Council Corner

CFLCA General Meeting 3/10/2020

The March CFLCA General Meeting will occur on 3/10/2020 and the meeting begins at 6:30pm.  Please join us for 30 minutes of social/food beginning at 6pm.

Don’t forget this month we have the following scheduled:

  • Mayor Dean Trantalis (send q’s in advance via “contact us”)
  • Daniel Oatmeyer, FLFR, Battalion Chief with a Coronavirus update.
  • FLPD Operations Staff


On the GM Agenda: VM McKinzie & District 3 Updates 2/11/2020

VM/District 3 Commissioner McKinzie will be attending the CFLCA general meeting on 2/11/20.  He will be providing an update focused on District 3.  If you would like to submit questions in advance please use CFLCA’S “contact us” feature on this website.

Also on the agenda is the Special Election for Treasurer & 2nd Vice President.  The full agenda is available for viewing at “Agendas-General Meeting“.

CFLCA 1/14/2020 GM Meeting Follow-up

In response to inquiries at the January 14, 2020 we have made updates to our website.  Please visit “Information for Our Members” to access the following resources for your membership:

  • CENSUS 2020 sample social media posts & flyers for your newsletters.
  • Water & Wastewater Helpful County & City Website links.
  • “Consent Order Update Presentation” Dated 1/6/2020
  • Stormwater Rate Study Fee Work Session Presentation

To view the video of the January 14th general meeting please view our YouTube channel: “CFLCA YouTube” or by going to the “General Board Meeting Minutes” page herein.

Our next CFLCA General Meeting is 2/11/2020 and Vice Mayor Robert Mckinzie will be in attendance.  If you’d like to submit questions for Vice Mayor in advance please use the “Contact Us” link.

Ft. Lauderdale Student Opportunity to Connect w/ Local Government.

Wednesday, January 29, 2020 | 4 P.M. – 8 P.M.
Fort Lauderdale City Hall | 100 Andrews Avenue
Engaging Youth Leaders

Neighbor Leadership Academy Class 6 and the City of Fort Lauderdale will host GovChat on January 29 to create a space for teens to connect with local government and represent their own interests.

If you know a Fort Lauderdale resident aged 15 to 18 years old, who attends a local high school please let them know about “GovChat”! Click here to see the flyer: NLA GovChat FTL Student Opportunity

Sign up for GovChat today and get ready to:
• Engage with local government and learn how policy is made.
• Participate in discussions with the City’s elected officials and leaders.
• Share your voice about issues that are important to you.
• Receive a Certificate of Completion and community service hours.
• Be officially recognized by the Fort Lauderdale City Commission.

Registration is required at by Friday, January 10, 2020.
Food and giveaways will be provided.

First General Meeting of 2020 1/14/2020

The first General Meeting of 2020 is on 1/14/2020.  Join us for a snack at the 6pm social.  Meeting start time is 6:30PM.

City Manager Chris Lagerbloom will be in attendance.  Submit your questions for CM Lagerbloom in advance using the “CONTACT US” button at

We are also scheduled to hear from: Junia Robinson on Census 2020, Klye Stevens on Stormwater Rate Study, & Karlanne Grant on Central Beach Code Changes.

2 Officer Vacancies on Board of Directors- Special Election Set 2/11/20

Special Election Notice Treasurer and 2nd VP

Date:               11/25/2019

Contact:         Marilyn Mammano, Nominating Committee Chair [email protected]


Please take notice that a Special Election will be held on Tuesday, February 11, 2020 at the CFLCA General Meeting occurring at 6:30pm in the 8th Floor conference room of the Fort Lauderdale City Hall.


TERM: Balance of existing term April 2019 ending March 2021


The Treasurer shall maintain financial records, collect dues and assessments, and pay all monies owed by The Council.  The treasurer is responsible for establishing, maintaining, monitoring, and reporting to the Council on the electronic payment processing system. The treasurer shall transmit application/renewal forms which accompany dues to the Membership Committee chair.

Candidate shall attend and provide report at 1 board meeting per month and 1 general membership meeting per month.  Candidate must be proficient in online banking and use of PayPal.  Candidate must be from a member association in good standing.


OFFICER POSITION:  Second Vice President

TERM: Balance of existing term April 2019 ending March 2021


 The Second Vice President shall act as President in all duties if the President and the First Vice President are absent or are unable to act. Responsibilities include coordination of refreshments at general meetings and events.

Candidate must be well organized and physically able to participate in setup and breakdown of general meetings and food service.  Candidate must be from a member association in good standing.

General Meeting Agenda 11.12.2019 & Parks Bond Q’s Submitted

CFLCA GM Agenda 11_12_2019 FINAL


To prepare for the Nov. 2019 General Meeting CFLCA members submitted questions relating to the status of the “parks bond.”  The questions were provided to Chris Lagerbloom, Phil Thornburg, and Zoie Saunders on 11/6/2019 with the aim of making sure the questions are responded to during their presentation(s).  To questions can be viewed via the link above.

Questions that are specific to your neighborhood can be sent to: Phil Thornburg [email protected]