recording secretary

2/11/2020 Special Election of 2nd VP & Treasurer

CFLCA Special Election 2/11/2020

Please note the President will accept nominations from the floor.


PROPOSED CANDIDATE: Melinda Bowker (DFLCA alternate rep.)

TERM: Balance of existing term April 2019 ending March 2021


The Treasurer shall maintain financial records, collect dues and assessments, and pay all monies owed by The Council.  The treasurer is responsible for establishing, maintaining, monitoring, and reporting to the Council on the electronic payment processing system. The treasurer shall transmit application/renewal forms which accompany dues to the Membership Committee chair.

Candidate shall attend and provide report at 1 board meeting per month and 1 general membership meeting per month.  Candidate must be proficient in online banking and use of PayPal.  Candidate must be a representative/alternate from a member association in good standing.

OFFICER POSITION:  Second Vice President

PROPOSED CANDIDATE: Luis R. Castillo Olivera (SMRCA rep.)

TERM: Balance of existing term April 2019 ending March 2021


 The Second Vice President shall act as President in all duties if the President and the First Vice President are absent or are unable to act. Responsibilities include coordination of refreshments at general meetings and events.

Candidate must be well organized and physically able to participate in setup and breakdown of general meetings and food service.  Candidate must be a representative/alternate from a member association in good standing.

Feb. & March 2020 “Notable Events”

The following events were announced at the February 2020 General Meeting as Notable Events.

  • Sistrunk Historical Festival, Inc.’s Parade & Street Fest. 2/22/2020 9-10:30am Begins @ Lincoln Park
  • Neighborhood Support Night – 2/13/20 @ City Hall.  If you would like to volunteer with CFLCA email us using the “contact us” link & sign up for a 30 minute slot from 5pm to 8:30pm.
  • St. Patricks Day Parade – CFLCA participation – 3/14/20 Huizenga Plaza.  Email via the “contact us” link if you/your neighborhood would like to march with the CFLCA.

CFLCA General Membership Unanimously Opposes SB1228/HB1001- Jan. 2020

Date: February 10th, 2020
From: Colleen Lockwood, President CFLCA
VIA Email To: Honorable Florida Senate and House Members
CC: Honorable Fort Lauderdale Mayor & City Commissioners, Fort Lauderdale City
Manager Lagerbloom, [email protected]
Re: SB 1128 and companion HB 1011

The Council of Fort Lauderdale Civic Associations, Inc. (“CFLCA”) is a coalition primarily of Civic and
Homeowner Associations recognized by the City of Fort Lauderdale. The CFLCA maintains a “focus on
the issues relating to preservation of the present and future welfare of the City of Fort Lauderdale and its
neighborhoods and citizens, be proactive and reactive to those issues, communicate any recommendations
to the proper authorities, strive to ever improve communication and create a stronger partnership between
City Government and the neighborhoods.”

On January 14th, 2020 the CFLCA held a General Meeting at the Fort Lauderdale City Hall. Quorum
requirements were met.

SB 1128 (Diaz) and HB 1011: “Vacation Rentals; Preempting the regulation of vacation rentals to the
state; prohibiting a local law, ordinance, or regulation from allowing or requiring inspections or licensing
of vacation rentals, etc.” was discussed in the company of Fort Lauderdale City Manager Chris
Lagerbloom. Upon close of the discussion and after a vote it was established that:

The CFLCA unanimously opposes SB 1128 and companion HB 1011.

The following thirty (30) neighborhood associations had a representative in attendance when the vote was
taken and opposed SB1128/HB1011: Bal Harbour H.O.A., Bermuda Riviera Association, Central Beach
Alliance, Colee Hammock H.O.A., Coral Ridge Association, Downtown Fort Lauderdale Civic
Association, Edgewood Civic Association, Harbordale Civic Association, Harbour Inlet Association,
Home Beautiful Park Civic Association, Imperial Point Civic Association, Inc., Lauderdale Beach H.O.A.,
Lauderdale Harbors Improvement Association, Lauderdale Isle Civic Association, Lauderdale Manors
H.O.A., Melrose Manors H.O.A., Middle River Terrace Neighborhood Association, Nurmi Isles H.O.A.,
Inc., Progresso Village, Rio Vista Civic Association, Inc., Riverland Preservation Society, River Oaks
Civic Association, Riverside Park Residents Association, Rock Island Community, Sailboat Bend Civic
Association, Shady Banks Civic Association, Sunrise Intracoastal H.O.A., South Middle River Civic
Association, Tarpon River Civic Association, Victoria Park Civic Association.

We commend all those who have voted in opposition to this legislation and applaud continued efforts to
amend existing language to maintain current local ordinances, protecting the ability of local municipalities
to regulate vacation rentals. Regulation by local government rather than via statewide law best serves the
needs of our neighborhoods and its citizens. The grandfathered in regulations passed by cities and counties
before 2011 do not reflect today’s short-term vacation rental issues, and warrant further review.

Colleen Lockwood
President, Council of Fort Lauderdale Civic Associations


SB1128 Opposition Statement 2.10.2020 CFLCA

CFLCA General Membership Supports “Hybrid Methodology”- Jan. 2020

Date: February 10th, 2020
From: Colleen Lockwood, President CFLCA
VIA Email To: Fort Lauderdale Mayor & City Commission Members, Fort Lauderdale City
Manager Lagerbloom

On January 14th, 2020 the CFLCA held a General Meeting at the Fort Lauderdale City Hall. Quorum
requirements were met. In attendance was Kyle Stevens, Managing Consultant, Stantec. Mr. Stevens
provided the General Membership with a presentation on the “Stormwater Rate Study.”

Upon completion of his presentation a question & answer session was conducted. At the close of
discussion and after a vote it was established that: The CFLCA general membership is in support of
the hybrid methodology which will support stormwater system and improvements

The following twenty-six (26) neighborhood associations had a representative in attendance and voted in
support of the hybrid methodology: Bal Harbour H.O.A., Bermuda Riviera Association, Colee Hammock
H.O.A., Coral Ridge Association, Edgewood Civic Association, Harbordale Civic Association, Harbour
Inlet Association, Home Beautiful Park Civic Association, Imperial Point Civic Association, Inc.,
Lauderdale Beach H.O.A., Lauderdale Isle Civic Association, Lauderdale Manors H.O.A., Melrose
Manors H.O.A., Middle River Terrace Neighborhood Association, Nurmi Isles H.O.A., Inc., Progresso
Village, Rio Vista Civic Association, Inc., Riverland Preservation Society, River Oaks Civic Association,
Riverside Park Residents Association, Rock Island Community, Sailboat Bend Civic Association, Shady
Banks Civic Association, Sunrise Intracoastal H.O.A., South Middle River Civic Association, Tarpon
River Civic Association.

The following three (3) associations had a representative in attendance and voted in opposition of the
hybrid methodology: Central Beach Alliance, Downtown Fort Lauderdale Civic Association, and Victoria
Park Civic Association.

Colleen Lockwood
President, Council of Fort Lauderdale Civic Associations


stormwater study Statement 2.10.2020 CFLCA

On the GM Agenda: VM McKinzie & District 3 Updates 2/11/2020

VM/District 3 Commissioner McKinzie will be attending the CFLCA general meeting on 2/11/20.  He will be providing an update focused on District 3.  If you would like to submit questions in advance please use CFLCA’S “contact us” feature on this website.

Also on the agenda is the Special Election for Treasurer & 2nd Vice President.  The full agenda is available for viewing at “Agendas-General Meeting“.

Stormwater Rate Study Fee Work Session Presentation

On 1/14/2020 Kyle Stevens of Stantec gave a presentation to the General Membership on the topic of the Stormwater Rate Study fee work session.

The general membership after discussion voted to support the proposed “hybrid method.”  The following associations opposed the motion: Victoria Park Civic Assoc., CBA, Downtown Fort Lauderdale Civic Association.

The presentation is available here-> council_presentation_stormwater_12.2.2019