Monthly Archives: September 2019

Do you need more Sun Trolley or Public Transportation Stops in your neighborhood?


On 9/10/2019 at the CFLCA General Meeting neighbor feedback was collected. Residents in attendance from Rock Island and River Gardens/Sweeting Estates indicated an interest in additional trolley stops/public transportation.

If your neighborhood would like to request additional trolley stops/public transportation please contact Robyn Chiarelli so she can arrange a meeting with your Association to fully understand your needs and to discuss if/how Downtown Fort Lauderdale Transportation Management Association may be able to fulfill them.

Downtown Fort Lauderdale Transportation Management Association compiles route / stop requests and brings them forward to the City and TMA Board for consideration in the case that multiple people or groups come forward with the same request.

ROBYN CHIARELLI, Executive Director
Downtown Fort Lauderdale
Transportation Management Association
290 NE Third Avenue
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301
office: 954-TROLLEY
[email protected]


9.23.2019 CFLCA Board Communication RE: Proposed ILA

CFLCA Position Stmt Suggested Continuing Resp. of TAM 9.23.2019

Date:                           September 24, 2019

Sent on Behalf of:     Colleen Lockwood, CFLCA President

To:                              Fort Lauderdale Mayor, City Commission, City Manager

CC:                             Greg Stuart, Ben Rogers, CFLCA Board of Directors

 Honorable Mayor, Commissioners, City Manager, Mr. Stuart and Mr. Rogers:

On September 23, 2019 the Council of Fort Lauderdale Civic Associations, Inc. (“CFLCA”) held a Board Meeting at the Fort Lauderdale City Hall. Quorum requirements were met and the following Board Members were in attendance: Colleen Lockwood, Stan Eichelbaum, Deborah Rosenbaum, Christina Currie, Mary Peloquin, Marilyn Mammano, Jim Concannon, Michael Albetta, and Kelly Manning.

The matter of the proposed ILA between the City of Fort Lauderdale and Broward MPO was again discussed at length as it is a matter of great concern to our members.

Upon close of discussion the CFLCA Board of Directors unanimously voted to make the following request to City Officials.

Now that the proposed ILA between the City of Fort Lauderdale and Broward MPO is on hold pending additional discussion & negotiations the CFLCA Board of Directors respectfully requests that the attached “Suggested Continuing Responsibilities of the Transportation & Mobility Department” be incorporated into the ILA discussion/negotiation.

This request is in addition to the request we made for the following which have yet to be fulfilled:  “that City expeditiously hire a full time dedicated Transportation and Mobility Director for the Transportation and Mobility Department and provide the organizational chart/visual chart referenced in by City Manager Lagerbloom at the August 22nd special meeting to CFLCA President as soon as possible.”

Requested materials and responses to this correspondence should be email directed to Colleen Lockwood, CFLCA President, at [email protected].

Respectfully Submitted,

Christina Currie, CFLCA Secretary

For Colleen Lockwood, CFLCA President


Suggested Continuing Responsibilities

of the Transportation & Mobility Department


  • Work with neighborhood associations to draft, design and implement neighborhood mobility plans [e.g. Tarpon River]. (Planner, Engineer).


  • Respond to concerns about traffic and transportation problems in neighborhoods such as safety concerns, cut through traffic, crosswalks/signal requests, and inadequate signage. Example actions include speed humps, roundabouts, multi-way stops, ‘watch your speed’ signs, (Engineer, Planner).


  • Plan and implement new sidewalk requests (Engineer for design and construction, Planner for public consultation and help develop plans).


  • Research, write and solicit grants from the MPO and other agencies and organizations. Designs and administers grant funded projects. (Planner with support from engineering.)


  • Examine and develop timing plans for signals and coordinates with BCTE to implement. (Engineer).


  • Provide City expertise and local knowledge for Corridor (Las Olas Corridor, SE 17th Street Corridor, Convention Center, NE 15th Avenue Median, Bayview Drive, North Beach Village, A1A Corridor, and Davie Boulevard) and Development of Regional Impact (DRI)). [Engineer, Planner].


  • Provide City expertise and local knowledge on FDOT, BC and similar agency proposals that impact the City. Leverages enhancements to benefit City. [Engineer, Planner].


  • Examine transportation and traffic effects of proposed developments/redevelopments and encourages improvements. Review and improve Maintenance of Traffic Plans (MOTs). [Engineer].


  • Examine and analyze impacts of emerging transportation technologies (e.g. scooters, autonomous vehicles (AV), ridesharing) and proposes infrastructure changes. [Engineer, Planner].



Save the Date: October 10th General Meeting Topic “Education in the City of Fort Lauderdale”

On October 10, 2019 the CFLCA General Meeting will focus on education in the City of Fort Lauderdale.  Please join us for a social at 6pm and 6:30pm meeting start time.

President Colleen Lockwood will speak to us about Broward Bridge 2 Life, other speakers will include:

  • Zoie Saunders, City of Fort Lauderdale Chief Education Officer
  • Maj. Gregory Salters, FLPD
  • Heather Brinkworth, Current Broward School Board Chair & Broward School Board Member (District 3)
  • Qwesha Keen, Broward College

Advance Fort Lauderdale

The City of Fort Lauderdale is Updating its Comprehensive Plan that was last adopted in 2008. The proposed plan, called Advance Fort Lauderdale can be viewed at

CFLCA is currently evaluating seven of the eleven Elements and preparing observations to share with the membership.

The Future Land Use Maps can be compared here

The 2018 Future Land Use Map can be viewed here

The 2008 Future Land Use Map can be viewed here

They are essentially the same so the 3D visualization of Fort Lauderdale produced by Zonar is the same going forwards

Zonar 3D visualization Downtown

Zonar 3D Visualization Areial 


CFLCA Board Position Statements Issued to Commission 9/10/2019

CFLCA Board of Director’s voted in favor of issuing 2 statements to the Commission.  The 1st relates to the Proposed ILA with the City & Broward MPO and supports the ILA, with 2 conditions.  The 2nd relates to tree preservation and urges the City to create a stronger tree preservation ordinance.  View the statements below:

CFLCA Position on TAM_MPO

CFLCA Position on Tree Ordinance

CFLCA General Membership Agenda 9/10/2019


September 10th, 2019 6:30 PM,  8th floor Commission Conference Room, City Hall



ANNOUNCEMENTS:  Beginning with the August 2019 meeting:

  • All CFLCA General Meetings will be recorded.
  • CFLCA Board member Michael Albetta and CFLCA Board Member Kelly Manning as Alternate will act as Parliamentarians.

REVIEW AND ACCEPTANCE:  Approve the minutes of August 13th, 2019 and Special MPO/TAM minutes of August 22, 2019




  •   Jim Hammond, Puppet Network, November 2 ‘Day of the Dead’
  • Carina Flores, Green Your Routine Coordinator, City of Fort Lauderdale Sustainability Division
  • Aricka Johnson, Structural Innovation Manager, City of Fort Lauderdale, City Manager’s Office – City of Fort Lauderdale Strategic Plan
  • Joshua Rydell, Coconut Creek City Commissioner, ‘Do the Right Thing’ Program


  • Bylaws Committee Report


  • District Updates


  • Comprehensive plan review feedback
  • TAM/MPO Interlocal Agreement feedback




*Indicates voting items or may be a voting item

Next Board Meeting September 23rd, 2019

Next General Membership Meeting October 10th, 2019 – Note date change due to Yom Kippur