CFLCA Unanimously Supports the Police Station Bond

There will be a special election on March 12. There will be two bond items on the ballot: a $100,000,000 bond for a new Police Station and a $200,000,000 bond for new and improved Parks.

They are separate items and at the January General Membership Meeting representatives from the Police Department and the Parks Department made presentations. The Infrastructure Task Force supports the Police Bond and information about the deplorable conditions in the building can be downloaded here    Police Station pdf

The membership voted unanimously to support the Police Bond and urges you to talk with your members about the need to vote on March 12.

Press Release Supporting the Police Bond

Individuals who are interested in a tour of the FLPD police station should contact Christina Currie, CFLCA District 4 Representative at: [email protected] for scheduling.

Stay tuned for more information.