recording secretary
Video: CFLCA GM 12/10/2019
December 2019 CFLCA General Meeting Minutes
CFLCA GM Minutes 12.10.19 approved at 1/14/2020 general meeting
Vacation Rentals
The City regularly updates the Vacation Rental reports for all districts. The City website lists registered properties by district and enforcement cases by district. Please send all complaints regarding any suspected illegal operation of vacation rentals to [email protected]. Please include the property address and supporting photos or documentation to validate your complaint.
CFLCA GM 12.10.2019 Agenda & 2019 Year End President’s Report
CFLCA 2019 Year End President’s Report
Minutes for November 2019 GM
CFLCA 11.12.19 GM minutes and attendance draft
Approved on 12/10/2019.
BOD Agenda 11.25.2019
2 Officer Vacancies on Board of Directors- Special Election Set 2/11/20
Special Election Notice Treasurer and 2nd VP
Date: 11/25/2019
Contact: Marilyn Mammano, Nominating Committee Chair [email protected]
Please take notice that a Special Election will be held on Tuesday, February 11, 2020 at the CFLCA General Meeting occurring at 6:30pm in the 8th Floor conference room of the Fort Lauderdale City Hall.
TERM: Balance of existing term April 2019 ending March 2021
The Treasurer shall maintain financial records, collect dues and assessments, and pay all monies owed by The Council. The treasurer is responsible for establishing, maintaining, monitoring, and reporting to the Council on the electronic payment processing system. The treasurer shall transmit application/renewal forms which accompany dues to the Membership Committee chair.
Candidate shall attend and provide report at 1 board meeting per month and 1 general membership meeting per month. Candidate must be proficient in online banking and use of PayPal. Candidate must be from a member association in good standing.
OFFICER POSITION: Second Vice President
TERM: Balance of existing term April 2019 ending March 2021
The Second Vice President shall act as President in all duties if the President and the First Vice President are absent or are unable to act. Responsibilities include coordination of refreshments at general meetings and events.
Candidate must be well organized and physically able to participate in setup and breakdown of general meetings and food service. Candidate must be from a member association in good standing.
CFLCA 11.12.2019 GM Video on YouTube
General Meeting Agenda 11.12.2019 & Parks Bond Q’s Submitted
CFLCA GM Agenda 11_12_2019 FINAL
To prepare for the Nov. 2019 General Meeting CFLCA members submitted questions relating to the status of the “parks bond.” The questions were provided to Chris Lagerbloom, Phil Thornburg, and Zoie Saunders on 11/6/2019 with the aim of making sure the questions are responded to during their presentation(s). To questions can be viewed via the link above.
Questions that are specific to your neighborhood can be sent to: Phil Thornburg [email protected]