City and CFLCA Events

Lauderserve App for IPhone

Lauderserv: Fort Lauderdale Customer Service

The City of Fort Lauderdale is here to serve our neighbors 24-hours-a-day. Our dedicated team of community builders is committed to providing quality and timely service and they are eager to assist youDownload our new Lauderserv app to submit a customer service request right from your mobile device.

You can report a streetlight outage, clogged stormdrain, pothole, or broken waste cart; find out your sanitation pick-up days or how to pay your water bill; and more. You can also use Lauderserv to access the City’s social media accounts and get beach conditions.

Submit a customer service request

Legislation Regarding Sober Houses

For those members who are concerned about the location and operation of Sober Houses in your neighborhood, you should be aware that legislation regarding Sober Houses is moving in Tallahassee. Below is a summary of the legislation which deals with certification of operators. We will have an update at the April 8 General Membership Meeting.

Legislation Regarding Sober Homes Moving in Tallahassee
SB 582 by Senator Clemens and HB 479 by Representative Hager, would allow for the regulation of sober house transitional living facilities by requiring annual registration with the Department of Children & Families by sober house transitional living homes to operate in the state and provides a criminal penalty for operating without a valid certificate of registration. It defines “recovery residences,” “registrable components” and “residential dwelling units.” The registration fee is capped at $200 and authorizes the department to conduct inspections, issue, deny, suspend or revoke a certificate of registration for a sober house. Personnel of the sober house transition home would be required to comply with level 2 background screening. The bill also sets forth requirements for advertising a sober house transitional living home. Lastly, the bill provides an exemption from certification for sober house transitional living homes licensed by the department as a residential treatment facility offering level 5 treatment program or one that serves and is licensed as a community housing component of a day or night treatment facility. These licensed facilities are also exempt from the September 1, 2014, application for certification deadline. SB 582 was not heard this week. The companion bill, HB 479 will be heard in the Health Care Appropriations Subcommittee on 3/31
Track Senate Bill SB582 here:
Track House Bill 479 here:

City’s 2014 Action Plan

The CIty of Fort Lauderdale has an Action Plan for 2014.  The City Commission develops and adopts its priorities for the year.  The City Manager uses the Action Plan to track the progress of implementation across departments. The next City Commission workshop to develop 2015 priorities is

Commission Prioritization/Goals Setting Workshop

April 17, 2014
9:00 am to 4:00 pm (breakfast at 8:15 am)
Location TBD
Topic:   Commission Prioritization/Goals Setting Workshop

Click on the blue link to download the 2014 Action Plan

2014 Action Plan

Fort Lauderdale Teacher Candiate for Teacher of the Year 2105

    BCPS Teacher of the Year Finalists Announced

Two elementary school teachers, two middle school teachers, one high school teacher, and one alternative school teacher round out the six Teacher of the Year finalists selected to be among the best of the best in Broward County Public Schools (BCPS). One of the finalists will be named Broward’s top teacher at the annual Caliber Awards recognizing Broward’s outstanding teachers on Wednesday, April 30, 2014 at 5:30 p.m., at the Broward Convention Center.  Presenting sponsor of the Caliber Awards event is BrightStar Credit Union.

2015 Teacher of the Year Finalists

Sheryl Arriola, Westglades Middle School, Parkland

Christopher Crossman, Seagull Alternative School, Fort Lauderdale

Brenda Farkas, Glades Middle School, Miramar

Star Rosario, Silver Shores Elementary School, Miramar

Daniel Shapiro, Bennett Elementary, Fort Lauderdale

Andrew Shipe, Pompano Beach High School, Pompano Beach 

Broward County Public Schools – News

2014 City Of Fort Lauderdale Legislative Priorities



 This document reflects the official position of the City of Fort Lauderdale regarding issues and pending legislation that would impact the operation of local government. It also provides priorities for the pursuit of funding for various City initiatives.

 The City of Fort Lauderdale will endorse and support legislation that will:

1. Permit municipal government to make necessary changes to local law pension plans

2. Support expansion of passenger rail options

3. Promote improved water quality and quantity

4. Increase resources for urban transportation needs

5. Provide for local regulation of short term rental properties

6. Preserve and/or enhance municipal home rule

7. Restore funding levels for State Housing Incentive Program (SHIP)

8. Expand resources for beach revitalization and re-nourishment

9. Support municipal government initiatives to curb homelessness

10. Enhance municipal participation in state environmental permitting processes

11.Encourage energy development and conservation and the development and implementation of alternative energy sources

12. Address human trafficking issues

13. Remove the state’s preemption of local regulations on vacation rentals

The City of Fort Lauderdale will oppose any legislation that will:

1. Create unfunded mandates.

2. Restrict or decrease allocation of red light camera revenues to local governments

3. Decrease the City’s tax base through manipulation of tax exemptions on properties

4. Modify, restrict or eliminate the City’s ability to levy, collect or spend franchise fees, communications service taxes or local business taxes

5. Restrict Home rule

The City of Fort Lauderdale will seek financial support for the following initiatives:

1. Crime reduction

2. WAVE development

3. Transportation enhancements specifically focused on greenways and complete street initiatives

4. Beach re-nourishment

5. Juvenile Justice programs

6. Flood prevention and hazard mitigation

7. Riverwalk enhancement and activation

8. Promotion of Fort Lauderdale’s marine industry

9. Water, sewer, and storm-water infrastructure improvements.

10. Comprehensive homelessness strategy

11. Additional parks and recreational activities, including athletic fields.

12. Prevention of the sale and use of designer drugs, e.g. (Molly and Ethylenedioxy-N-methylamphetamine (EDMA)

Fort Lauderdale 2013 Legislative Priorities and Funding Requests


This document reflects the official position of the City of Fort Lauderdale regarding issues and pending legislation that would impact the operation of local government. It also provides priorities for the pursuit of funding for various City initiatives. The City of Fort Lauderdale will endorse and support legislation that will:

1. Permit municipal government to make necessary changes to local law pension plans

2. Support expansion of passenger rail options

3. Promote improved water quality and quantity

4. Increase resources for urban transportation needs

5. Provide for local regulation of short term rental properties

6. Preserve and/or enhance municipal home rule

7. Restore funding for State Housing Incentive Program (SHIP)

8. Expand resources for beach revitalization and re-nourishment

9. Support municipal government initiatives to curb homelessness

10. Enhance municipal participation in state environmental permitting processes

11. Ban the manufacture, possession, distribution, purchase, or sale of synthetic drugs

12. Encourage energy development and conservation and the development and implementation of alternative energy sources

The City of Fort Lauderdale will oppose any legislation that will:

1. Create unfunded mandates

2. Restrict or decrease allocation of red light camera revenues to local governments

3. Decrease the City’s tax base through manipulation of tax exemptions on properties

4. Modify, restrict or eliminate the City’s ability to levy, collect or spend franchise fees, communications service taxes or local business taxes

The City of Fort Lauderdale will seek financial support for the following initiatives:

1. Crime reduction

2. WAVE development

3. Transportation enhancements specifically focused on greenways and complete street initiatives

4. Beach re-nourishment

5. Juvenile Justice programs

6. Flood prevention and hazard mitigation

7. Riverwalk enhancement and activation

8. Promotion of Fort Lauderdale’s marine industry

9. Water, sewer, and stormwater infrastructure improvements