Council Corner

June 9, 2020 @ 6:30PM CFLCA General Meeting Via Zoom

Please save the date for the June CFLCA general meeting!   Our June general meeting will take place on June 9th.  Zoom meeting details & meeting materials HERE.

If you have not renewed your CFLCA membership please take a moment to take care of that today.  Dues can now be paid online and you can submit your completed form via e-mail.  Visit our Dues & Membership Page.


Agenda CFLCA GM 5/12/2020 via Zoom.


Please monitor your email for Zoom meeting login details for the 5/12/2020 CFLCA General Meeting. A special election for 1st VP will be held and confirmed Guests Are:

  • State Representative Chip LaMarca – Statewide perspective on our economy, re-open plans and unemployment
  • JJ Rajter, MD – Healthcare perspective on our health systems capacity, testing, treatment and potential vaccines
  • Tim Petrillo, Co-Founder/CEO, The Restaurant People and Michael Weymouth, President, The Las Olas Company – Preparations underway for re-opening within the local business community
  • Chris Lagerbloom, City Manager – Updates of the City Re-Open Plans

April CFLCA GM held. Next General Meeting Date TBD.

The April CFLCA General Meeting was held on April 2, 2020 via Zoom.   Materials and links shared during meeting are available on there “Agenda” page on this website.  You can watch the meeting video on our YouTube channel.

Suggestions on future meeting topics and questions can be submitted using the “Contact Us” link on this website. Please monitor your emails for the date of our next General Meeting.


3/24/2020 CFLCA BOD Asks City for More Stringent Measures RE: COVID-19

March 24, 2020

Dear Honorable Mayor, City Commissioners and City Manager Lagerbloom,

Enclosed please find the CFLCA Board motion approved last night, which supports more stringent measures be taken by the City of Fort Lauderdale in response to COVID-19.

Thank you for your public service and please do not hesitate to contact CFLCA with any questions.


Colleen Lockwood

President, CFLCA

VIEW THE 3.24.20 CFLCA Board Motion on COVID-19 HERE

As of 3/20: Next City Commission Meeting is set for 4/7/20.

Next City Commission Meeting on April 7 

On 3/20/2020, Governor Ron DeSantis issued an executive order waiving state requirements for local governments to have in-person quorums for public meetings. Waiving the requirement will allow local governments to conduct meetings telephonically and via technology including video conferencing. As a result, the next meeting of the City Commission is tentatively scheduled for Tuesday, April 7 at 6 p.m. The meeting is expected to take place using audio/video conferencing software. Additional information about the meeting, including details about public participation, will be made available once it is confirmed.