Minutes – General Meeting

August 2013 General Meeting Minutes

General Membership Meeting

August 13, 2013

City Hall, 8th Floor Conference Room

  1. Meeting was called to order by President Mammano at 7:30 p.m.
  2. 1st Vice President Ron Centamore called the roll and declared we had a quorum.
  3. Minutes from the June General Meeting were adopted as presented.
  4. The Treasurer’s Report was read by Treasurer Rochelle Golub.  The ending balance as of July 31, 2013 was $8462.79.
  5. Police Report: Presented by Captain Appel – New Captain for District 3 – 954-822-6376 [email protected]. Changes department-wide to attend the CFLCA meetings. Captain Alvarez for District 2 and Captain Dietrich for District 1 will also attend on a rotation. New accomplishments in dealing with transient individuals who live under the bridges and overpasses. The State has now given cities a right to hand our Trespass Affidavits for those under the bridges. FLPD does have a homeless outreach officer and they do try to get them help if they are willing to get it. This was an accomplishment of the NAT Team and the Homeless Outreach Officers.  There are vacancies in the NAT teams due to promotions. In response to some questions, an explanation of the “NAT” teams was given. NAT stands for Neighborhood Action Team. Captain Appel explained that even though there is a change in staff due to the recent promotions, the police department and the NAT Officers are here to serve the neighborhoods and welcome calls and are willing to address any concerns. Residents should expect a response of some sort from NAT Officers. If not, contact the Captains. NAT used to be Community Policing – “touchy, feely.” District 1 NAT Officers commended by more than one neighborhood and noted to be affective. Yearly the Command staff evaluates the necessary staff
  6. Guests: Gloria Battle, Gwendolyn Clark Reed’s Office; (State Representatives on September 10)
  7. Thanks to Ron Centamore for the food.
  8. Guest Speakers: from All Aboard Florida, Ali Soule Public Affairs Manager, and Jose Gonzalez VP FEC Corporate Development, Executive Director Greg Stewart of MPO Metropolitan Planning Organization, and Diana Alarcon from Transportation & Mobility (T&M) discussed the FEC All Aboard Florida plans, how this will affect Fort Lauderdale, and how MPO fits in to the plans. Diana Alacorn from the City explained how these T&M facets work together. Focus on the Quiet Zones and safety at the crossings. Explanation of connecting with the ports and the export/import business of Port Everglades. Florida population 19 million, and with tourist over 55 million travelling from Miami to Orlando and around the state. The trains will be “smart” corridors providing wi-fi, etc. 70% of travelers are leisure travelers. 400 employees to run the system; 1000s of employees to build it, plus additional retail around the stations. Goal is to provide hourly service. 32 additional trains. This is not Tri Rail. Start of operation target for 2015. All Aboard Florida is totally private; no funding from State or Federal government. (40 min)See https://www.gobrightline.com/ for more All Aboard Florida information. Also see http://www.browardmpo.org/ for Broward MPO. Also see https://www.fortlauderdale.gov/government/departments-i-z/transportation-and-mobility for City T&M information.
  9. President’s Report/New Business: 1) On the Commission meeting on the 20th:  A) Up-zoning for the Downtown RAC and B) Proposing the Anti-concentration Legislation for Social Service Facility. Problem is you can a halfway house that is not licensed and they can whoever they want there and not covered by these regulations. Houses will put ten people in a three bedroom house, etc. and there are all kinds of social problems. To be brought up at the September 10th meeting with the Legislatures. This proposed legislation is to tighten up the current regulations. Relationships can’t be forced between those living in these houses. The idea of what a “family” is cannot be defined. 2) Explanation of the ANNUAL Neighborhood Recognition Process by the City vs. the paperwork needed to fill out for the CFLCA. Go to City’s web page, and look on the Neighborhood list to see if you are “recognized.” 3) Legislative Roundup is September 10 CFLCA General Meeting. 4) Appointment of Shannon Harmeling as the Chair for the Public Participation Ordinance Committee to focus first on the draft of the Public Participation Ordinance. 5) From the Environmental Division of the City employee Larry Teichs is willing to come out and employee xxx discuss swales, and Climate Change Impact. See http://www.fortlauderdale.gov/public_services/environmental_services/  6) Meals on Wheels by Doug Sauder asking people to bring pet food for these people who have pets. Amber Van Buren will come and talk next month about this issue. 7) Resident, Mr. Don Zimmer [email protected] brought up a code concern from Coral Ridge association about commercial trailors parking in the right of way, and on private property. He met with Greg Bruten head of planning and zoning and said the code has problems and would need the community as a whole to help change the code. He had handouts for everyone. 8) Brucie Cummings of Tarpon River President had a brief discussion of the Marina Lofts project was addressed and the CFLCA has refrained from taking a stand in the matter and leaving it up to individuals and neighbors to do as they wish. It was mentioned that Commissioner Rogers recused himself from the vote on Marina Lofts. Brucie had letters to hand out. Residents are encouraged to email their commissioners.
  10. Meeting Adjourned.

June 2013 General Mtg Minutes

General Membership Meeting

June 11, 2013

City Hall, 8th Floor Conference Room

  1. Meeting was called to order by President Mammano at 7:32 p.m.
  2. 1st Vice President Ron Centamore called the roll and declared we had a quorum.
  3. Minutes from the April and May General Meeting were adopted as presented.
  4. The Treasurer’s Report was read by President Mammano.  The ending balance was $8255.13.
  5. John Bertino the representative for Tim Ryan was introduced and Donna Opert from Galt Ocean Mile was welcomed.
  6. Police Report was presented by Captain Alvarez.  Overall crime in Fort Lauderdale was down 7%.  He did note that there is usually an uptick at the end of June.  The Police Games begin on June 15th and continue through the 22nd.  The complete schedule is available on the City Website.
  7. Guest Speakers from the Broward Public Schools included Dr. Desmond Blackburn – Chief School Performance Accountability Officer and Charles Webster – Liason to the Educational Advisory Board of Fort Lauderdale.

Schools are not changing at the same pace as the rest of the world.  There is a gap to overcome.  Change comes with mixed emotions.  Sunland Park Elementary School, Lauderdale Manors and Arthur Ashe Middle School  were three failing schools.  The options that were available were to change them to charter/private schools, close the schools, or turn them into a turnaround school.  Typically the turnaround option is chosen.  The schools facilitated community outreach meetings and internal meeting with educators.  Rigorous programs, technology increases, increase partnership with colleges and universities were all explored.  The focus is to fix these problems early before the third grade, focus on early learning in the community (33311) and enhance quality of life for adults that are the caregivers of these children.  Social / financial/ immigration options to be considered.  Don’t want to be saddled or required to access a particular school, want options close to work and or relatives.  Overall the school district has 30,000 empty seats.

Sunland Park Elementary – will become a preK to 3rd grade school.

Lauderdale Manors –  will turn into a community service center with social services, clothing bank , referral services.

Arthur Ashe – will become an Adult Career and Technical School starting with day courses and will have child care on site.

Dillard High School is one of the finest schools whose principal is Cassandra Robinson.  The aim is to create a K-12 fine arts – emergent technology magnate school.

There is a capital deficit in the district.  We need to reinvest in the schools and upgrade technology.  Dillard High School will be getting a 1 million dollar upgrade.  Sunland Park and other surrounding schools will get the money for reading, technology, mentor based skype programs.  Dillard’s emphasis will be on entrepreneurial education.  Lauderhill Middle Schooll will become a 6-12 partnership with Broward College and will be a Boutique High School.  In state compliance terms Lauderdale Manors and Arthur Ashe are considered closings. Sunland Park and Lauderhill are considered Hybrid options.

All taxpayers should be concerned with the 30,000 empty seats, there are no new monies coming in and we are paying for more than we generate.  The quality of the entire system is called into question and the taxpayers should be demanding greater efficiency.

Montessori Model is very expensive(Virginia Schuman) and requires parental partnership.

Workforce Education is excellent.

Level of service, eliminating portables, the western part of the county is busting at the seams, they could force parent to send children to different schools however parents are into choice.  Work with municipalities to use portables effectively.  Non performing children can’t/won’t get to high school, we are losing kids by the 2nd or 3rd grade.

Charles Webster:  5 schools in Broward County in top 100 in the United States.  Dillard High School is one of them.  Perception vs. Facts  The school district is the largest employer in the County.  We have to work on welcoming people, Disney is serving as a consultant.  Promise Neighborhood Grant was missed by 3 points this year, they will try again next year.  Partnerships, parents and supporting parents will be a key focus.

7. New Business:

Nominations for Recording Secretary duties include taking minutes, keeping all records.  Betty Shelley nominated Shannon Harmeling from Lake Ridge with Ron Centamore seconding the motion.  Nominations were closed by President Mammano and Shannon Harmeling was elected with a unanimous vote.

President’s Report:

All Aboard Florida and FEC RR Partner are two private companies.  There will be an Environmental Impact Statement.  Federal RR Administration was sent letter of concerns also to Broward MPO and commissioners.  Broward County  MPO is going to vote to deal with quiet zones to allow us to spend our own money.  The meeting is on Thursday.  The money is not coming from private companies.  More information will be forthcoming.  There are 24 members on the MPO including Commissioner Romney Rogers and Vice Mayor Bruce Roberts.  AAF trains approximately 50 per week.  Port Everglades Freight trains once Panama Canal Expansion is completed will be doubled additional FEC Commuter Rail adds up to a lot of trains.  Proposals to move trains west.

President Mammano met with City Manager Lee Feldman.  He was not aware that the Neighborhood Development Review Criteria was not moving forward.  He does not have the staff.  Will go back and review.

Input was solicited for the Better Meetings Committee.  Topics that were brought up that were of interest included, By Law Guidance and Standardization, Common Insurance Policies, FAU is available for other topics, How to get people to come to meetings.

President Mammano brought up whether or not to hold the July General Meeting.  Shannon Harmeling made a motion to cancel the July meeting, seconded by Betty Shelley and it was unanimous vote to cancel the meeting.

8. The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Linda Nugent, Corresponding Secretary

For Donna Mergenhagen, Recording Secretary



May 2013 General Mtg Minutes

General Meeting Minutes

May 14, 2013

City Hall, 8th Floor Conference Room

  1. Call to order:  President Mammano called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.
  2. Roll call:  1st VP Ron Centamore called attendance (respondents answered by name) and declared a quorum.
  3. Treasurer’s Report:  President Mammano read the report provided by Treasurer Golub.
  • Major Michael Gregory from District 2 represented the Police Department
    • Promotions:  Asst. Chief Williams is now in charge of all operations; many other promotions have taken place.
    • Reorganization of Patrols:  This will be taking place in the very near future. (Lt.’s will be moved up to shift captains/commanders)  New assignments will be sent to neighborhoods as soon as they are finalized.
    • Smart Water CSI:  This technology is being tested in South Middle River.  It will take 6 months to a year to determine if this product and program are successful.  You use smart water to mark your possessions and it has an embedded code that stays on your property permanently.   Currently, only the police have the equipment to detect if this product is on recovered stolen property.  The signage that you purchase with the program seems to be a significant deterrent.  Confiscated drug money was used to pay for the test program and equipment.  You can learn more about this product at www.smartwatercsi.com .
    • Captain Jo-Ann Lorber from Fire Emergency Management
      • Jo-Ann reminded everyone that Hurricane Season is only 18 days away.  She encouraged everyone to visit www.ready.gov which is a FEMA website for Hurricane Preparedness with comprehensive information on mitigation.
    • She also reminded everyone that it is National Law Enforcement Week.


  • Maria Sachs – State Senator District 34 was introduced.  Ms. Sachs stated that she started as a leader in her community association.  She wants the neighborhoods to invite her into their communities.  She stated she is here to listen even if it is only to complaints.  She is here to listen to your community and bring your concerns to Tallahassee.  She stated that she is not a political idealog.  She wanted the

Neighborhoods to know some of her priorities and the bills she introduced, which include: Educational Appropriations (she worked to increase funding to Broward Community College); Texting While Driving (as a secondary offense, it is a beginning and hopefully the governor will sign the bill); Parasailing Safety; Alarms for Daycare Vans.  She encouraged the neighborhoods to give her ideas.  Laura Croscenco raised the concern of safe routes to and from schools including sidewalks and bike lanes, which is an issue in Middle River Terrace.  Ms. Sachs stated that she wants to take care of our communities and our children. She indicated that she raised five children in South Florida.  President Mammano introduced Richard Johns who is the chairperson of the Council’s Legislative Committee.  Ms. Sachs finished by stating that she did not care if a neighborhood was in her district or not, that she was interested in all concerns.

  • Fort Lauderdale School Board Representative Katherine “Katie” Leach from District 3 called to indicate, that the School Board Meeting, which began at 9 a.m., was still ongoing.  President Mammano indicated that we would try to reschedule for the next meeting and would also contact Dr. Rosalin Osgood the District 4 Representative and Robin Bartleman the At Large Representative.  Education continues to be an important issue with the Visioning Report indicating that Fort Lauderdale is not a good place to educate your children.
  • Interviews for City Attorney were held May 13th. Five candidates were interviewed, 2 internal and 3 external from other parts of Florida.  Cynthia A. Everett  from Pinecrest Village was the selected candidate and hopefully will be on board soon.
  • Tomorrow, May 15th is the Transportation Summit, which will last all day.  The FEC Railroad situation will increase train traffic and impact the entire city and its residents.  President Mammano asked that an e-mail blast be sent out to remind everyone of this important event.  She encouraged neighborhoods to urge their Commissioners to get Broward County to establish quiet zones.  President Mammano asked Steve Stahl of Middle River to take the lead in Transportation Issues and indicated she would discuss with him after the meeting.
  • Membership:  1st VP Ron Centamore indicated that we have 34 members as of tonight’s meeting.  If there have been changes or updates in neighborhood contacts i.e. Representation that this information needs to be communicated to the Council and to Maxine Singh who maintains the recognized neighborhood information for the City.
  • The Public Participation Ordinance was brought up for discussion.  In plain speak; the revised ordinance requires developers to have a meeting with the community prior to the DRC (Development Review Committee) meeting if the proposed development is a Site Plan 3 or Site Plan 4.  The public meeting must be held 21 days in advance of the meeting and the developer must send a letter or an e-mail to the President of the Civic Association(s) listed on the city website that are effected.  (That means the burden is on the neighborhood to get the word out.)  Prior to the DRC meeting they must present a Report Letter, which indicates yes I had a meeting, yes I notified the President, how many people attended the meeting and the issues raised.  This is then given to the city and made part of the record and then they can proceed to the DRC.  The members raised many concerns.  The feeling seems to be that this at least sets some type of standard (now this is an informal understanding).  Some believe that if this becomes policy the minimum becomes the maximum.  Shelby Smith from Shady Banks indicated that the meeting place needs to be located in proximity to the community and that city staff needs to educate the resident about what is allowed.  Shirley Smith from Central Beach Alliance felt that the requirement should be that the developer attends the association meeting.  Shannon Harneling from Lake Ridge felt that 21 days is not enough time and that the improved draft did not take in our concerns.  The June 4th City Commission Conference Meeting will hear the revised draft.  The consensus is that opposition from developers will be to keep the process simple.  Shelby Smith from Shady Banks then brought up the concern of the “LETTER”, does the 21 days constitute from the postmark, mail could be held.  There is mistrust on both sides and the ordinance at least formalizes that we must talk to each other…it may not be the best time to push for the maximum, at least try to make sure the communication happens.  If we push to far the developers will feel we want too much.  Dave Parker from Sailboat Bend indicated that we need a more specific ordinance and that the education aspect by city staff is a good idea.  Ron Centamore from Downtown indicated that right now there is no requirement and at least this is a step in the right direction.  The Marina Lofts Developer gave no notification prior to DRC.  There are instances when a developer cannot deliver what they have promised to do.  Shirley Smith from Central Beach stated that there have been several Site Plan 3 and 4 projects that the Neighborhood has said no to and the Commission has voted to build it anyway.  Cal Deal indicated that 21 days prior could be meaningless as sometimes there are changes to the site plans right up to days before the meeting and they are allowed, as they are not considered a “substantial change”.  He indicated that their needs to be a date set for the lock down of documents.  President Mammano indicated that she would be attending the Commission Conference Meeting and would speak to the Council’s concerns.

6. The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Linda Nugent, Corresponding Secretary

For Donna Mergenhagen, Recording Secretary

April 2013 General Mtg Minutes

Fort Lauderdale Council of Civic Associations
General Meeting Minutes
April 9, 2013

City Hall, 8th Floor Conference Room

  1.  Call to Order:  The meeting was called to order by President Mammano at 7:30 pm.
  2.  Roll Call:  VP  Centamore called attendance and declared a quorum.
  3. Minutes:  Minutes of the March meeting were approved as presented.
  4. Treasurer’s Report:   Former Treasurer Klein read the report provided by Treasurer Golub.
  • Captain Luiz Alvarez reported on upcoming beach events.
  • Captain Jo-Ann Lorber reported the Port Everglades emergency drill has been re-scheduled and introduced Broward District Chief Gregory Holness.    He is the new Chief in Port Everglades and reminded members of the option to register for Broward County CyberVision.   Chief Lorber also recommended a Code Red App and distributed flyers on hurricane preparedness.


  • Todd Okolichany and Anthony Fajardo, Dept. of Sustainability, presented two ordinance change proposals.  1) Altering the process to apply for Flex Units from FZ49 and 55 to make them available for use in the Downtown RAC.  2) Change in the ULDR in the RO districts.  A number of concerns were expressed from the audience about the future availability of flex units.  A number of members raised  points from the Council Consensus Report regarding protection of single family neighborhoods, and honoring master plans, and balancing development with preservation.
  • Rafael Vazquez, Broward County presented the 211 Service and the addition of the Senior Touchline application.


  • President Mammano announced the Citizen’s Committee of Recognition Event on May 7 at 11:30 am in City Hall.  Both Betty Shelley and Jorg Hruschka will receive awards.
  • Victoria Park was thanked for providing the evening refreshments.
  • First Vice President Centamore stated that renewals are still being received.


  • Cathy Stubbs read the Legislative Committee report prepared by Committee Chair, Richard Johns.  The next meeting has not been scheduled.


  • Susan Howell thanked the neighborhoods who had participated in the “Power of One Hour”/CVC project in Poinciana Park on April 6.
  • The Police Memorial Service will be held on April 30 at 2:30 pm at the Police Memorial in Esplanade Park.
  • Haitian Flag Day was announced by Reverend Jean Ch. Renelus on May 18 6:30-10:00
  • Hal Barnes from Neighborhood Services announced staffing changes.  Stephanie Denham will be relocating out of state.  Jorg Hruschka has accepted the position of Chief Service Officer in Neighborhood Services within the City Manager’s Office.
  • Chuck Black announced that Fleet Week has been cancelled.  In its place there will be activities to recognize local service members.
  • Barbara Haggerty announced the Shady Banks neighborhood Flea Market on Saturday.

10.  The meeting was adjourned at 8:55 pm.


Respectfully Submitted,

Donna Mergenhagen

Recording Secretary


General Meeting Minutes March 12 2013

Fort Lauderdale Council of Civic Associations
General Meeting Minutes
March 12, 2013

City Hall, 8th Floor Conference Room

  1. Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by President Mammano at 7:30 pm.
  2. VP  Centamore called attendance and declared a quorum.
  3. Minutes:  Minutes of the January meeting were approved as presented.
  4. Treasurer’s Report:   Treasurer Klein provided the monthly report.

Captain Victor London reported on transfers and promotions within the FLPD.

Captain Jo-Ann Lorber  reported there will be a Port Everglades emergency drill on the morning of March 20.  Fort Lauderdale has asked that businesses and Associations in the area be notified by the County.  Discussion on the high risk populations around the Port and the impact on the surrounding area followed.


Stephanie Denham, Neighborhood Support, was introduced to relay that the meeting regarding Nextdoor.com was held prior to the Council meeting and take additional comments.

Shannon Vezina, Public Affairs Office, requested input on the ‘civic package’ content and presentation.  The format is being redesigned.  She asked anyone with ideas or preferences to contact her and provided her card.


The Nominating Committee Chair, Doug Sterner, presented the slate from the Committee and opened the floor to additional nominations.  No additional nominations were made.  Olivier Turino moved to accept the slate as presented, Marilyn Marcus seconded.  The membership vote was unanimous.  The 2013-2015 Board is listed on the rear and on the website.


President Mammano summarized the ETC Survey process and suggested the results be compared to the Council Consensus Report.

First Vice President Centamore stated that 16 renewals have been received.


Legislative Committee will email for input and participants.  Additional volunteers were taken from the floor.  First meeting will be scheduled prior to the next General Meeting.

Better Meetings Committee – those interested can email input and request to participate to Marilyn Mammano.


Dave Parker from Sailboat Bend  raised concerns with the  Redistricting Committee recommendation to move Sailboat Bend to District 2.                  As suggested, he will email the concerns to the board for further discussion.


“Power of One Hour” and CVC project in Poinciana Park April 6.  Flyers  to be emailed.

Mark your calendars for “Citizen of the Year” awards on May 7 at City Hall.

12. The meeting was adjourned at 8:35 pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Donna Mergenhagen

Recording Secretary

February 2013 General Mtg Minutes

Council of Fort Lauderdale Civic Associations
General Meeting
February 13, 2013
City Hall- 8th Floor Conference Room
  1. Call to Order:   The meeting was called to order by President Marilyn Mammano at 7:30 pm followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
  2. Attendance: First Vice President Ron Centamore took the roll and declared a quorum.
  3. Minutes: The minutes of the January 8, 2012 general meeting was unanimously approved upon a motion and second.
  4. Treasurer’s Report:  Treasurer Madeline Treasurer circulated her monthly Report showing a balance as of January 31, 2013 of $7,686.18.
  5. FLPD Capt. Louis Alvarez distributed the current Curfew Ordinance for the City which makes it a civil offense for children under 16 years old to be out between 11pm and 5 am on weekdays and midnight to 6 am weekends. He stated that the ordinance was not enforced because there was no place to bring children picked up for this kind of curfew violation. There was some discussion of how curfew violations were handled in the past.   Problems in this area are of concern to many of the neighborhoods. President Mammano suggested that we communicate with our County Representatives regarding this problem
  6. Fire Rescue Chief Lorber alerted the Council that there were going to be security exercises at the port on March 20th. Interested persons can watch the exercises. A reminder will be made at the March meeting.
  7. Old Business:
  • President Mammano reported that the Reapportionment Committee did not make any decisions at its last meeting and encouraged people to attend the future meetings. Dates are published on the City’s website.
  • Pres. Mammano introduced Joy Ridell from the Florida Institute of Government who will work with us to develop a program concerning planning and running better meetings, increasing involvement in meetings, grooming leadership, and other topics of interest to members. Volunteers were solicited for a committee to focus on Better Meetings. Members who volunteered were: Betty Shelley, Linda Nugent, Lucy Hardy Shannon Harmeling, Donna Carson, Barbara Haggerty and Brucie Cummings.
  • Mr. Centamore reported that 11 renewals have been received for the 2013-14 fiscal year. He emphasized the importance of getting current email addresses because much of the communications are electronic.
  • Nominating Committee Report:   Past President Doug Sterner read the slate of nominees to be voted on at the March 2013 general meeting. He observed that the slate includes both experienced nominees and “new blood”. He read the bylaws on electing new officers and board members. Additional nominations will be taken from the floor before the election.
  1. Public Participation Ordinance Committee: Olivier Turina reported that the committee had reviewed the proposed ordinance and, while they thought it was a step in the right direction, it was not ready to be recommended.   Upon a motion and a second, the Council voted on whether to continue the dialogue with the City and developers on modifications to the proposed public participation ordinance. The motion passed unanimously to continue discussions. The committee members are Mr. Turina, President Mammano, VP Centamore, Ray Dettman Corresponding Secty Mergenhagen, Charles Jordon and Donna Carson. Chair Mammano will communicate the Council’s position to the City Manager.
  2. Diana Alarcon, City Director of Transportation and Mobility, presented further modification to the proposed Speed Hump Policy that acknowledged the Council’s concerns about how the policy would be applied around parks and schools and other public places as well as notice issues. The changes were positively received. The modified Policy will go to the Commission.

Ms. Alarcon also reported that the Shared Parking Ordinance  changes that went into effect for the barrier island were approved by Planning and Zoning Board for city-wide application.

  1. Josh Freeman introduced himself as the Broward County liaison for Senator Maria Sachs.  He will be attending neighborhood meetings and is available to the communities. He encouraged residents in Senator Sach’s district to keep in touch. While many issues were raised by those in attendance. The Council’s Legislative Committee will coordinate the Council’s legislative priorities. Members who volunteered for the Legislative Committee were: Donna Mergenhagen, Lahronda Ware, Richard Johns, Tim Smith, and Dennis Ulmer.
  2. Neighborhoods are encouraged to pass on volunteer hours to the City to be counted toward the Million Hour Challenge.
  3. Stephanie Denham who coordinated Netdoor.com for the City stated that 42 neighborhoods have signed up on Nextdoor.com.  The company is recognized as one of the best tech start-ups and concerns about security, etc. may be unfounded.
  4. For the Good of the Community.  There were numerous announcements about events taking place in March including the St Patrick’s Day Parade, CERT training. Ms. Lahronda Ware thanked all those who participated in the crime walk in Dorsey River Bend.


There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:40 pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Rochelle Golub
Recording Secretary

January 2013 General Meeting Minutes – Draft

Council of Fort Lauderdale Civic Associations
General Meeting
January 8, 2013
City Hall- 8th Floor Conference Room
  1. Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by President Marilyn Mammano at 7:30 pm followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
  2. Attendance: First Vice President Ron Centamore took the roll and declared a quorum.
  3. Minutes: The minutes of the September 11, 2012 and November 13, 2012 general meetings were each unanimously approved upon a motion and second.
  4. Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Madeline Treasurer circulated her monthly Report showing a balance as of December 31, 2012 of $7,596.79.
  5. Representative Gwendolyn Clark-Reid gave a report on legislation affecting North Broward Hospital District. As the result of an audit, it appears that no major changes are being contemplated. Ms. Clark-Reid also indicated that upcoming legislative issues concerned the implementation of the Affordable Health Care Act, parasailing, government ethics and the conduct of elections. Dennis Ulmer pointed out that the City Commission has listed its legislative priorities and stated that said list is should be supported by CFLCA, especially the need for relief in the area of Short Term Rentals. March 1st is the deadline for filing new bills. The City Commission has retained 2 lobbyists to generate support for its “list”. Ms. Clark-Reid indicated that she appreciated the discussion on Short Term Rentals.
  6. Old Business:
  • President Mammano reported that the Reapportionment Committee has decided to recommend that no neighborhood be divided between districts like Progresso Village is currently split between Districts 2 and 3 and has identified the need to rebalance Districts 1 and 2 and 2 and 4.
  • Mr. Centamore stated that renewals have been sent electronically and, where necessary by mail, to reps and presidents.
  1. Consensus Committee Report: Chairman Donna Mergenhagen distributed the latest draft of the Report. The Report was unanimously approved with leave of the Board to reformat for distribution. It was anticipated that the Report would be presented at the January 15, 2013 Visioning meeting.
  2. New Business: City staff made presentations (for information only) on the following new proposed ordinances:
  • City Speed Hump Policy. Mr. Eric Czerniejewski, Mobility Manager, stated, in response to comments that the speed and volume criteria for speed humps would not change and that no additional criteria like land use (schools) would be added. He stated that in 2013 the City would be looking at other traffic calming devices besides speed humps. The City would be looking for ways to add respondents to the survey.
  • Public Participation Policy. This policy, presented by Ms. Ella Parker, planner, focuses primarily on setting procedures to be followed by developers prior to submitting plans to DRC. Ms. Parker was asked about Code Reform and how neighborhood compatibility was going to be addressed. She stated that the work done was being reconsidered with respect to two (2) building forms but not with respect to neighborhood compatibility. There was spirited discussion about the proposal and Chair Mammano asked for volunteers to form a committee to prepare a response. Six members volunteered and the Committee will meet prior to the next general meeting.
  • Modification of Park Buffer Requirements. Currently, where a park abuts residential property, a wall and landscape buffer is required. The proposal would eliminate the wall requirement and give the City the flexibility on the best way to handle the transition between non-residential and residential property. Currently in order to not build the wall the City must file a variance request some times with community support. Mr. Anthony Fajardo, planner, stated that he anticipates the ordinance change will be presented to the Commission on February 19. Members suggested that general support for more flexibility but were concerned about relying entirely on city staff to make that decision. Some other way should be explored to waive the wall but keep formal community input

Copies of the proposals will be provided to the Council for review and comment. Written comments were requested.

  1. For the Good of the Community: Nominations for WOW Awards and Community Appearance Awards are encouraged. Ms. Mammano offered to assist neighborhoods in making nominations. Forms were available at the meeting and on the City website. On January 25-26, Broward County will be hosting conference and exhibition on solar energy (GoSolarFest).

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:05 pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Rochelle Golub
Recording Secretary

November 2012 General Meeting Minutes


Council of Fort Lauderdale Civic Associations
General Meeting
November 13, 2012
City Hall – 8th Floor Conference Room


  1. Call to Order:   The meeting was called to order by President Marilyn Mammano at 7:30 pm followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. 
  2. Attendance: First Vice President Ron Centamore took the roll and declared a quorum. We welcomed several representatives who had not been in attendance for a while. We welcomed City Manager Lee Feldman and Diana Alarcon and Stephanie Denham of his staff. 
  3. Minutes: Review and approval of the minutes for the September general meeting was deferred to the next meeting. Candidates night at October General Meeting – no minutes.
  4. Treasurer’s Report:  Treasurer Madeline Treasurer circulated her monthly Report showing a balance as of October 31, 2012 of $7,677.80.   
  5. Law Enforcement Report: FLPD Captain Detrick provided this month’s report. He stated that there were not a substantial number of complaints that came in to FLPD about its handling of traffic and other matters during Hurricane Sandy; that initially FLPD called FHP for some assistance with traffic control; and that the traffic from the Boat Show was manageable this year attributing the lighter flow to outlying parking lots with buses to venues. Capt. Detrick praised residents for their patience about road closures as a result of the storm.  
  6. Pantry of Broward Food Drive: Terrence Smalley gave a presentation about the work of the Pantry and passed out a flyer with contact information. He stated that the percentage of grandparents raising grandchildren who rely on the Pantry has increased over the past 5 years from 14% to 52%. Seniors range in age from 62 to 104.  He encouraged the neighborhoods to sponsor food drives and stated that school aged children could obtain service hours for volunteering. www.ThePantryofBroward.org  This year CFLCA will have a food drive in conjunction with the holiday party on December 11. 
  7. Old Business:
  • President Mammano reported that first Reapportionment Committee meeting was held and was principally organizational.
  • President Mammano reported that the Citizen’s Committee of Recognition was accepting nominations and she encouraged neighborhoods to do so on their own or with the Council’s assistance. The Council has a permanent seat on this Committee.
  • Nominating Committee for slate of Council officers has been convened under Past President Doug Sterner. Each district needs to be represented on the committee. Lester Williams volunteered to be on the committee for District 3 and Jackson Boren volunteered to for District 2. 
  1. New City Speed Hump Policy. Ms. Alarcon, Director of Mobility for the City stated that before the City presented the new to the Commission, staff wanted to get input from the Council. She presented an outline of the policy changes. Requests for speed humps to calm traffic would still be reviewed on a street by street basis. HOA’s would have to submit a letter of support for a request to make sure that the impact on other streets within a neighborhood was considered. Affected homeowners would be surveyed. An engineering study would be conducted to see if traffic was within parameters for speed humps.  City Manager Feldman stated that funding for speed humps would be borne entirely by the City; if they were approved, the City would pay – otherwise they would not be permitted. Some comments were made about the policy but given the time limitations, the City was asked if the policy could be posted on the Council website with an opportunity for future comments. The City agreed. City Manager Feldman stated that it was intention however to bring the new policy before the Commission in January. 
  2. Review of Consensus Committee Report. Donna Mergenhagen reviewed the last draft of the report asking those present to only voice those points about which they disagreed. For the most part, those in attendance agreed with the points to be included in the final report. A final version will be prepared and submitted for a vote of the membership. 
  3. New Business
  • Holiday Party on December 11. Council will supply main course and beverages. Guests are asked to bring a dish to share.
  • Volunteer needed to handle refreshments for January 2013 meeting (as well as subsequent months.) 
  1. For the Good of the Community:  Charles Jordon of the Sailboat Bend Civic Association and the Trust for Historic Sailboat Bend and Dave Braiburn of the Broward Trust for Historic Preservation talked about their submission to the FEMA 2012 Challenge seeking funds to develop a pilot program to assess the ability of historic structures to withstand disasters and for homeowners to self-assess structural damage, etc. 

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:10 pm. 

Respectfully submitted,

Rochelle Golub

Recording Secretary

August 2012 General Meeting


August 14, 2012
General Membership Meeting
8th Floor Conference Room, City Hall


ROLL CALL – After a call of the roll by the Treasurer, it was determined that a quorum was present

REVIEW AND ACCEPTANCE: Meeting Minutes – June 12, 2012. Amended to reflect discussion and vote on proposed changes to City-wide parking regulations. Approved as amended.

TREASURER’S REPORT – On a motion and second Treasurer’s Report was approved without objection.

POLICE REPORT – Capt. London had nothing to report and no issues were brought up from the floor. Doug Sterner presented a request from the Officer Bryant Peney Scholarship Foundation that the Council again sponsor a table at their upcoming fundraiser. Motion made and passed to sponsor a table at a cost of $250.00.

GUESTS –City Manager Lee Feldman – spoke about an initiative designed to expedite the permitting process. One feature of the proposal would be to require developers of level 3 or 4 projects to meet with neighborhoods first to present their project for comments from the effected neighborhood. The developer would be responsible for reporting on the outcome of the meeting including comments by the participants. Their report would then become part of their application to DRC. The proposed ordinance change will be discussed at the City Commission conference meeting on August 21st.

Mr. Feldman also reported on the telephone Town Hall meetings held so far noting that they are very pleased with the results. Although the current round is focused on the visioning process, the City is committed to future telephone town hall meetings on other topics. Results of the poll questions within the town hall calls are available on the City’s website.

Mr. Feldman also promised to provide the Council with an update on the NDCR (Neighborhood Development Criteria Review).

Rick Keiser – Outlined the services available to HOAs from the City’s Print Center. A full range of printing, copying and graphic services (including newsletters, flyers and posters) as well as mailings are offered at discount prices.

Ian Wint gave a presentation on the City’s Geographic Information System and the Maps that are produced. There is a wealth of information on the City’s web page.

Stephanie Denham – Gave an update on the City’s Visioning Process. She handed out kits entitled “Meeting in a Box” and explained how to use them effectively to focus discussions among neighbors.

She also explained a new program called Nextdoor Fort Lauderdale which is a way to create a private social network for your neighborhood.

Election of 1st Vice President – Nominations from the floor were accepted and Olivier Turina nominated Ron Centamore which was seconded by Steve Gillespie. No other nominations were offered and Mr. Centamore was declared the winner by consensus.

1) Marilyn reported that our website revamp is nearing completion and explained to members how to update their information.

2) Marilyn also reported on the Council’s efforts to weigh in on the new City parking proposals. She and other Council member have met with Diane Alarcon in order to raise a number of concerns some neighborhoods have with the proposed changes. The chief concern is that the proposal takes a one-size-fits-all approach. Ms Alarcon will recommend that the City go forward with the proposal for the Beach and not for the entire City until a list of issues was addressed by the City’s consultant and discussed with the Council.

There being no further business the meeting adjourned at approximately 9:00pm

June 2012 General

Council of Fort Lauderdale Civic Associations
General Meeting
June 12, 2012
City Hall- 8th Floor Conference Room

1. Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by Acting President Marilyn Mammano at 7:30 pm followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

2. Attendance: Corresponding Secretary Donna Mergenhagen took the roll and declared a quorum.

3. Minutes: The minutes of the May 2, 2012 general meeting were unanimously approved upon a motion and second.

4. Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Madeline Treasurer’s Report by showing a balance as of June 1, 2012 of $8,398.79 was unanimously approved upon a motion and second.

5. Law Enforcement Report: FLPD Lt Patrick Hart provided this month’s report urging the neighborhoods to prepare for hurricane season. He also announced that a new ordinance dealing with the retail sale of synthetic marihuana and bath salts is being drafted but that it could be as much as 6 months before we see the products off the shelves of convenience stores.

6. Guest Speakers: Mr. Greg Stuart, Executive Director of the Broward Metropolitan Planning Organization talked about the role of the BMPO presented an overview of work in progress and the work planned. BMPO will spend over $8.6 billion in funds channeled back to the state by the federal government on transportation in the County over the next 20 years. Broward, Miami-Dade and Palm Beach Counties each have their own MPO’s based on historical geographical separation, even though the tri=county area functions as one metropolitan area. Specifically with respect to Fort Lauderdale, Mr. Stuart talked about the street cars in the downtown area explaining that since rails do not move, growth can be planned reliably around that type of transportation. He stated that there were no plans to widen any more streets and that some streets that were widened may be narrowed again. He mentioned that with the deepening of the Panama canal, commercial rail business would increase. He stated that within 2 years Tri-Rail passenger lines and commercial lines on along Dixie would merge. He also stated that within the next 4 years, $35 to $40 million would be spent on sidewalks. Mr. Stuart spoke very positively about the “Complete Streets” plan and urges elected officials to incorporate “Complete Streets” in their planning. The work of BMPO can be tracked on its website at www.browardmpo.org.

Susan Torriente (who recently spoke to the Council about climate change and sea level rising) addressed the membership about Visioning 2035 in Fort Lauderdale. She stated that the staff and committee were studying other cities’ approach to visioning and believed it most effective when tied to strategic planning. Input from the entire community is key to success. To that end, staff will speak when invited to neighborhood meetings; there is an interactive website [http://ourvisionftl.com]; a tool called “meeting in a bix” has been created; telephonic town hall meetings are scheduled. Mayor Seilor will host a telephone town hall meeting on June 25; Commissioner Rogers on July 17; Commissioner DuBoise on a tbd date in July; Commissioner Roberts on August 30 and Commissioner Rodstrom on September 14. The goal of the committee is to complete the visioning by the end of the year.

President Mammano asked for a volunteer to serve as the Councils liaison to the visioning process. Susan Howell volunteered and was so appointed.

7. Election of CFLCA President: Acting President Mammano turned the gavel over to First Vice President Betty Shelley who asked for nominations from the floor. Marilyn Mammano was nominated and seconded. No other nominations were forthcoming. VP Shelley closed the nominations. A voice vote was taken and Ms. Mammano was elected unanimously.

8. Membership Report: Paid active membership of the Council is 33 member neighborhoods.

9. For the Good of the Community: There were many promotional handouts available to the members present including planting at Stranahan Park on 6/16; mixitcurbit Recycling Program rollout; the Salvation Army; and the Code Awareness and Safety Expo on 6/23. Mr. Moyer of the Salvation Army enlisted support for the protection of its collection boxes.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:05 pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Rochelle Golub
Recording Secretary