February 2013 General Mtg Minutes

Council of Fort Lauderdale Civic Associations
General Meeting
February 13, 2013
City Hall- 8th Floor Conference Room
  1. Call to Order:   The meeting was called to order by President Marilyn Mammano at 7:30 pm followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
  2. Attendance: First Vice President Ron Centamore took the roll and declared a quorum.
  3. Minutes: The minutes of the January 8, 2012 general meeting was unanimously approved upon a motion and second.
  4. Treasurer’s Report:  Treasurer Madeline Treasurer circulated her monthly Report showing a balance as of January 31, 2013 of $7,686.18.
  5. FLPD Capt. Louis Alvarez distributed the current Curfew Ordinance for the City which makes it a civil offense for children under 16 years old to be out between 11pm and 5 am on weekdays and midnight to 6 am weekends. He stated that the ordinance was not enforced because there was no place to bring children picked up for this kind of curfew violation. There was some discussion of how curfew violations were handled in the past.   Problems in this area are of concern to many of the neighborhoods. President Mammano suggested that we communicate with our County Representatives regarding this problem
  6. Fire Rescue Chief Lorber alerted the Council that there were going to be security exercises at the port on March 20th. Interested persons can watch the exercises. A reminder will be made at the March meeting.
  7. Old Business:
  • President Mammano reported that the Reapportionment Committee did not make any decisions at its last meeting and encouraged people to attend the future meetings. Dates are published on the City’s website.
  • Pres. Mammano introduced Joy Ridell from the Florida Institute of Government who will work with us to develop a program concerning planning and running better meetings, increasing involvement in meetings, grooming leadership, and other topics of interest to members. Volunteers were solicited for a committee to focus on Better Meetings. Members who volunteered were: Betty Shelley, Linda Nugent, Lucy Hardy Shannon Harmeling, Donna Carson, Barbara Haggerty and Brucie Cummings.
  • Mr. Centamore reported that 11 renewals have been received for the 2013-14 fiscal year. He emphasized the importance of getting current email addresses because much of the communications are electronic.
  • Nominating Committee Report:   Past President Doug Sterner read the slate of nominees to be voted on at the March 2013 general meeting. He observed that the slate includes both experienced nominees and “new blood”. He read the bylaws on electing new officers and board members. Additional nominations will be taken from the floor before the election.
  1. Public Participation Ordinance Committee: Olivier Turina reported that the committee had reviewed the proposed ordinance and, while they thought it was a step in the right direction, it was not ready to be recommended.   Upon a motion and a second, the Council voted on whether to continue the dialogue with the City and developers on modifications to the proposed public participation ordinance. The motion passed unanimously to continue discussions. The committee members are Mr. Turina, President Mammano, VP Centamore, Ray Dettman Corresponding Secty Mergenhagen, Charles Jordon and Donna Carson. Chair Mammano will communicate the Council’s position to the City Manager.
  2. Diana Alarcon, City Director of Transportation and Mobility, presented further modification to the proposed Speed Hump Policy that acknowledged the Council’s concerns about how the policy would be applied around parks and schools and other public places as well as notice issues. The changes were positively received. The modified Policy will go to the Commission.

Ms. Alarcon also reported that the Shared Parking Ordinance  changes that went into effect for the barrier island were approved by Planning and Zoning Board for city-wide application.

  1. Josh Freeman introduced himself as the Broward County liaison for Senator Maria Sachs.  He will be attending neighborhood meetings and is available to the communities. He encouraged residents in Senator Sach’s district to keep in touch. While many issues were raised by those in attendance. The Council’s Legislative Committee will coordinate the Council’s legislative priorities. Members who volunteered for the Legislative Committee were: Donna Mergenhagen, Lahronda Ware, Richard Johns, Tim Smith, and Dennis Ulmer.
  2. Neighborhoods are encouraged to pass on volunteer hours to the City to be counted toward the Million Hour Challenge.
  3. Stephanie Denham who coordinated for the City stated that 42 neighborhoods have signed up on  The company is recognized as one of the best tech start-ups and concerns about security, etc. may be unfounded.
  4. For the Good of the Community.  There were numerous announcements about events taking place in March including the St Patrick’s Day Parade, CERT training. Ms. Lahronda Ware thanked all those who participated in the crime walk in Dorsey River Bend.


There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:40 pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Rochelle Golub
Recording Secretary

CFLCA Concensus Report January 2013

Fort Lauderdale Council of Civic Associations
Consensus Committee Report
Adopted on January 8, 2013

POSITION STATEMENT:  Fort Lauderdale is defined by its unique and diverse neighborhoods

GOAL:  Enhance the quality of life for neighbors and preserve the diversity of neighborhoods.

PROCESS:  Assemble concerns of member neighborhoods.  In November an “issues congress” will be held by the Council to finalize the definition of all issues in this quality of life exercise.  Once complete and adopted by the Council, the project will be presented to the City Commission, the City Manager, and the Visioning Committee for the purposes of prioritization, planning, budgeting, and staff resource allocation.

There are many issues managed by organizations other than the City of Fort Lauderdale that have a direct impact on the quality of life with our neighborhoods.  It is assumed that the City of Fort Lauderdale would exercise every option to enhance things like education and the arts to enhance the life of its citizens.  Other issues like traffic, airport and port management, the hospital system and business development incentives require proactive interaction by the City in order to maximize the results for neighbors. 


Summary – Neighborhood Enhancement

Redevelopment has entered some neighborhoods at a cost to the quality of life.  Growth and the absence of action have resulted in neighborhood cut through traffic.  The volume, speed and presence have impacted the ability of residents to safely walk and cycle.  The system of sidewalks and bike paths is incomplete and inadequate. 

Recommended Actions – Neighborhood Enhancement

  • Maintain single-family neighborhood ambiance
    • Implement NRDC
    • Quantify “Neighborhood compatibility”
    • Refine code for “mixed use” neighborhoods
    • Petition the State of Florida to permit regulation of vacation rentals
  • Update Codes and Ordinances
    • Windpower
    • Solar installation
    • Urban farms/community gardens
    • Roof and vertical gardening
  • Honor all Master Plans filed with the City during review and approval processes
    • Increase the notice to neighbors both in time and visibility for all parts of the development           review process for both residential and commercial
  • Balance neighborhood character with smart re-development
    • Steer density to downtown core
    • Utilize downtown master plan to direct development/developers
  • Honor the past with preservation efforts
    • Blend new development with historic neighborhoods
    • Provide fiscal incentives to retain architecturally significant homes
    • Protect and enforce historic overlays
  • Requirements for new development should be forward sighted and include:
    • Vacation of alleys for developers valued by three-dimensional square footage
    • Long term plans for energy conservation
    • Buried lines, streetscape improvements, density requirements
  • Vacant Lots and Derelict buildings
    • Incentivize owners to maintain. Alter punitive orientation
    • Enforce code; Consider Eminent Domain possession for resale
    • Establish aggressive position with banks and financial institutions negatively impacting neighborhoods and adding to City costs
  • Manage cut through traffic
    • Use roundabouts to slow traffic and conserve energy
    • Install medians and “bump outs”  
  • Increase “walkability” and “cyclibility” within the City
    • Shade sidewalks and increase canopy
    • Install crosswalks, bike paths, and buffered bike lanes
    • Widen sidewalks
    • Incentivize property owners to install, widen walks
    • Insure contiguous sidewalk access to public transportation
    • Add bicycle issues to building codes (parking, access)
    • Create a “Bicycle and pedestrian Advisory Board” for he City
  • Integrate neighborhoods with the beach, other entertainment and services via walkways, bike paths and public transportation
    • Assume waterways as component of feeder system
    • Proactively use “complete streets” concepts to maximize benefits of mass transit expansions
  • Assure adequate parking provisions for neighborhoods adjacent to business areas during re-     development and new construction
  • Use code as custodian of neighborhood quality of life
    • Particularly the challenge in commercial/residential intersections and mixed-use areas.
  • Disperse low income housing across all neighborhoods and seek private sector solutions 


Summary – Infrastructure

Maintenance and repair of infrastructure is insufficient.  Lack of routine replacement has caused catatrosphic failure, neighborhood impact on health and safety, and cessation of services.  In addition, the decline in maintenance has negatively impacted businesses in the City which serve neighborhoods.  The process by which repair and maintenance is scheduled does not factor elements, traffic, opportunity costs and other causal elements in the prioritization process.  Public transportation is not currently a viable option for Fort Lauderdale neighbors. 

Recommended Actions – Infrastructure

  • Change the Canal dredging frequency and rotation
    • Vegetation growth, neighborhood and erosion factors are not currently factored in scheduling
  • Address neighborhood flooding issues
    • Continue purchase of “flood plain” land
    • Assess the valve project
    • Clear street drains on a routine basis
  • Accelerate the replacement of aging water and sewer lines
    • Catastrophic failures have endangered neighborhoods, canal waters, businesses
  • Reassess the rotation of street surfacing and culvert replacement
  • Secure and explore current and future potable water sources
  • Promote use of reclaimed water
  • Public transportation within and to the Downtown core
    • Remove the duplication of TMA/County bus routes/The Wave 


Summary – Public Places

The Council published a Parks position paper February 2009.  It was re-issued in 2011.  The report is attached.  The cornerstone of the report was a “no net loss” policy.  Public spaces set the tone for the neighborhood and are an indicator of the health of the City.

 Recommended Actions – Public Places

  • Increase both green space and passive parks in neighborhoods
    • Use abandoned property and City owned property
    • Involve the immediate neighbors and City residents as stakeholders in park planning
  • Preserve current green space and native habitat
  • Maintain affordable and convenient public access to the Beach and the River for City residents
    • Establish a contiguous walk on both the north and south sides of the river
  • Set “Urban Forest” goals
    • Maintain and increase canopy   
    • Root pruning by City
    • Shade sidewalks (use DT master plan goals throughout the City for landscaping)
    • No removal of mature trees 
  • Explore the PUD ordinance for options to increase green space requirements
  • Secure the safety of public places for use by families and residents of all ages
  • Prioritize and budget for maintenance of medians and public properties
  • Enforce “Dog Ordinance” to assure healthy environment for Park users 


Summary – Public Safety and Social Services

Crimes by youths and the ‘underserved’ increase and impact the quality of life for all residents.  Youth services and education are critical components to turn around the trend. 

Recommended Actions – Pubic Safety and Social Services

  • Continue the neighborhoods policing teams initiated in 2011
  • Explore creative solutions for youth crime
  • Share the burden of distribution in order to prevent “ghettoization” of neighborhoods
  • Select public transportation corridors for social services
  • Provide adequate services to the homeless and underserved 


Summary – Internal Support

Improvement of response time and effectiveness of response presents a cost saving opportunity.  

Partnering for a result is a change neighbors would welcome.  Proactive and progressive code/ordinance changes incorporating incentives would benefit both the residential and business community. 

Recommended Actions – Internal Support

  • Establish more City staff power to create solutions and address concerns
  • Reward partnering across “silos”  
  • Coordinate abandoned property issues across departments
  • Provide a bridge to FDOT and other County and State agencies
    • provide resident input
    • improve finished product
  • Inform and involve stakeholders (neighbors)      
    • Residents are an invaluable resource before, during and after any initiative

Fort Lauderdale 2013 Legislative Priorities and Funding Requests


This document reflects the official position of the City of Fort Lauderdale regarding issues and pending legislation that would impact the operation of local government. It also provides priorities for the pursuit of funding for various City initiatives. The City of Fort Lauderdale will endorse and support legislation that will:

1. Permit municipal government to make necessary changes to local law pension plans

2. Support expansion of passenger rail options

3. Promote improved water quality and quantity

4. Increase resources for urban transportation needs

5. Provide for local regulation of short term rental properties

6. Preserve and/or enhance municipal home rule

7. Restore funding for State Housing Incentive Program (SHIP)

8. Expand resources for beach revitalization and re-nourishment

9. Support municipal government initiatives to curb homelessness

10. Enhance municipal participation in state environmental permitting processes

11. Ban the manufacture, possession, distribution, purchase, or sale of synthetic drugs

12. Encourage energy development and conservation and the development and implementation of alternative energy sources

The City of Fort Lauderdale will oppose any legislation that will:

1. Create unfunded mandates

2. Restrict or decrease allocation of red light camera revenues to local governments

3. Decrease the City’s tax base through manipulation of tax exemptions on properties

4. Modify, restrict or eliminate the City’s ability to levy, collect or spend franchise fees, communications service taxes or local business taxes

The City of Fort Lauderdale will seek financial support for the following initiatives:

1. Crime reduction

2. WAVE development

3. Transportation enhancements specifically focused on greenways and complete street initiatives

4. Beach re-nourishment

5. Juvenile Justice programs

6. Flood prevention and hazard mitigation

7. Riverwalk enhancement and activation

8. Promotion of Fort Lauderdale’s marine industry

9. Water, sewer, and stormwater infrastructure improvements

January 2013 Board Meeting Agenda

January 28 2013       5:30 PM
8th floor Cafeteria, City Hall


                                                            2) TREASURER’S REPORT




                Presidents Report

                                Update on Redistricting Committee

                                Citizen Recognition Nominations

                Membership Report

                COMMITTEE REPORTS

                                Nominating Committee

                                Reinvigorate the Parking Committee

                                Public Participation Proposal 


                                District Two Elections Invite the Candidates to comment on the City’s Legislative Priorities

                                Collaborate with FAU and IOG on Better Meetings 

                                Document Retention                                                 


                Diana Alarcon Proposed Ordinance on Shared Parking

                Update on Speed Hump Policy

                Visioning Update                                               

FOR THE GOOD OF THE COMMUNITY                            


*Indicates voting items or may be a voting item

Next Board Meeting February 25 2013

Next General Membership Meeting February 12 2013

January 2013 General Meeting Minutes – Draft

Council of Fort Lauderdale Civic Associations
General Meeting
January 8, 2013
City Hall- 8th Floor Conference Room
  1. Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by President Marilyn Mammano at 7:30 pm followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
  2. Attendance: First Vice President Ron Centamore took the roll and declared a quorum.
  3. Minutes: The minutes of the September 11, 2012 and November 13, 2012 general meetings were each unanimously approved upon a motion and second.
  4. Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Madeline Treasurer circulated her monthly Report showing a balance as of December 31, 2012 of $7,596.79.
  5. Representative Gwendolyn Clark-Reid gave a report on legislation affecting North Broward Hospital District. As the result of an audit, it appears that no major changes are being contemplated. Ms. Clark-Reid also indicated that upcoming legislative issues concerned the implementation of the Affordable Health Care Act, parasailing, government ethics and the conduct of elections. Dennis Ulmer pointed out that the City Commission has listed its legislative priorities and stated that said list is should be supported by CFLCA, especially the need for relief in the area of Short Term Rentals. March 1st is the deadline for filing new bills. The City Commission has retained 2 lobbyists to generate support for its “list”. Ms. Clark-Reid indicated that she appreciated the discussion on Short Term Rentals.
  6. Old Business:
  • President Mammano reported that the Reapportionment Committee has decided to recommend that no neighborhood be divided between districts like Progresso Village is currently split between Districts 2 and 3 and has identified the need to rebalance Districts 1 and 2 and 2 and 4.
  • Mr. Centamore stated that renewals have been sent electronically and, where necessary by mail, to reps and presidents.
  1. Consensus Committee Report: Chairman Donna Mergenhagen distributed the latest draft of the Report. The Report was unanimously approved with leave of the Board to reformat for distribution. It was anticipated that the Report would be presented at the January 15, 2013 Visioning meeting.
  2. New Business: City staff made presentations (for information only) on the following new proposed ordinances:
  • City Speed Hump Policy. Mr. Eric Czerniejewski, Mobility Manager, stated, in response to comments that the speed and volume criteria for speed humps would not change and that no additional criteria like land use (schools) would be added. He stated that in 2013 the City would be looking at other traffic calming devices besides speed humps. The City would be looking for ways to add respondents to the survey.
  • Public Participation Policy. This policy, presented by Ms. Ella Parker, planner, focuses primarily on setting procedures to be followed by developers prior to submitting plans to DRC. Ms. Parker was asked about Code Reform and how neighborhood compatibility was going to be addressed. She stated that the work done was being reconsidered with respect to two (2) building forms but not with respect to neighborhood compatibility. There was spirited discussion about the proposal and Chair Mammano asked for volunteers to form a committee to prepare a response. Six members volunteered and the Committee will meet prior to the next general meeting.
  • Modification of Park Buffer Requirements. Currently, where a park abuts residential property, a wall and landscape buffer is required. The proposal would eliminate the wall requirement and give the City the flexibility on the best way to handle the transition between non-residential and residential property. Currently in order to not build the wall the City must file a variance request some times with community support. Mr. Anthony Fajardo, planner, stated that he anticipates the ordinance change will be presented to the Commission on February 19. Members suggested that general support for more flexibility but were concerned about relying entirely on city staff to make that decision. Some other way should be explored to waive the wall but keep formal community input

Copies of the proposals will be provided to the Council for review and comment. Written comments were requested.

  1. For the Good of the Community: Nominations for WOW Awards and Community Appearance Awards are encouraged. Ms. Mammano offered to assist neighborhoods in making nominations. Forms were available at the meeting and on the City website. On January 25-26, Broward County will be hosting conference and exhibition on solar energy (GoSolarFest).

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:05 pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Rochelle Golub
Recording Secretary

Agenda General Meeting January 8, 2013


January 8, 2013 7:00 pm

8th floor Conference Room, City Hall





                                                   2) TREASURER’S REPORT





Presidents Report

Redistricting Committee

Membership Report

Membership Renewals



Adoption of Consensus Committee Report*


NEW BUSINESS (For information only)

City Proposed New Speed Hump Policy

City Proposed Public Participation Policy

City Proposed Modification of Park Buffer Requirements


FOR THE GOOD OF THE COMMUNITY                                                                         WOW Awards and Community Appearance Awards



*Indicates voting items or may be a voting item

Next Board Meeting January 28, 2013

Next General Membership Meeting February 12, 2013

Executive Board Meeting December 19 2012


December 19 2012 (Wednesday)

8th floor Cafeteria, City Hall



                                                2) TREASURER’S REPORT




Presidents Report

Redistricting Committee Update

Membership Report

Getting ready to send out renewals


Nominating Committee

Consensus Committee

Neighborhood Map


                        2013 Meeting Dates                     


            Adoption of the Consensus Committee Report *

            For information only

                        City Proposed New Speed Hump policy

                        City Proposed Public Participation Ordinance

                        City Proposed Modification of Park Buffer Requirements                       



*Indicates voting items or may be a voting item

Next Board Meeting  January 28, 2013

Next General Membership Meeting January 8, 2013

December 2012 Board Meeting Minutes

Council of Civic Association
Board Meeting Minutes
December 19, 2012
City Hall, 8th Floor Cafeteria


1. Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by President Marilyn Mammano at 5:30 pm.

2.       Attendance:  All present except Corresponding Secretary Donna Mergenhagen and District III Rep Dr. Magdalene Lewis.  Chairman of Committees position is vacant.

 3.       Minutes:  Minutes of the November 26, 2012 board meeting were unanimously approved as corrected upon motion and second.

 4.       Treasurer’s Report:   Treasurer Klein stated that as of December 19, 2012, the balance in the checking account and the CD total $7,593.04.

 5.       President Mammano gave a Redistricting Committee update. She stated that essentially District IV was too big and District 1 was too small.  The Committee agreed to put all of Progresso Village in District II and move Bal Harbour from District II to District 1. Staff will run numbers again for next meeting.

 6.       First Vice President Centamore stated that he was getting renewals out and that he wanted to include notes from District Reps. The consensus was that said letters would be more effective as follow-up.

7.       It was the consensus of the board to send the latest version of the City Speed Hump Policy to the membership to review and hold a vote at the January General meeting.

 8.       Past President Sterner as chair of the  Nominating Committee for Officer Slate for 2013-14 Fiscal Year stated that the full committee met  and made good progress and will be ready to announce slate at the February general meeting.

 9.       Neighborhood Map. Past President Doug Sterner reported that he found a third party printer (not the City’s printer) who will print two maps for about the same price as the current quote for one map. Therefore, we could print a new map to post as the Council’s centennial gift now and reprint a replacement when the new Commission district lines are finalized. The board unanimously agreed to print a current map.

 10.   Although Ms. Mergenhagen was not present, President Mammano stated that the Consensus Committee is still planning to present the report for approval at the January 2013 general meeting.

 11.   The meeting dates for 2013 were reviewed. It is the Board’s consensus to change the format of the annual holiday party to hold it at the regular time and place of the December general meeting, to provide an interesting speaker and to enhance the refreshments usually provided.

 12.   The agenda for the January 2013 general meeting was discussed. President Mammano will prepared an agenda for distribution.

 The meeting was adjourned at 6:35 pm.

 Respectfully submitted,

Rochelle Golub
Recording Secretary

November 2012 Board Meeting Minutes

Council of Civic Association
Board Meeting Minutes
November 26, 2012
City Hall, 8th Floor Cafeteria



1.       Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by President Marilyn Mammano at 5:30 pm.


2.       Attendance:  All present except Past President Doug Sterner, Treasurer Madelene Klein,   and District III Rep Dr. Magdalene Lewis.  Chairman of Committees position is vacant.

 3.       Minutes:  Minutes of the August 27, 2012 and October 22, 2012 board meetings were unanimously approved upon motion and second.

 4.       Treasurer’s Report:   Review of the Treasurer’s Report was deferred.

 5.       Dave Rose from the Tarpon River Civic Association, Development Review Committee, presented to the Board for discussion his detailed analysis of the proposed Marina Lofts project.  The board advised Mr. Rose to circulate his report to other neighborhood associations, the Commissioners and City staff.

 6.       It was the consensus of the board to keep the December meeting on December 19.

 7.       It was the consensus of the board to send the latest version of the City Speed Hump Policy to the membership to review and hold a vote at the January General meeting.

 8.       It was the consensus of the Board not to hold a candidates forum for the District 2 special election since the election would be held prior to the January general meeting and because there are numerous debates already scheduled within the District.

 9.       Past President Sterner will hold a meeting of the Nominating Committee for Officer Slate for 2013-14 Fiscal Year and will report at the December meeting.

 10.   Membership Report: Membership renewal efforts for 2013-14 will commence in January 2013.

 11.   Holiday Party. The invitation was approved. Plans have been completed.


The meeting was adjourned at  6:35 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Rochelle Golub
Recording Secretary

November 2012 Board Meeting Agenda



November 26 5:30 pm

Commission Conference Room 8th Floor, City Hall





Dave Rose Tarpon River Civic Association, Development Review Committee.



Presidents Report

Reschedule December Board Meeting

City’s Proposed Revised Speed Hump Policy

Membership Report

Getting ready for Membership Renewal 


Consensus Report Final

Nominating Committee 


Possible Candidate meeting/forum/debate for District II  


Holiday Party last minute preparations? 



*Indicates voting items or may be a voting item

Next Board Meeting December 24 2012