Monthly Archives: April 2019

Dedication of Woodlawn Cemetery

Neighbors, Commissioners and City/State Staff joined in the unveiling of a Florida Historical Marker at Woodlawn Cemetery. The cemetery, which is listed on the National Register of Historic Places, dates back to the 1920s during a time when African-Americans were not allowed to be buried in traditional cemeteries. It served as the final resting place of many of Fort Lauderdale’s pioneering African-American residents whose contributions played a significant role in the development of the City.

Commissioners McKenzie and Glassman

HOA Presidents Micky Hinton and Edna Elijah second and fourth from the left

Stone Columns with the names of family members 


3.25.2019 CFLCA Board Meeting Minutes


March 25, 2019 5:30 PM

Fort Lauderdale City Hall, 100 N Andrews Avenue, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301

8th Floor Cafeteria


ROLL CALL – Call to order 532pm Colleen, Stan, Deborah, Mary, Christina, Dennis, Kelly, Betty, Jim, Marilyn, Brucie, Cathy, Albetta

REVIEW AND ACCEPTANCE OF MINUTES Board Meeting 2_25_2019- motion to approve Mary 2nd by Jim motion passes

TREASURER’S REPORT –needs 2nd signature for CD & Colleen will go with Brucie as 2nd person for Bank, MM will update Sunbiz, after next GM the finalized minutes to Colleen/Marilyn/Brucie. XIII. Audit- volunteers Jim & Marilyn to be Audit Committee nominees @ General Meeting in April & report in May.  Treasurer Report $5k in CD 2.5% for 1 year.  Bal.  $5782.71 have 8 to deposit.  Looking to generate income discussion- use the $/invest; sponsorship @ website & for event cost offset.  Motion by Deborah to research business sponsorship value 2nd by Michael. Motion passes



Presidents Report-

2019 Membership and Dues Renewal- few not paid

Joint Meeting with the Commission April 16 – reminder of prep meeting at Betty’s house  March 26th – Stan, Jim, Colleen, Michael, Deborah, Mary, Marilyn, Brucie, Cathy, Steve Buckingham attending.  Motion to invite Betty & Steve to Joint Workshop pending approval by City manager.  Moved by Christina & 2nd by Deborah- Motion passes

Membership Report-few not paid

Committee Reports

Proposal to form bylaws/board role committee * 2011 last change. Discussion-change vs. review Motion by Christina 2nd by Marilyn for Marilyn, Dennis, Christina to be proposed to GM at bylaws committee. Discussion on attendance 3 in row, Brucie 3 in year, Deborah 4 total (1excused).  Alternate rep. thought by Jim do we need an alternate for District rep and would that need to be from the district to preserve prospective of that District on the Board.

Events Committee: John Burns 3rd in a row not @ meeting. Dennis spoke w/him. Contact info to Dennis as Chair of Committee.  From BASmith-every week Special Event Committee meeting will go to all association contacts. Discussion here on expectations.  Next meeting is 3/28 330PM for Spec. Events.

Member Event – Floridian breakfasts in honor of Ron Centamore 4/2&3 anytime you go and eat donations will be accepted@ door area.

St. Patrick’s Day Parade recap and suggestions for next year.  – fun.  Proposal from Jim Hammond to partner with CFLCA in 2020.

Questions for City Manager at April Meeting- Marilyn wants to hear his vision, accomplish, what do you see as challenge/opportunity, direction, EMS response times *draft as city wide, police/education/vacation rentals, replacements of Sr. level staff & comparable experience replacement, suggestion of 2 tier 1 is general and 2nd is the pointed questions.


Alcohol Ordinance Update- passed Glassman acknowledged that the entire matter needs to be revisited/reviewed.


            Pre-general meeting notifications to membership:  DRC, P&Z, Parks and Rec, Special Events, others TBD – Christina options of add to website/agenda/on footer of Constant Contact and possibility of adding to agenda.  Helpful links.

Lockhart Stadium and Park Bond Selection/Prioritization Process- special advisory committee or task force on this and having a CFLCA representative on it.

New River Pedestrian bridge FDOT public meeting in March

            April General Meeting Agenda:

  • City Manager Chris Lagerbloom Q&A with CFLCA
  • Introduction of Transportation Manager Lisa Marie Glover & TAM Deputy Director Julie Leona (to be confirmed)
  • Overview of Joint Meeting with Commission on April 16 (wait to report but announce meeting)
  • Committee Creation- Bylaw Committee & Audit Committee
  • Re public participation text amendment & PZB. Comment of distance is this more or less. Marilyn to call Mary Fertig.

May General Meeting Agenda: TBD

  • Audit Report
  • Guest Spurlock



  • Tortuga Special Events Meeting is on 3/28 @ 11am.


*Indicates voting items or may be a voting item

Next Board Meeting April 22nd, 2019

Next General Membership Meeting April 9th, 2019CFLCA BOD minutes 3.25.2019

Vacation Rental Preemption Bills Die in Tallahassee

At the April 9 General Membership Meeting, City Manager Christopher Lagerbloom gave us an update on the status of HB 987 “Vacation Rentals” and SB 824 ” Private Property Rights of Homeowners” which are currently being voted on in various committees on their way to becoming law. Both these bills seek to preempt the regulation of vacation rentals to the State and would invalidate Fort Lauderdale’s current vacation rental regulations. Apparently the “property right” to turn a house into a hotel is more important than the “property right” of residents to the peaceful enjoyment of their home and the safety of their families.

CFLCA voted unanimously to oppose both bills.  


Thank You Betty Shelley

Mayor Dean Trantalis congratulates Betty on her many years of service

After more than 20 years of service to the Council of Fort Lauderdale Civic Associations, Betty Shelley is stepping down to make way for the next generation of leaders. Betty has been an inspiration to all of us and she promises to continue to participate and guide us. Betty in her own words…….

Dear Council Board and Neighborhood Leaders,

I want to thank you for the fantastic honor shone to me at the meeting on Tuesday. I was truly honored and surprised. I had decided it was time for me to step aside and get some younger volunteers to represent the Neighborhoods. I will continue to attend the meetings and assist wherever I can. I believe in this Organization and feel it is very important in our City. You are all the voice of Fort Lauderdale.

Thanks for all your kind thoughts and see you next time. Cheers,


Minutes of MARCH 12 2019 General Membership Meeting

CFLCA GM Meeting Minutes 03_12_2019


March 12, 2019 6:30 PM

8thfloor Commission Conference Room, City Hall

Call to order 7pm


ROLL CALL – Quorum

REVIEW AND ACCEPTANCE:  Motion to approve the minutes of February 12, 2019 accepted





Bonnie Clearwater, Director & Chief Curator and Anna Sorensen, Associate Director of   Development, NSU Art Museum Fort Lauderdale – follow-up March 7th Freida Kahlo event.

  • Thanks/available to neighborhoods/lectures and various offerings and provided gift bags.

Alain Boileau, City Attorney, Alcohol Ordinance

  • Jackie Scott- Collee Hammock examples Ann’s Florist and then 2 spas next door to each other & should be BOA be doing this when commissioners are the ones who answer to us
    • Marilyn Mammano- summarize where we are and options of: do nothing, oppose, ask for it to be deferred, revisit whole issue in future
    • Christina Currie- restate not to ignore feedback of residents and note distance remarks
    • Alain Boileau, City Attorney-1997 Changes to code BOA begins special exemption authority upon showing not in conflict w/ pub. Interest. 2018 City Attorney realizes have been not following hard ship criteria properly/don’t have authority. Hardship wasn’t being strictly followed.  Stopped the process and temp. permission granted to a few which are expiring soon.  Purpose of change to accommodate past, conform, recognize a more comprehensive look at this ordinance is being requested. Also adding 47-24.12 conformation and ULDR lang. to the 2ndreading.
    • Q/Comments
      • Concern of requests flooding in
      • BOA needs more specific criteria if doing this response is that policy is a commissioner issue
      • Request of public notice requirements and it will be referenced in new change.
    • Motion by Michael Albetta to Defer the 2ndReading of the Alcohol Ordinance 2ndby Jerry Jordan-motion passes unanimous

            Ella Parker, Fort Lauderdale, Urban Design and Planning Manager – Downtown    Comprehensive Plan

    • 2003 adopt, update 2007, codifications of what is in master plan (quantitative guidelines)
      • Tower space 60 ft between towers, floor plate sizes (bulk), max. building length, transition zones, open space looking to %’s, codify streetscape design
      • Ella will email presentation for posting this is only QUANTATIVE changes.
      • This does not cover SW & NW RAC repeated multiple times.
      • Map & legal descriptions will be more clear



Presidents Report

    • Membership renewal time reminder
    • Q’s email to council website for City Manager

Membership Report

  • Elections for board 2019/2021
      • President Colleen Lockwood
      • 1stVP Stan Eichelbaum
      • 2ndVP Deborah Rosenbaum
      • Corresponding Sec. Mary Peloquin
      • Recording Sec. Christina Currie
      • Treasurer Brucie Cummins
      • D.1 Jim Concannon
      • D.2 Michael Albetta
      • D.3 Cathy Stubbs
      • D. 4 Kelly Manning
      • Chair of Committees Dennis Ulmer
      • Motion to accept 2ndall in favor all candidates get position no oppose

Committee Report

Member Events

    • St. Patrick’s Day Parade- information on website
    • Floridian Breakfast April 2ndor 3rdbenefitting Ron’s favorite charity Downtown Civ. Assoc. sponsored event.





Subjects and Questions for City Manager at the April Meeting

Alcohol Zoning Ordinance – City Commission meeting



                        Hope you all voted today!


ADJOURN Motion to adjourn accepted 8:30pm

*Indicates voting items or may be a voting item

Next Board Meeting March 25, 2019

Next General Membership Meeting April 9, 2019