Information For Our Members

Do you need more Sun Trolley or Public Transportation Stops in your neighborhood?


On 9/10/2019 at the CFLCA General Meeting neighbor feedback was collected. Residents in attendance from Rock Island and River Gardens/Sweeting Estates indicated an interest in additional trolley stops/public transportation.

If your neighborhood would like to request additional trolley stops/public transportation please contact Robyn Chiarelli so she can arrange a meeting with your Association to fully understand your needs and to discuss if/how Downtown Fort Lauderdale Transportation Management Association may be able to fulfill them.

Downtown Fort Lauderdale Transportation Management Association compiles route / stop requests and brings them forward to the City and TMA Board for consideration in the case that multiple people or groups come forward with the same request.

ROBYN CHIARELLI, Executive Director
Downtown Fort Lauderdale
Transportation Management Association
290 NE Third Avenue
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301
office: 954-TROLLEY
[email protected]


Advance Fort Lauderdale

The City of Fort Lauderdale is Updating its Comprehensive Plan that was last adopted in 2008. The proposed plan, called Advance Fort Lauderdale can be viewed at

CFLCA is currently evaluating seven of the eleven Elements and preparing observations to share with the membership.

The Future Land Use Maps can be compared here

The 2018 Future Land Use Map can be viewed here

The 2008 Future Land Use Map can be viewed here

They are essentially the same so the 3D visualization of Fort Lauderdale produced by Zonar is the same going forwards

Zonar 3D visualization Downtown

Zonar 3D Visualization Areial 


Downtown Master Plan Codifications

At the March 12 General Meeting Ella Parker, Urban Design and Planning Manager, gave a prevention of the Downtown Master Plan Codifications. There will be more discussion and presentations prior to City Commission action anticipated in September 2019. For more information contact Ella Parker [email protected] or call 954 828 3729.

Click on the Image to Downtown Master Plan Update Power Point Presentation

Nominating Committee 2019/2020

The 2019/2020 Nominating Committee is being formed to prepare a slate of Officers and District Representatives for the member’s consideration at the March 12 General Membership Meeting.

A proposed slate will be presented at the February 12 General Membership Meeting. Nominations from the floor will be accepted at that meeting and the March 12 General Membership Meeting. District Representatives and Alternates from members in good standing can volunteer for any position here.

If you want to volunteer for any position Contact Us

Members of the committee are:

Immediate Past President , Marilyn Mammano

District 1 Representative, Linda Mannix-Burt

District 2 Representative, Ann Hilmer

District 3 Representative, Frankie Lane

District 4 Representative, Barbara Magill

Qualifications, Job Descriptions, Contact Us

Qualifications for elected office are available here

Job Description of all Positions are available here

If you want to volunteer for any position contact us

Nominations for the 2019/2020 Board of Directors

President, Colleen Lockwood

1sr VP, Stan Eichelbaum

2nd VP, Deborah Rosenbaum

Corresponding Secretary, Mary Peloquin

Recording Secretary, Christina Currie

Treasurer, Brucie Cummings

District 1, Rep Jim Concannon

District 2 Rep, Michael Albetta

District 3 Rep, Cathy Stubbs

District 4 Rep, Kelly Manning

Chair of Committees, Dennis Ulmer

Immediate Past President, Marilyn Mammano

Nominating Committee 2019/2010

The 2019/2020 Nominating Committee is being formed to prepare a slate of Officers and District Representatives for the member’s consideration at the March 12 General Membership Meeting.

Members of the committee are:

Immediate Past President , Marilyn Mammano

District 1 Representative, Linda Mannix-Burt

District 2 Representative, Ann Hilmer

District 3 Representative, Frankie Lane

District 4 Representative, Barbara Magill

Qualifications, Job Descriptions, Contact Us

Qualifications for elected office are available here

Job Description of all Positions are available here

If you want to volunteer for any position contact us