November 2012 General Meeting Minutes


Council of Fort Lauderdale Civic Associations
General Meeting
November 13, 2012
City Hall – 8th Floor Conference Room


  1. Call to Order:   The meeting was called to order by President Marilyn Mammano at 7:30 pm followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. 
  2. Attendance: First Vice President Ron Centamore took the roll and declared a quorum. We welcomed several representatives who had not been in attendance for a while. We welcomed City Manager Lee Feldman and Diana Alarcon and Stephanie Denham of his staff. 
  3. Minutes: Review and approval of the minutes for the September general meeting was deferred to the next meeting. Candidates night at October General Meeting – no minutes.
  4. Treasurer’s Report:  Treasurer Madeline Treasurer circulated her monthly Report showing a balance as of October 31, 2012 of $7,677.80.   
  5. Law Enforcement Report: FLPD Captain Detrick provided this month’s report. He stated that there were not a substantial number of complaints that came in to FLPD about its handling of traffic and other matters during Hurricane Sandy; that initially FLPD called FHP for some assistance with traffic control; and that the traffic from the Boat Show was manageable this year attributing the lighter flow to outlying parking lots with buses to venues. Capt. Detrick praised residents for their patience about road closures as a result of the storm.  
  6. Pantry of Broward Food Drive: Terrence Smalley gave a presentation about the work of the Pantry and passed out a flyer with contact information. He stated that the percentage of grandparents raising grandchildren who rely on the Pantry has increased over the past 5 years from 14% to 52%. Seniors range in age from 62 to 104.  He encouraged the neighborhoods to sponsor food drives and stated that school aged children could obtain service hours for volunteering.  This year CFLCA will have a food drive in conjunction with the holiday party on December 11. 
  7. Old Business:
  • President Mammano reported that first Reapportionment Committee meeting was held and was principally organizational.
  • President Mammano reported that the Citizen’s Committee of Recognition was accepting nominations and she encouraged neighborhoods to do so on their own or with the Council’s assistance. The Council has a permanent seat on this Committee.
  • Nominating Committee for slate of Council officers has been convened under Past President Doug Sterner. Each district needs to be represented on the committee. Lester Williams volunteered to be on the committee for District 3 and Jackson Boren volunteered to for District 2. 
  1. New City Speed Hump Policy. Ms. Alarcon, Director of Mobility for the City stated that before the City presented the new to the Commission, staff wanted to get input from the Council. She presented an outline of the policy changes. Requests for speed humps to calm traffic would still be reviewed on a street by street basis. HOA’s would have to submit a letter of support for a request to make sure that the impact on other streets within a neighborhood was considered. Affected homeowners would be surveyed. An engineering study would be conducted to see if traffic was within parameters for speed humps.  City Manager Feldman stated that funding for speed humps would be borne entirely by the City; if they were approved, the City would pay – otherwise they would not be permitted. Some comments were made about the policy but given the time limitations, the City was asked if the policy could be posted on the Council website with an opportunity for future comments. The City agreed. City Manager Feldman stated that it was intention however to bring the new policy before the Commission in January. 
  2. Review of Consensus Committee Report. Donna Mergenhagen reviewed the last draft of the report asking those present to only voice those points about which they disagreed. For the most part, those in attendance agreed with the points to be included in the final report. A final version will be prepared and submitted for a vote of the membership. 
  3. New Business
  • Holiday Party on December 11. Council will supply main course and beverages. Guests are asked to bring a dish to share.
  • Volunteer needed to handle refreshments for January 2013 meeting (as well as subsequent months.) 
  1. For the Good of the Community:  Charles Jordon of the Sailboat Bend Civic Association and the Trust for Historic Sailboat Bend and Dave Braiburn of the Broward Trust for Historic Preservation talked about their submission to the FEMA 2012 Challenge seeking funds to develop a pilot program to assess the ability of historic structures to withstand disasters and for homeowners to self-assess structural damage, etc. 

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:10 pm. 

Respectfully submitted,

Rochelle Golub

Recording Secretary

November 2012 General Meeting Agenda


November 13, 2012

8th floor Conference Room, City Hall











Ms Diana Alarcon, Director or Mobility, New City Speed Hump Policy and Update on Citywide Parking Regulations

Terrence Smalley, Pantry of Broward Food Drive




President’s Report

Reapportionment Committee

Citizen’s Committee of Recognition

Nominating Committee

Membership Report

Treasurer’s Report


Ad Hoc Consensus Committee Report*




Holiday Party

Panty of Broward Food Drive




FEMA 2012 Challenge Application from Trust for Historic Sailboat Bend




*Indicates voting items or may be a voting item

Next Board Meeting: November 26 2012

Next General Membership Meeting December 11, 2012

October 2012 Board Minutes

Council of Civic Association
Board Meeting Minutes
October 22, 2012
City Hall, 8th Floor Cafeteria 

1.  Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by President Marilyn Mammano at 5:30 pm. At 6pm Ms. Mammano left to attend another meeting and turned the gavel over to 1st Vice President Ron Centamore. She returned at  approximately 7pm. District 1 Rep Shirley Smith left at 6:15 pm.

2.  Attendance:  All present except Treasurer Madelene Klein,   District III Rep Dr. Magdalene Lewis, and District IV Rep Brucie Cummings.   Second Vice President position is vacant.

3. Minutes:  Review and approval of September Board meeting was deferred.

4. Treasurer’s Report:   Review of the Treasurer’s Report was deferred.

5.  Ms. Mammano initiated a discussion of how to get members to attend the City’s November 10 Visioning Meeting. It was decided to send out email blasts and make it the topic of the November Council Corner.   This meeting will be the final opportunity to make opinions known.

6.  Nominating Committee for Officer Slate for 2013-14 Fiscal Year:  2nd Vice President Betty Shelley, Mr. Centamore, and Past President Doug Sterner volunteered to serve on the committee. Volunteers would be solicited through the close of the November 13 General Meeting.

7.  Membership Report: The Board discussed ways to increase membership for the 2013-14 fiscal year.   Some of the ideas discussed included polling non-members to ask why they do not join, sponsoring an event for non-members, having a meeting or using the website to inform neighborhoods how to become a City recognized neighborhood, dues incentives.

8.  Website: No formal rollout of the new website occurred at the last general meeting as planned because of the full agenda.  The new website is fully operational.

9.  Consensus Committee: Corresponding Secretary Donna Mergenhagen confirmed that the final report of the Consensus Committee would be ready for presentation at the Nov. General Meeting (final committee meeting on Nov 5). Since the last public Visioning Committee meeting was scheduled for Nov 10 – before the general meeting, it was discussed that  Ms. Mammano may want to send the final draft to the Visioning Committee with an update once it is approved.

10.  Holiday Party. The final general meeting of the calendar year will be December 11 in the cafeteria at 5pm. We will collect food for the Pantry of Broward. Tim Smith’s band has volunteered to play again at the party. The play list should focus on non-religious general seasonal and holiday music. It was decided not to sponsor a toy drive at this late date this year.

11.  Map. Mr. Sterner said that he is making some headway on getting the map finalized (CFLCA gift to City for Centennial).

The meeting was adjourned at 7:25 pm. 

Respectfully submitted,
Rochelle Golub
Recording Secretary



October 2012 Board Agenda



October 22 2012 5:30 PM

8th floor Cafeteria, City Hall



                                                   2) TREASURER’S REPORT*





REPORTS                Presidents Report                                                                                                               

Get  members to attend the November 10 Vision Meeting

Nominating Committee

Membership Report



Web Site Rollout

Consensus Committee Report

Holiday Party (Sunday at 5:00 is booked for the party)



Should we have a food collection for Pantry of Broward at the Holiday party?

How about a Toy Drive?



                Ms Diana Alarcon, Director Transportation and Mobility New Speed Hump Policy

                And follow up on City Wide parking issues

                Report of the Consensus Committee



                Pantry of Broward Food Collection Drive




*Indicates voting items or may be a voting item

Next Board Meeting November 26 2012

Next General Membership Meeting November 13 2012



September 2012 Executive Board Agenda

September 24 2012
8th floor Conference Room, City Hall
Presidents Report
   Meeting in a Box extension
   Reapportionment Committee
   Citizens Committee of Recognition
Membership Report
Web Page roll out at the October 9 Meeting
Consensus Report
Meeting in a Box for the Executive Board
Up Coming Elections
SET THE AGENDA FOR October 9 2012 Meeting
Meet the Candidates Night
*Indicates voting items or may be a voting item
Next Board Meeting October 22, 2012

August 2012 Board Minutes

Council of Civic Association
Board Meeting Minutes
August 27, 2012
City Hall, 8th Floor Conference Room


  1. Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by President Marilyn Mammano at 5:35 pm.
  2. Attendance:  All present except District III Rep Dr. Magdalene Lewis, and District IV Rep Brucie Cummings.  First Vice President position is vacant.
  3. Minutes: Minutes for the April 23, May 21 and July 23 Board Meetings were reviewed and unanimously approved.
  4. Treasurer’s Report:   Treasurer Madeline Klein went through the receivables and payables for the month of August to date as well as the status of prior approved expenses: bricks, map, and stipend.
  5. Ms. Mammano reported on the City Commission conference meeting on August 21. She noted that the Affordable Housing Advisory Board was advised by the City Manager to first present its recommendations to the CFLCA before bringing them to the Commission. Ms. Mammano also reported on the Conference Committee Public Participation Plan which the City Manager wants finalized by the end of the calendar year. She commented that the developers in attendance opposed the plan. The Board discussed its position.
  6. September General Meetings: Ms. Mammano suggested that we devote a general meeting to a mock “meeting in a box” to encourage neighborhoods to hold meetings and advance importance of neighborhoods in the visioning process. Our representative to the process, Susan Howell, could run the meeting.  We will have a minute of silence for 9/11.
  7. Ms. Golub was charged with draft a formal retention policy.
  8. October General Meeting will be candidates’ “meet and greet” in advance of the election. We will invite all state and federal candidates who are running for an office that includes Fort Lauderdale voters. 

The meeting was adjourned at 7:25 pm. 

Respectfully submitted,
Rochelle Golub
Recording Secretary



August 2012 General Meeting


August 14, 2012
General Membership Meeting
8th Floor Conference Room, City Hall


ROLL CALL – After a call of the roll by the Treasurer, it was determined that a quorum was present

REVIEW AND ACCEPTANCE: Meeting Minutes – June 12, 2012. Amended to reflect discussion and vote on proposed changes to City-wide parking regulations. Approved as amended.

TREASURER’S REPORT – On a motion and second Treasurer’s Report was approved without objection.

POLICE REPORT – Capt. London had nothing to report and no issues were brought up from the floor. Doug Sterner presented a request from the Officer Bryant Peney Scholarship Foundation that the Council again sponsor a table at their upcoming fundraiser. Motion made and passed to sponsor a table at a cost of $250.00.

GUESTS –City Manager Lee Feldman – spoke about an initiative designed to expedite the permitting process. One feature of the proposal would be to require developers of level 3 or 4 projects to meet with neighborhoods first to present their project for comments from the effected neighborhood. The developer would be responsible for reporting on the outcome of the meeting including comments by the participants. Their report would then become part of their application to DRC. The proposed ordinance change will be discussed at the City Commission conference meeting on August 21st.

Mr. Feldman also reported on the telephone Town Hall meetings held so far noting that they are very pleased with the results. Although the current round is focused on the visioning process, the City is committed to future telephone town hall meetings on other topics. Results of the poll questions within the town hall calls are available on the City’s website.

Mr. Feldman also promised to provide the Council with an update on the NDCR (Neighborhood Development Criteria Review).

Rick Keiser – Outlined the services available to HOAs from the City’s Print Center. A full range of printing, copying and graphic services (including newsletters, flyers and posters) as well as mailings are offered at discount prices.

Ian Wint gave a presentation on the City’s Geographic Information System and the Maps that are produced. There is a wealth of information on the City’s web page.

Stephanie Denham – Gave an update on the City’s Visioning Process. She handed out kits entitled “Meeting in a Box” and explained how to use them effectively to focus discussions among neighbors.

She also explained a new program called Nextdoor Fort Lauderdale which is a way to create a private social network for your neighborhood.

Election of 1st Vice President – Nominations from the floor were accepted and Olivier Turina nominated Ron Centamore which was seconded by Steve Gillespie. No other nominations were offered and Mr. Centamore was declared the winner by consensus.

1) Marilyn reported that our website revamp is nearing completion and explained to members how to update their information.

2) Marilyn also reported on the Council’s efforts to weigh in on the new City parking proposals. She and other Council member have met with Diane Alarcon in order to raise a number of concerns some neighborhoods have with the proposed changes. The chief concern is that the proposal takes a one-size-fits-all approach. Ms Alarcon will recommend that the City go forward with the proposal for the Beach and not for the entire City until a list of issues was addressed by the City’s consultant and discussed with the Council.

There being no further business the meeting adjourned at approximately 9:00pm

July 2012 Board

Council of Civic Association
Board Meeting Minutes
July 23, 2012
City Hall, 8th Floor

1. Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by President Marilyn Mammano at 5:30 pm.

2. Attendance: All present except District III Rep Magdalene Lewis. Betty Shelley attended as Second Vice President leaving the First Vice President position vacant. Ray Dettman of Poinciana Park and Don Crinklaw of the Sun Sentinel were in attendance.

3. Minutes: The minutes for the April Board meeting were again not available and this item was deferred to August. The minutes for the May Board meeting were not available and the Board, upon motion and second, voted unanimously to circulate said minutes by electronic mail for review and approval electronically.

4. Treasurer’s Report: Ms. Klein circulated the Treasurer’s Report showing an ending balance as of July 1, 2012 of $8013.58. A Report as of July 31, 2012 will be presented at the August General Membership Meeting for approval.

5. Ms. Mammano gave her President’s Report as follows: Diana Alarcon has agreed to meet with the Council on the City Wide Parking Proposal before its presentation to the Commission; the Council has renewed its NUSA free membership; the Council will have a seat on the Reapportionment Committee and Ms. Mammano has been designated as the Council’s representative for that seat. It is anticipated that the Commission will take the necessary actions on August 17 to activate the Committee and appoint the members.

6. VP Vacancy: Ms. Mammano noted that Betty Shelley did not accept the position of First Vice President leaving that position to be filled by general election. Ron Centamore was nominated for the position. In the notice for the election, Ms. Mergenhagen will state that a nomination has been made and additional nominations will be taken from the floor before the vote to be held at the August 14 General Meeting.

7. Consensus Committee: Ms. Mergenhagen stated that the committee would be meeting in August and would have a draft report to present to the Board in August. She alerted the Board to be prepared to review it and decide what to do with it. Because communications between the City and the neighborhoods was an important issue, Ms. Mergenhagen suggested that the Council submit a regular monthly report to the Commission. There was discussion. There seemed to be a consensus that communications will be made when there was something important to raise to the Commission and that the Council would follow up on that. It was also noted that Council Corner is circulated to the Commissioners and important issues can be brought to their attention that way as well. Ms. Mergenhagen also suggested that the Council regularly attend conference and Commission meetings through a rotation of Board members. That suggestion was well received.

8. City Attorney Search: Ms. Golub reported that the committee has met and is currently reviewing the job description prepared by the consultant. The committee also suggested modifications in the timetable to accommodate the committee’s input to the process. In response to questions, M s Golub stated that the position should be filled by the end of the year, that she would accept suggestions for qualifications, and that she did not believe the interviews would be public like those of the City Manager. Mr. Sterner noted that once the preliminary matters were completed the process would move quickly, much like the search for the new City Manager.

9. Visioning Process: Susan ______ was not in attendance. Ms. Mammano and others noted that the telephonic town hall calls did not generate discussion appropriate for visioning. Better response was generated by a speaker at an association meeting. Also, tools promised to promote visioning have not been completed.

10. Website Update: Ms Golub and Ms. Mergenhagen reported that they were meeting with the web designer/host on July 24 for final modifications and training . They thought that the site would be ready to launch by October 1. They reminded the Board that we only had $500 to spend and that Gatman gone far beyond what we paid to assist us in designing a better site.

11. Future General Meetings: It was agreed that the topic for the August 14would be a presentation of about the Broward Performing Arts Center Expansion. It was decided to have a State Rep candidate forum for all districts that included a portion of Fort Lauderdale for the October General Meeting with an extended meet and greet. We will try to get the cafeteria for that meeting.

12. Community Participation: Ms. Mammano stated that a number of different neighborhoods had contacted her about problems getting input to the City staff or Commission on important issues. Mr. Dettman spoke about his concerns over getting insufficient notice about a proposal to rezone certain land in his community. The Board agreed that it was an important issue that we should investigate. It was decided that we should educate ourselves about ordinances, policies and practices related to notification of ands communication with neighborhood associations. It was suggested that we ask Greg Brewton to send knowledgeable staff to meet with the Board.

13. Citizen’s Recognition Committee: Ms Mammano stated that she wanted to designate Genia Ellis to serve on that Committee as the Council President’s designee. It was suggested that such a designation was not permitted. Ms. Mammano stated she would look into it.

14. Retention Policy: Ms. Klein stated she had some boxes of treasurer’s documents to put in the Council’s storage room at City Hall. Ms. Golub stated that the Council needed a retention policy to start to cull through the boxes of archived material. That matter will be addressed at a future meeting.

15. Brick for Mancuso: Linda Nugent will write the inscription for the River Walk brick previously approved by the Board to be purchased by the Council.

16. Map: Upon motion and second, the Board unanimously voted to have the current map on the City website printed as the Council’s centennial gift to the City. We are still waiting for final pricing from Hal Barnes.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:10 pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Rochelle Golub
Recording Secretary



June 13, 2012

Mr. Patrick McTigue, Chairman
Planning and Zoning Board
City of Fort Lauderdale
100 North Andrews Avenue
Fort Lauderdale 33301 

Dear Mr. McTigue: 

At June 12 General Membership Meeting of the Council of Fort Lauderdale Civic Associations, the members voted to send this correspondence to you regarding the proposed changes to the City-Wide Parking Regulations. 

Regarding the draft proposal that the City presented at a May 22 Public Meeting, we don’t believe that the one-size fits all approach taken by the City is appropriate. Parking regulations should be more nuanced and specific to their location. While some neighborhoods would benefit from reduced parking requirements for some uses, others may be overwhelmed by inadequate requirements. 

I will be at the June 20 Planning and Zoning Board meeting and will be happy to answer any of your questions.

Marilyn Mammano, AICP, President
Council of Fort Lauderdale Civic Associations


Cc: Mr. Greg Brewton, Director
       Department of Sustainable Development

      Ms Diana Alarcon, Director

      Department of Transportation and Mobility



June 2012 General

Council of Fort Lauderdale Civic Associations
General Meeting
June 12, 2012
City Hall- 8th Floor Conference Room

1. Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by Acting President Marilyn Mammano at 7:30 pm followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

2. Attendance: Corresponding Secretary Donna Mergenhagen took the roll and declared a quorum.

3. Minutes: The minutes of the May 2, 2012 general meeting were unanimously approved upon a motion and second.

4. Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Madeline Treasurer’s Report by showing a balance as of June 1, 2012 of $8,398.79 was unanimously approved upon a motion and second.

5. Law Enforcement Report: FLPD Lt Patrick Hart provided this month’s report urging the neighborhoods to prepare for hurricane season. He also announced that a new ordinance dealing with the retail sale of synthetic marihuana and bath salts is being drafted but that it could be as much as 6 months before we see the products off the shelves of convenience stores.

6. Guest Speakers: Mr. Greg Stuart, Executive Director of the Broward Metropolitan Planning Organization talked about the role of the BMPO presented an overview of work in progress and the work planned. BMPO will spend over $8.6 billion in funds channeled back to the state by the federal government on transportation in the County over the next 20 years. Broward, Miami-Dade and Palm Beach Counties each have their own MPO’s based on historical geographical separation, even though the tri=county area functions as one metropolitan area. Specifically with respect to Fort Lauderdale, Mr. Stuart talked about the street cars in the downtown area explaining that since rails do not move, growth can be planned reliably around that type of transportation. He stated that there were no plans to widen any more streets and that some streets that were widened may be narrowed again. He mentioned that with the deepening of the Panama canal, commercial rail business would increase. He stated that within 2 years Tri-Rail passenger lines and commercial lines on along Dixie would merge. He also stated that within the next 4 years, $35 to $40 million would be spent on sidewalks. Mr. Stuart spoke very positively about the “Complete Streets” plan and urges elected officials to incorporate “Complete Streets” in their planning. The work of BMPO can be tracked on its website at

Susan Torriente (who recently spoke to the Council about climate change and sea level rising) addressed the membership about Visioning 2035 in Fort Lauderdale. She stated that the staff and committee were studying other cities’ approach to visioning and believed it most effective when tied to strategic planning. Input from the entire community is key to success. To that end, staff will speak when invited to neighborhood meetings; there is an interactive website []; a tool called “meeting in a bix” has been created; telephonic town hall meetings are scheduled. Mayor Seilor will host a telephone town hall meeting on June 25; Commissioner Rogers on July 17; Commissioner DuBoise on a tbd date in July; Commissioner Roberts on August 30 and Commissioner Rodstrom on September 14. The goal of the committee is to complete the visioning by the end of the year.

President Mammano asked for a volunteer to serve as the Councils liaison to the visioning process. Susan Howell volunteered and was so appointed.

7. Election of CFLCA President: Acting President Mammano turned the gavel over to First Vice President Betty Shelley who asked for nominations from the floor. Marilyn Mammano was nominated and seconded. No other nominations were forthcoming. VP Shelley closed the nominations. A voice vote was taken and Ms. Mammano was elected unanimously.

8. Membership Report: Paid active membership of the Council is 33 member neighborhoods.

9. For the Good of the Community: There were many promotional handouts available to the members present including planting at Stranahan Park on 6/16; mixitcurbit Recycling Program rollout; the Salvation Army; and the Code Awareness and Safety Expo on 6/23. Mr. Moyer of the Salvation Army enlisted support for the protection of its collection boxes.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:05 pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Rochelle Golub
Recording Secretary