Minutes – General Meeting

Minutes for August 11, 2015

General Membership Meeting

August 11, 2015

Call to order: The meeting was called to order by Marilyn Mammano President at 7.32pm

Roll Call: Taken by Marilyn Mammano with 45 paid members out of 60 – Quorum declared

Approval of the minutes Motion made to accept minutes of June 9th 2015 -Betty, 2nd Chuck- motion passed

Treasurers Report – Rochelle – No changes to accounts


Police report – Given by Lt. Tim McCArthy. Focus was on Back to School safety beginning Aug 24th, 2015. HE went thru a list of tips to share with your neighborhood. Increased Graffiti but not related to gangs. See something-say something.

Unscheduled Visitor -Vice Mayor Robert Mckenzie spoke briefly – introducing himself, balancing smart development and building bridges between the police and the community.

Presentation – FLIPANY Florida Introduces Physical Activity and Nutrition to Youth. Guest speaker was Kristine Perez-Carrion, Program Manager. The organization works to empower youth, seniors and families promoting good food choices and physical exercise. Programs include cooking classes and bike repair where youth learn to repair and maintain bikes giving them job skills, as well as a chance to earn the bike they have repaired. Always looking for volunteers and will train trainers. Also, used bike and cash donations are appreciated.

Website – www.Flipany.org phone 954-636-2388


Smoke free program at playgrounds – Lung Association is providing signs and looking for volunteer parks in neighborhoods to be part of a pilot program to keep cigarettes away from playgrounds.


Short Term Vacation Rentals – Problem occurring with short term rentals in neighborhoods. State has given local communities limited power. Steve Gannon of Lauderdale Beach HOA asked the Council to fight against short term rentals and let commissioners know that passing this ordinance is a good beginning but should be added to.

Body Cameras – The police chief wants the support of the city commission and some guidelines before instituting body cameras in the City police force. As to whether to support body cameras as a Council Rochelle preferred that the decision be made on factual information rather than emotional opinions.

Presentation Upcoming Density workshop Sept 1st. Steve Buckingham went over Councils density statement. He meet with Commissioner Rogers and asked that member meet with their Commissioners to discuss the statement prior to the Sept. 1st workshop. This is a chance to influence policy on Density. Steve and Marilyn made a request to fill the commission chambers on Sept 1.

Announcements from the floor:

Jorg Hruschka – Are You Ready Day – August 29th. Asking neighborhoods to identify neighbors vulnerable in a hurricane. Has kits to give out to low economic families, vets and elderly.

Jeremy Chancey – Riverland Civic Assoc. regarding a 5 acre lot with trees over 200 years old that went before Planning & Zoning requesting a 14 home development on a dangerous curve of Riverland Road. No DRC review required and pre-notice of proposed development to the community.

Lakeridge Civic Association event Aug 20th Café Vico.

Secretary needed – Volunteer to serve as Secretary to the Council on the resignation of Steve Stahl.

Adjournment – meeting adjourned at 9.00pm

Respectfully submitted by Barbara Magill, member