Hands Only CPR Training
The City of Fort Lauderdale Emergency Management is providing training in Hands Only CPR. For information go to
The City of Fort Lauderdale Emergency Management is providing training in Hands Only CPR. For information go to
Council of Fort Lauderdale Civic Associations
General Membership Meeting
June 10, 2014
1) Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by Marilyn Mammano, President at 7:30 PM
2) Roll Call: Ron Centamore, First VP called attendance and declared a quorum.
3) Review and Acceptance of Minutes: The agenda and the minutes for the general meeting are posted on our website: http://cflca.org/ the weekend prior to the meeting.
A motion to accept the minutes from the April and May 2014 was made by Ron Centamore and seconded by Jackson Boren. The motion was unanimously approved.
4) Treasurer’s Report: Marilyn Mammano reported that we now have 45 members and the treasurer’s report was deferred.
5) Announcement: Made by President Mammano, welcoming Dick Lowery from Lauderdale Isles. We haven’t seen in a while, even though they are members and happy he was in attendance.
6) Police Report: Lieutenant Scelfo, with the FLPD District 2 gave his report: Summer is here and we are utilizing the new Intelligence Lead Policing to address problems that increase due to schools being on summer leave. We are working with families using our school resource officers to address youth problems. Hurricane season is upon us, FLPD is ramping up and suggested attending the Hurricane Expo on June 21st. We ask that everyone pass along vital information they receive to everyone concerning evacuations and notices. We will have marked and unmarked vehicles out with lights flashing….pass the word on. Question from Marilyn Mammano: How is the County-wide 911 system setup coming: The sheriff’s office is working out the kinks in the system and have begun moving personnel out of our building. The implementation does not a firm date set as of yet. Question from Doug Sterner; Do you have a comment on the incident on the beach on Memorial Day, and what is being done to prevent it from happening again? A lot of planning went into preparing for the event, but there were disturbances that made it necessary to call in special forces to deal with the problem. Next year we intend for a detective to constantly monitor social media sites to detect potential problems. Question from Marilyn Mammano: What is being done to address the unruly Critical Mass Bike rides on the last Friday of the month? The chapter that we have is loosely organized and no one claims leadership. We attempt to work with them and the last bike ride was escorted by police. They must be willing to obey the law, and if not, enforcement will take place.
7) Fire and Emergency Management Report: Battalion Chief Jo-Ann Lorber asked that everyone check all of their food and safety supplies along with other protection things like window shutters are in good shape and ready to use. Kim Centamore lead the Hands Only CPR demonstration and said the program is funded by a grant and backed by the American Heart Association. With the way things are now, everyone is apprehensive about mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. Doing something is better than nothing, and a life could be saved with the Hands Only CPR procedure and keeping the oxygenated blood in the body circulating. It is not a Certified CPR Course, but basic instruction to help a person in need until Fire and Rescue can arrive. Get someone to call 911 or perform CPR for 2 minutes and you should make the call. You will receive a certificate for your participation. The program has been well received and they are expecting to train 5,000 – 7,500 persons this year. Be sure area is safe and perform on a hard surface. Jorg Hruschka, the city’s Chief Service Officer asked that everyone pass the word around that the training is available and they will come to HOA, Neighborhood Association and condo facilities for training. Information will be posted on our website for contact information to set up a training session.
8) Broward Crime Stoppers: Ralph Page, Executive Director of Broward Crime Stoppers has been in law enforcement for 27 years and this program is the best crime prevention program he has ever seen. The main reasons persons don’t report problems is that they do not want to get involved or they feel their information is not relevant. For crimes in progress, call 911, if you are suspicious of illegal activity call Crime Stoppers. They would rather field multiple calls with nothing happening than miss one call that leads to an arrest. They do not want and do not track calls, and rewards are accomplished without identifying yourself. You can view crimes that have happened using the Raids On Line app. Click on a crime and there is a contact button to report any information concerning that crime. In 2013 $38,000,000 was seized from criminals that is used for the purchase of police crime equipment. Ralph will be furnishing us with refrigerator magnets that have a grocery list on them for distribution at the August meeting. Dirk Lowry will be sending Marilyn the information on a good site for hurricanes.
9) Lauderserve: A new feature added to the City’s website: www.fortlauderdale.gov . The icon is in the upper right of the main page. Presented by Shannon Vezina Public Customer Service, Ray, Information Systems Technician, and Reina Gonzalez, Public Works made a presentation explaining the features and uses of the app: When you set up an account, which will maintain an ongoing report of the code issues you have reported or you can report to code any problems remaining anonymous. An account can be set up by a Citizen, Neighborhood Association or a HOA. Call 911 or 954-828-8000 if the problem is an emergency. The app has a GPS locator that along with any photos you post, will show exactly where the problem is and current beach conditions. More features to be added soon. Contact Customer Operations with any concerns: rgonzalez@fortlauderdale.gov .
10) Adopt a Neighbor: Presented by Jorg Hruschka, the city’s Chief Service Officer. The program is to address the elderly with no family and health issues, veterans, disabled and low income persons that have problems keeping their property up to code. Volunteers have been working on projects that are brought to the city’s attention. They are planning to do a project quarterly: 7/19/14, 10/25/14, 1/17/15 and 4/25/15. There is also an icon on the home page of the City’s website: www.fortlauderdale.gov . It is on the upper right just below the Lauderserve ad to contact Jorg to offer your services as a volunteer.
11) City Commission Update: Marilyn Mammano announced that the City Manager had taken the controversial issue of outsourcing engineering services off the table for the current budget year. As the city tries to save money by outsourcing services now being done in-house there will be a lot more discussion concerning the good and bad of that proposal.
12) CFLCA Website: Each neighborhood is listed on the website and when selected proceeds to a dedicated page of that neighborhood. There is a lot of outdated information that needs to be updated. Please view your page and get the correct information to Marilyn mmammano@comcast.net .
13) For the good of the community:
CALL, Community Association Leadership Lobby, Town Hall meeting, 6/13.
Workshop on Vehicle for Hire Ordinance, 6/16
State Senator Maria Sachs commission presentation, 6/17
Uniting Broward Fest in Oakland Park, 6/28
14) Upcoming CFLCA Meeting: A July meeting will not be held. The next meeting will be in August. Preliminary Agenda:
Betty Shelley to speak concerning the $800,000,000 School Bond Issue that is upcoming on the November ballot.
Meet & Greet candidates up for election in the August primary.
15) Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 9:00PM
Respectfully Submitted, , Recording Secretary
Adopt a Neighbor is a new City program that matches volunteers with elderly, or disabled residents and veterans to help with maintenance or their homes. On June 14 2014, volunteers gathered at the home of Ms Leola Tucker in South Middle River. In just one morning they removed an unsafe carport, scrapped and painted the house and tamed the garden. Good job everyone!
The City of Fort Lauderdale is here to serve our neighbors 24-hours-a-day. Our dedicated team of community builders is committed to providing quality and timely service and they are eager to assist youDownload our new Lauderserv app to submit a customer service request right from your mobile device.
You can report a streetlight outage, clogged stormdrain, pothole, or broken waste cart; find out your sanitation pick-up days or how to pay your water bill; and more. You can also use Lauderserv to access the City’s social media accounts and get beach conditions.
June 10 2014 7:00 PM
8th floor Conference Room, City Hall
Guest Speaker Mr. Robert Page Executive Director Crime Stoppers
Freddy ZeLaya Emergency Management Coordinator Demonstrating Hands Only CPR
Presidents Report
Membership Report
Committee Reports
Betty Shelly Education Advisory Board
School Board Needs Assessment for Fort Lauderdale Schools
Proposed $800 million dollar Broward School Bond
EAB Marketing efforts for Fort Lauderdale Schools
City Staff Presentation of Lauderserve Code Enforcement Reporting
City Staff Presentation of Adopt a Neighbor Helping Neighbors Keep Up Their Homes
Cancel the July 8 Meeting*
*Indicates voting items or may be a voting item
Next Board Meeting July 28 2014
Next General Membership Meeting August 12 2014