 5:35 PM.
2.    Voting Board Members in attendance: Doug. Sterner,  Marilyn Mammano, Betty Shelley,  Donna Mergenhagen  , Shirley Smith and Rochelle Golub.  A quorum was declared.
3.  Minutes.  Motion made and seconded to accept the minutes of the January 24, 2010 board meeting. Approved by unanimous  consent.
4.  Treasurer’s Report.  Tom Welch was not in attendance and no report was made.
5.  Agenda for Upcoming General Meeting on March 8, 2011 was discussed.  As the  election of officers will take place at this meeting, the Nominating Committee updated the Board on the status of the slate and the by-laws were reviewed and noted for proper election procedures.  President Sterner stated that there was to be a meeting of the City Manager Search Committee on March 3 so that he could provide the most current information at the general meeting. Ms. Mergenhagen reported that Mayor Seiler wanted every neighborhood to have a centennial party.  She provided a flyer on the Centennial Riverfest scheduled for March 27 to be passed out at the general meeting. She stated that since it is also the SunSentinel’s 100th birthday, the newspaper was joining in the celebration by providing music and fireworks. t. Ms Mergenhagen reported that only 2 comments had come  in on the by-laws and it was agreed that a meeting should be scheduled to give interested persons a final opportunity to contribute suggestions for revisions. Ms Mammano reported that the pace of obtaining membership applications still seemed to be effected by the earlier problem with the post office box.
6. Publicity for the St. Patrick’s Day Parade is out but the specific place for CFLCA marchers to gather has not been announced.
7. CFLCA Centennial Project  Report. Mr. Ocasio-Davila was not in attendance (he did join briefly by telephone on this item.) . Ms. Mergenhagen reported that she and Mr. Ocasio-Davila and had made progress with some of the issues surrounding the event. Board members voiced  agreement that a meeting should be called to finalize the details and establish a budget. Board Members also  agreed  that it was imperative that we  get initial publicity about the photo contest out at the March 27 Riverfest Centennial Event.
8. Progresso Village Civic Association Board Election.  In response to a formal written request by the PVCA Board, the CFLCA Board voted in favor of assisting the PVCA with its annual election for its officers. The election was held on February 21, 2011. Ms. Ellis, Ms. Shelley and Mr. Ocasio-Davila attended on behalf of the CFLCA. Ms. Shelley reported on the steps taken to conduct the election  in accordance with the PVCA by-laws.  The ballots were counted with definitive results for 7 offices. There was a tie for 2 offices and there will be a run off at the next PVCA general membership meeting. 9. Mr. Andrew Massagee addressed the Board about his concerns over the future of the North Broward Hospital District. He has done research and attended meetings but noted that a only one citizen he has little influence. He believe that the issues surrounding  North Broward Hospital District are important to the membership of CFLCA. The Board agreed. It was decided that CFLCA would invite a speaker from the North Broward Hospital District to the April general meeting.  Mr. Massaggee was told he could bring printed materials to circulate at the next general  meeting. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:05 p.m.

Rochelle Golub, Acting Recording Secretary

November 2010 Board Meeting

Council of Civic Association
Board Meeting Minutes
November 22, 2010
City Hall, 8th Floor
5:30 PM

1. Call to order. The meeting was called to order by President Doug Sterner at 5:35 pm.
2. Board Members present: Genia Ellis, Marilyn Mammano, Betty Shelley, Shirley Smith, Juanita Gray, Doug Sterner.
Board Members absent: Donna Mergenhagen, Bruce Tanner, Gabe Ocasia Davila, Tom Welch, David Parker.
2. Review and Acceptance of Meeting Minutes October 25, 2010 and September 27, 2010 – Approved as submitted.
3. No Treasurer’s Report was submitted.
4. New Business
a. Response to Rick Gibson’s request for documents – after discussion it was decided by the Board to take no action at this time.
b. Florida Neighborhoods Conference – Doug outlined a discussion he had with Hal Barnes regarding the Council’s participation in the 2011 FNC to be held in Fort Lauderdale. Mr. Barnes has asked the Council to sponsor a workshop and a neighborhood tour, details of which are at the Council’s discretion.
5. Old Business
a. Holiday Party – plans were finalized for the Council’s annual Christmas party on 12/14.
b. Nominating Committee – The committee has met and begun the process of soliciting nominations for the upcoming Board elections.
c. Council’s Centennial Event – no report
d. By-laws Committee – The committee was formed at the last General Membership meeting and currently consists of 2 members, Juanita Gray and Donna Mergenhagen. Other members are welcome to join.
e. Ad Hoc Code Reform (NRDC) Committee – The committee submitted a statement, copy attached, based on a review of the consultant’s (Winter & Co.) initial draft report. After discussion, the Board voted to adopt the committee’s report and recommendations.
6. The meeting adjourned at approximately 6:15 pm

October 2010 Board Meeting

Council of Civic Association
Board Meeting Minutes
October 25, 2010
City Hall, 8th Floor
5:30 PM

1. Call to order. The meeting was called to order by President Doug Sterner at 5:35 PM.

2. Board members present: Gabriel Ocasio-Davila, Genia Ellis, Marilyn Mammano, Donna Mergenhagen, David Parker, Shirley Smith, Bruce Tanner, and Tom Welch.

Board members absent: Betty Shelly

Guests attending: Ron Centamore, Richard Mancuso and Dennis Ulmer

3. Minutes. The approval of prior minutes was tabled until next meeting.

4. Treasurer Report. No report at this meeting.

5. Holiday Party. A turkey and ham have been purchased previously and will be done again for the holiday party this year. Members and alternates are invited as well as commission people, with usual attendance.

6. Nominating Committee. The bylaws indicate that the nominating committee is selected in December. The immediate past president is an ex-officio member of the committee. Four people are needed to serve on the committee. Marilyn Mammano agreed to serve as well as Dave Parker. Shirley Smith agreed to serve as an alternate. Betty Shelley was recommended to serve as a member of the nominating committee.

7. Selection of Council representative on City Manager Search Committee. The city wants a representative from the council on the committee. (This portion of the meeting was chaired by Marilyn Mammano.) Two people expressed interest in serving, Doug Sterner and RonCentamore, both of whom were given an opportunity to speak to the council on why they want to be part of the search committee.

A vote was taken with ballots counted by Dennis Ulmer and Richard Mancusco since they is not board members. Nine votes were cast. Doug Sterner won the vote to be the representative to the search committee.

8. November 9 meeting agenda. Guests expected include Valeria Bohlander Noise Ordinance Changes as well as Susan Gillis, historian will for the Centennial Commission Historian.

9. Pantry of Broward Food Drive. A food drive for The Pantry will take place again this year. The council is supporting the event. Members should alert memberships that the drive is going on and that boxes will be provided at the November meeting for distribution. The Pantry of Broward plans to pick up the boxes.

10. Photo Contest. Gabriel Oscaio-Davila spoke about the photography contest for the centennial celebration. He was requested that the announcement of the contest take place at the November general meeting. The idea is to have a contest, 100 years after, with 7 categories for participants to submit. Want to document the city for four seasons in the contest. Submissions to be received by October next year with awards given out at the boat show next year. Flicker web site is where photos can be downloaded. Universities and art schools will also be used to solicit judges. A cocktail party and celebration at the end after photos are at different places in the city. Awards are planned to be given out at a big reception at the end. Tickets to the awards ceremony will be sold except for contributors.

11. Doug announced that a District 1 representative is still needed.

12. Richard Manucuso spoke about the P&Z meeting. A date was set for the community and P&Z board work shop.

13. Doug spoke about street car system that is being considered for Ft. Lauderdale referred to as “The Wave” and went to Portland to observe the same system in another city. A discussion took place and questions were raised.

The next general meeting will be held on Tuesday, November 9.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6: 35 PM.

Recording Secretary,

Bruce Tanner

August 2010 Board Meeting

Council of Civic Association
Board Meeting Minutes
August 23, 2010
City Hall, 8th Floor
5:30 PM

1. Call to order. The meeting was called to order by President Doug Sterner at 5:35 PM.

2. Board members present: Genia Ellis, Juanita Gray, Marilyn Mammano, Donna Mergenhagen, David Parker, Betty Shelly, Shirley Smith, Doug Sterner and Bruce Tanner. Richard Mancuso.

Also attending: Ron Centamore

Board members absent: Gabriel Ocasio-Davila, and Drew Pickens (resigned)

3. Approval of Minutes. A motion to approve the board meeting minutes from June 28, 2010, was made by Genia Ellis, seconded by Tom Welch, and approved with unanimous consent.

4. Treasurers Report. Tom Welch requested that the bank account be transferred from Bank Atlantic to BB&T. A motion was made by Genia Ellis, seconded by Betty Shelly, and passed with unanimous consent.

5. New Business.

General Meeting September 14, 2010 œ Agenda
There was a discussion to see if the proposed acceptable increased of allowable noise levels at the beach could be discussed at the September board meeting, since there is a lot of controversy about the proposed ordinance. It was agreed that it will be discussed. Staff is to be invited to make a presentation.

For the October 12 meeting it was discussed to have the meet and greet at 5:00 with meeting starting at 5:30 so that people can attend the commission workshop about a replacement for the city manager.

It was also discussed for October to discuss amendment #4 as well as the repeal of class size. Doug Sterner has contacts to attend for both sides of the issue for amendment #4. Betty Shelly agreed to locate people to talk on the class size amendment.

There was also discussion about the upcoming budget. A workshop is scheduled for September 15. It was suggested that people be encouraged to attend the meetings to be informed and involved.


Ad hoc Committee. The committee met with the city and independently with staff and addressed Planning & Zoning to report on comments on the Winter & Company study. When met with staff they asked to review the original document as well as multiple minutes. Another workshop is planned and the committee will attend. The meeting with staff went well, reminded all that not all plans work the same for every neighborhood.

Richard Mancuso and Genia Ellis attended the P&Z staff meeting. Staff wanted the committee to go through everything line by line and provide input and opinions. Members are still being asked for comments. There was discussion about once the study is completed how will the plan written properly to be code compliant.

It was suggested that a brief presentation be prepared for the September meeting. The question was raised if the council will support the plan. The membership will be asked if they want to support or not support the Proposed Neighborhood Development Criteria.

New Business.

Request from NCIP Grant request from Tarpon River Association. Doug spoke about endorsing neighborhood NCIP grants who asks for support for any neighborhood projects, regardless of what the council thinks about the merits of the program.

Genia pointed out that the council has provided letters of support when requested for a number of years historically. They have already gone to the county for support of this request as well. The request is only for a letter of support, not necessarily an endorsement but support for them to move forward and apply. It is not required, although it has been provided as a courtesy. It was suggested that the courtesy continue.

The support is only for the application, not necessarily what the specifics of the project. The question was raised that if a letter of support is asked for by a non-member of the council. The question was also raised is that if support should be from the board or the council membership. It was determined that it would be from the board.

Doug reported that TRCA (Tarpon River Civic Association) requested the Councils support for the NCIP grant application regarding improvements to the Marshall Avenue Bridge. Doug pointed out that TRCA was not currently a member of the Council. The discussion evolved in to the appropriate Council response to such requests. After much discussion the following motion was made by Marilyn Mammano and seconded by Shirley Smith, “Any member organization can request support for their grant applications and have the requested considered by the Board. The motion was carried with two negative votes and no abstentions.

For the Good of the community.
Genia passed out information regarding a CVC project at the Stranahan Park on September 11.

There being no new business the meeting was adjourned at 7:00 P.M.

Bruce Tanner, Recording Secretary