Information For Our Members

Neighborhood Development Criteria Revisions

This is a summary of the City’s  proposal to start implementing some of the recommendations of the NDCR.

Draft Amendment Summarized v2

This is the proposed zoning text

DRAFT NDCR Fast Track Amendments v1

As discussed at the May 12, 2015 General Meeting, here is the Neighborhood Development Criteria Revisions Project. For those members who are new to the Council, we started this effort in 2008 and it was officially submitted in 2011. Very little has happened since then. It is a 135 page report that you can download  here.

NDCR Modifications

Downloads for the April 8, 2014 General Meeting

Article in the Sun Sentinel regarding intimidation of public participation


 Adopted Ordinance regarding Guidelines for Speaking at Public Meeting

Resolution 14-49

Proposed Ordinance requiring all buildings in Business and Industrial Districts to be located at the street line

 buildings on streets

 Check out the CIty’s priorities and management report for 2014

2014 Action Plan