Monthly Archives: January 2010

January 2010 Board Meeting

January 25, 2010
8TH FLOOR Commission Chamber

2. ROLL CALL – Quorum present.
3. REVIEW AND ACCEPTANCE œ BOARD MEETING MINUTES of December 28, 2009* — Motion by Betty Shelley and second by Tom Welch to approve minutes; motion passed.
4. TREASURER’S REPORT œ Tom Welch reported that there is $8017.47 in Council accounts as of December 31, 2009. Motion by Genia Ellis and second by David Marshall to approve Treasurer’s report; motion passed.
a. Centennial Project Discussion €œ Donna Mergenhagen led the discussion of potential projects, including:
– T-shirts
– Coffee Mugs
– Ice Cream
– Private-Labeled bottled water from Publix
– Old-Fashioned Picnic
– Photography project possibly  day in the life (of Fort Lauderdale)or before/after photos

Donna agreed to write up a summary of the last two items prior to the general meeting.
b. St. Patricks Day Parade €œ Council Participation. Genia Ellis moved and Betty Shelley seconded that the Council and neighborhoods take part. Motion passed.
c. Ad Hoc Code Reform €œ Richard Mancuso reported that consultants Winter & Co. will meet with the Planning & Zoning Board in late February regarding the Neighborhood Development Criteria. After discussion of how best to support project progress, Genia Ellis moved, and Betty Shelley seconded, that the Council request that Planning Director Greg Brewton, Assistant (Director) Wayne Jessup, and appropriate staff attend the Council Feb. 9 meeting to update Council members on project status and timeline for completion of the Winter & Co. project. Motion passed.
d. Feb. 9 General Meeting Agenda
i. Mayor Jack Seiler  Volunteer Project
ii. Centennial Project €œ Summary of projects by Donna Mergenhagen
iii. Ad Hoc Code Reform €œ Update by Mr. Brewton

7. OLD BUSINESS (Nothing to report)
a. CVC project at the Esplanade Park/Riverwalk on Sat. Feb. 13.
b. Community Appearance Board (May 13) œ Applications were _not_ mailed because they are available online.
9. ADJOURNED at 6:37PM.

January 2010 General Meeting

Council of Fort Lauderdale Civic Associations
P. O. Box 30106
Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33303

General Meeting
January 12, 2010

1. Call to Order 7:30 PM

2. Pledge of Allegiance

3.Roll Call by the 1st Vice President – (Marilyn Mammano)- 16 of 33 members present (Quorum present). Guests: Yvonne Britt , US Census Bureau;  Jill Quigley, Central Broward Transit Project;  Hal Barnes and Sheri Roberts,  City Of Fort Lauderdale.

Meeting minutes were reviewed and amended by motion from Betty Shelley, seconded by Gabriel Ocasio. By unanimous vote, the amended minutes were accepted.  Amended minutes are attached.

Treasurer’s Report. – Tom Welch submitted the attached Treasurer’s Report. There were no new members and expenses were $78.92.  Dave Parker moved to accept the report and Ron seconded .The report was approved unanimously.

Doug Sterner announced that starting next meeting there would be a regular Police Report.

Yvonne Britt, Manager, of the Local Census Office explained the process to become a censuses taker and the advantages thereof.  She passed out literature, which is attached. Anyone interested in becoming a census taker can call 1 866 861 2010 to arrange to take the test.

Jill Quigley, from the Central Broward Transit gave out a questionnaire asking members to choose their preference for the Central Broward Transit Project. Discussion followed about the apparent disconnect between this project and the Wave and the Light Rail Proposals.  Information about the project can be found at

Hal Barnes discussed the Florida Neighborhood Conference 2010, which currently has no host. He distributed literature for the May 26-29 2010 Neighborhood USA Conference in Arkansas.

Vicki Eckels discussed the Citizen Sustainability Green Committee and distributed a list of sub committees that members can join.  The list will be posted on the CFLCA site.

Old Business

Centennial Committee discussed the proposed Council Centennial project. Elaborate project is not working.  Suggested was perhaps a bumper sticker or t-shirt?   Doug Sterner will put the issue on the next Executive Board Meeting.

Ad Hoc Committee
Richard Mancuso expressed frustration (yet again) with the City’s unresponsiveness to our concerns.  This will also be on the Executive Board agenda.

Marilyn Mammano said that the Membership Renewal Letter and Application would be mailed out in January.  She will also prepare a blast email for the Secretary to send out.

No report from the Education Advisory Committee.

Meeting was adjourned at 9:00.

Submitted by Marilyn Mammano, 1st Vice President for David Marshall, Recording Secretary