recording secretary

Next CFLCA General Meeting Via Zoom on 9/8/20

September CFLCA General Meeting will be held via Zoom on 9/8/2020.  Scheduled guests will include:

  • Zoie Saunders, City of Fort Lauderdale Chief Education Officer
  • Chris Lagerbloom, City of Fort Lauderdale City Manager
  • Dean Trantalis, City of Fort Lauderdale Mayor
  • Dr. “JJ” Rajter, Critical Care Medicine & Pulmonary Medicine


Please tell us your thoughts on the needs in our City stemming from the COVID-19 pandemic and the affect on education/childcare.  We’d also like to make sure your questions for the City Manager are covered!  Please use the “Contact Us” feature to get your questions on the list in advance.

GM Agenda Aug. 11, 2020

CFLCA General Membership Meeting 8/11/2020 via Zoom


Welcome and Call to Order, Roll Call via Zoom Chat

General Membership Reminders:  1. Census 2020, 2. Elections, 3. Racial Equity

 Introduction of Guests: 

  • General Update: Congressman Ted Deutch
  • COVID, Homelessness, FLPD Initiatives: Ben Sorenson, City Commissioner
  • Health-related COVID Update: JJ Rajter
  • City Budget/Updates from the City: Chris Lagerbloom, City Manager

 Introduction of Jessica Wilkus, City of Fort Lauderdale’s newest Senior Management Fellow in Neighbor Support

 Treasurer’s Report

 Review and Acceptance of Prior Meeting Minutes  – June 9th 2020 General Meeting * (if quorum requirements are met)


Next Board Meeting is 8/24

Next General Meeting is 9/08

CFLCA GM Agenda August 11, 2020


8.11.20 CFLCA-Treasury Update for Membership

CFLCA August 11th, 2020 General Membership Meeting’s Featured

Speakers and Topics:

U.S. Congressman Ted Deutch

General Update

City Commissioner Ben Sorenson

Reporting on Covid, Homelessness and FLPD Initiatives

JJ Rajter, MD & Pulmonolgist

Health Related Covid – 19 Update

Chris Lagerbloom, City Manager, City of Fort Lauderdale

City Budget/Updates

Proposed Federal Courthouse Site Feedback Window Open Until 9/4/2020

Dear Interested Party,

The United States General Services Administration (GSA) announces the availability of the Pre-Final Environmental Assessment (EA) and Proposed Mitigated Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) for the proposed acquisition of a site and the construction of a new federal courthouse (Courthouse) in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. The FONSI applies to all four sites under consideration.

The GSA has prepared the EA and FONSI in accordance with Section 102 of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), 42 U.S.C. § 4321 et seq., the Council on Environmental Quality regulations (CEQ), 40 C.F.R. §§ 1500-1508, and the GSA Public Buildings Service (PBS) NEPA Desk Guide (October 1999). The GSA consulted under Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) (16 U.S.C. § 470f) and partially fulfilled the Section 106 public notification and consultation requirements through the NEPA scoping process.

Since all of the sites proposed for the Fort Lauderdale Courthouse are either partly or fully in a 1% or 0.2% chance of floodplain, GSA has also developed a Determination of No Practicable Alternative and floodplain mitigation measures, which will be considered during the design process.

The GSA plans to acquire a site for the design and construction of a 255,000 gross square foot Courthouse, to include fifty inside parking spaces, within the City of Fort Lauderdale, Florida. The EA prepared by GSA evaluated a range of alternatives for this courthouse, which included:

  1. Alternative 1 – No Action Alternative (no new construction)
  2. Alternative 2 – Construction of the new Courthouse at the Hudson Site
  3. Alternative 3 – Construction of the new Courthouse at the Tri Rail Broward Site
  4. Alternative 4 – Construction of the new Courthouse at the County Courthouse Site
  5. Alternative 5 – Construction of the new Courthouse at the Tri Rail Cypress Creek Site

The Pre-Final EA is available for a 30-day comment period.  Comments shall be received no later than 9/4/2020.  Copies of the pre-final EA and FONSI are available online at:

Pre-Final EA:


For additional information regarding the EA or this project, please contact the following:

General Services Administration, Region 4

Attention: Mr. Ashish Desai

Martin Luther King Jr. Federal Building

77 Forsyth Street, SW, Atlanta, GA 30303

[email protected]


7.31.2020 Commissioner Sorensen Shares an Update on City/FAA Matters

Today, 7/31/20, Commissioner Sorensen shared an update from the Counsel retained by the City to advocate for us related to ongoing FAA matters related to the Draft Environmental Assessment (EA) for the South-Central Florida Metroplex.

View the email from Ben here:  7.31.2020 FAA EMAIL FROM BEN SORENSEN

View the letter from FAA to City Manger here: 7.31.20 From Sorensen Letter from Michael at the FAA.

Please feel free to direct your questions and comments on these documents or the feedback process to [email protected].

CFLCA General Meeting 8/11/2020 6:30 PM via ZOOM

City Manager Chris Lagerbloom will be speaking at our August 11, 2020 Zoom general meeting.  City Manager Lagerbloom has agreed to speak on the FY 2021 Proposed Budget.

Click HERE to view the FY 2021 Proposed Budget.

The Office Management and Budget Office has prepared a Balancing Act simulation based upon FY 2021 General Fund revenue forecasts and proposed operating budgets. The simulation includes all decision package requests submitted by operating departments and indicates the decision package requests that are included in the FY 2021 Proposed Budget.  Click HERE to use “Balancing Act.”

The aforementioned can also be found on the City’s Annual Budget webpage.  Please submit your questions in advance using the “Contact Us” feature on our homepage.