Information For Our Members
Proposed Federal Courthouse Site Feedback Window Open Until 9/4/2020
Dear Interested Party,
The United States General Services Administration (GSA) announces the availability of the Pre-Final Environmental Assessment (EA) and Proposed Mitigated Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) for the proposed acquisition of a site and the construction of a new federal courthouse (Courthouse) in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. The FONSI applies to all four sites under consideration.
The GSA has prepared the EA and FONSI in accordance with Section 102 of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), 42 U.S.C. § 4321 et seq., the Council on Environmental Quality regulations (CEQ), 40 C.F.R. §§ 1500-1508, and the GSA Public Buildings Service (PBS) NEPA Desk Guide (October 1999). The GSA consulted under Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) (16 U.S.C. § 470f) and partially fulfilled the Section 106 public notification and consultation requirements through the NEPA scoping process.
Since all of the sites proposed for the Fort Lauderdale Courthouse are either partly or fully in a 1% or 0.2% chance of floodplain, GSA has also developed a Determination of No Practicable Alternative and floodplain mitigation measures, which will be considered during the design process.
The GSA plans to acquire a site for the design and construction of a 255,000 gross square foot Courthouse, to include fifty inside parking spaces, within the City of Fort Lauderdale, Florida. The EA prepared by GSA evaluated a range of alternatives for this courthouse, which included:
- Alternative 1 – No Action Alternative (no new construction)
- Alternative 2 – Construction of the new Courthouse at the Hudson Site
- Alternative 3 – Construction of the new Courthouse at the Tri Rail Broward Site
- Alternative 4 – Construction of the new Courthouse at the County Courthouse Site
- Alternative 5 – Construction of the new Courthouse at the Tri Rail Cypress Creek Site
The Pre-Final EA is available for a 30-day comment period. Comments shall be received no later than 9/4/2020. Copies of the pre-final EA and FONSI are available online at:
Pre-Final EA:
For additional information regarding the EA or this project, please contact the following:
General Services Administration, Region 4
Attention: Mr. Ashish Desai
Martin Luther King Jr. Federal Building
77 Forsyth Street, SW, Atlanta, GA 30303
CENSUS Materials for Associations to Share
Past CFLCA General Meeting speaker, Jaqueline Arroyo from the U.S. Census Bureau, has provided the following link which provides a variety of PSA, social media posts, and newsletters for use in neighborhood newsletters.
Special Election to Fill Vacant Position of 1st VP 5/12/2020
Please take notice that a Special Election will be held on May 12, 2020 at the CFLCA General Meeting occurring at 6:30pm via Zoom. Interested candidates should contact CFLCA President, Colleen Lockwood, using the “contact us” link at
TERM: Balance of existing term ending March 2021
The First Vice President shall act as President in all functions when the President is absent or is unable to act. Responsibilities include oversight of all Council membership functions and First Vice President will be chair of the Membership Committee and, at general meetings, call the roll and confirm presence of a quorum.
The Membership Committee is chaired by the First Vice President. The Membership Committee shall monitor all aspects of membership, including retention and recruitment. The Membership Committee shall conduct its business and report on its efforts to both the Board of Directors and General Membership. The membership committee shall consist of the chair, the Corresponding Secretary, and Directors at large. The Membership Committee shall review for approval the application/renewal form which accompanies dues and will be provided to the Committee chair from the Treasurer as received.
Candidate shall attend and provide report at 1 board meeting per month and 1 general membership meeting per month. Candidate must be from a member association in good standing.
COVID-19 FTL Chamber Resources & 4/2/20 Order Covering Rent/Eviction
4.2.2020 GSA Correspondence on Proposed Federal Courthouse Sites
4.2.20 GSA Federal Courthouse Email and Stakeholder Letter
Deadline to Email Feedback is 4/20/2020. Email your feedback on the proposed sites to the following:
Brightline to Conduct Tests Which Will Impact Quiet Zones-Begins 3/26/20
VIEW the 032520 Update from Brightline
Broward Metropolitan Planning Organization’s Website is frequently updated for your convenience:
As of 3/20: Next City Commission Meeting is set for 4/7/20.
Next City Commission Meeting on April 7
On 3/20/2020, Governor Ron DeSantis issued an executive order waiving state requirements for local governments to have in-person quorums for public meetings. Waiving the requirement will allow local governments to conduct meetings telephonically and via technology including video conferencing. As a result, the next meeting of the City Commission is tentatively scheduled for Tuesday, April 7 at 6 p.m. The meeting is expected to take place using audio/video conferencing software. Additional information about the meeting, including details about public participation, will be made available once it is confirmed.
Share your “Sears Town” Transportation Related Feedback & View Presentation
On 3/10/2020 President Lockwood arranged for us to hear from Attorney Crush & her team related to the potential “Sears Town Project.” The focus of the conversation was how transportation and mobility could be improved in/around the “Sears Town” location.
To share your feedback with CFLCA use the “contact us” feature. If you prefer to provide your feedback directly to Ms. Crush or would like to schedule her attendance at your next neighborhood meeting her contact information is as follows:
- Email: [email protected]
Ms. Crush and her team shared a Power Point as a part of their presentation. The file is too large to attach to this webpage but a PDF version is provided for your convenience. Click on the blue text below to access.
FLFR can attend your meetings & host life saving training sessions.
Fort Lauderdale Fire Rescue is available and looking forward to coming into your neighborhoods to share important information with your residents. Additionally, FLFR offers a variety of 45 minute training courses to help residents learn skills to save lives (ex. hands only CPR & stop the bleed).
The following presentation was shared at the March 2020 CFLCA General Meeting:
Daniel Oatmeyer
Battalion Chief
Community Engagement
Fort Lauderdale Fire Rescue
954-828-6123 (O)
954-540-8317 (C)