CFLCA GM Meeting Minutes 03_12_2019
March 12, 2019 6:30 PM
8thfloor Commission Conference Room, City Hall
Call to order 7pm
ROLL CALL – Quorum
REVIEW AND ACCEPTANCE: Motion to approve the minutes of February 12, 2019 accepted
Bonnie Clearwater, Director & Chief Curator and Anna Sorensen, Associate Director of Development, NSU Art Museum Fort Lauderdale – follow-up March 7th Freida Kahlo event.
- Thanks/available to neighborhoods/lectures and various offerings and provided gift bags.
Alain Boileau, City Attorney, Alcohol Ordinance
- Jackie Scott- Collee Hammock examples Ann’s Florist and then 2 spas next door to each other & should be BOA be doing this when commissioners are the ones who answer to us
- Marilyn Mammano- summarize where we are and options of: do nothing, oppose, ask for it to be deferred, revisit whole issue in future
- Christina Currie- restate not to ignore feedback of residents and note distance remarks
- Alain Boileau, City Attorney-1997 Changes to code BOA begins special exemption authority upon showing not in conflict w/ pub. Interest. 2018 City Attorney realizes have been not following hard ship criteria properly/don’t have authority. Hardship wasn’t being strictly followed. Stopped the process and temp. permission granted to a few which are expiring soon. Purpose of change to accommodate past, conform, recognize a more comprehensive look at this ordinance is being requested. Also adding 47-24.12 conformation and ULDR lang. to the 2ndreading.
- Q/Comments
- Concern of requests flooding in
- BOA needs more specific criteria if doing this response is that policy is a commissioner issue
- Request of public notice requirements and it will be referenced in new change.
- Motion by Michael Albetta to Defer the 2ndReading of the Alcohol Ordinance 2ndby Jerry Jordan-motion passes unanimous
Ella Parker, Fort Lauderdale, Urban Design and Planning Manager – Downtown Comprehensive Plan
- 2003 adopt, update 2007, codifications of what is in master plan (quantitative guidelines)
- Tower space 60 ft between towers, floor plate sizes (bulk), max. building length, transition zones, open space looking to %’s, codify streetscape design
- Ella will email presentation for posting this is only QUANTATIVE changes.
- This does not cover SW & NW RAC repeated multiple times.
- Map & legal descriptions will be more clear
- 2003 adopt, update 2007, codifications of what is in master plan (quantitative guidelines)
Presidents Report
- Membership renewal time reminder
- Q’s email to council website for City Manager
Membership Report
- Elections for board 2019/2021
- President Colleen Lockwood
- 1stVP Stan Eichelbaum
- 2ndVP Deborah Rosenbaum
- Corresponding Sec. Mary Peloquin
- Recording Sec. Christina Currie
- Treasurer Brucie Cummins
- D.1 Jim Concannon
- D.2 Michael Albetta
- D.3 Cathy Stubbs
- D. 4 Kelly Manning
- Chair of Committees Dennis Ulmer
- Motion to accept 2ndall in favor all candidates get position no oppose
Committee Report
Member Events
- St. Patrick’s Day Parade- information on website
- Floridian Breakfast April 2ndor 3rdbenefitting Ron’s favorite charity Downtown Civ. Assoc. sponsored event.
Subjects and Questions for City Manager at the April Meeting
Alcohol Zoning Ordinance – City Commission meeting
Hope you all voted today!
ADJOURN Motion to adjourn accepted 8:30pm
*Indicates voting items or may be a voting item
Next Board Meeting March 25, 2019
Next General Membership Meeting April 9, 2019