Daily Archives: September 10, 2013

August 2013 General Meeting Minutes

General Membership Meeting

August 13, 2013

City Hall, 8th Floor Conference Room

  1. Meeting was called to order by President Mammano at 7:30 p.m.
  2. 1st Vice President Ron Centamore called the roll and declared we had a quorum.
  3. Minutes from the June General Meeting were adopted as presented.
  4. The Treasurer’s Report was read by Treasurer Rochelle Golub.  The ending balance as of July 31, 2013 was $8462.79.
  5. Police Report: Presented by Captain Appel – New Captain for District 3 – 954-822-6376 [email protected]. Changes department-wide to attend the CFLCA meetings. Captain Alvarez for District 2 and Captain Dietrich for District 1 will also attend on a rotation. New accomplishments in dealing with transient individuals who live under the bridges and overpasses. The State has now given cities a right to hand our Trespass Affidavits for those under the bridges. FLPD does have a homeless outreach officer and they do try to get them help if they are willing to get it. This was an accomplishment of the NAT Team and the Homeless Outreach Officers.  There are vacancies in the NAT teams due to promotions. In response to some questions, an explanation of the “NAT” teams was given. NAT stands for Neighborhood Action Team. Captain Appel explained that even though there is a change in staff due to the recent promotions, the police department and the NAT Officers are here to serve the neighborhoods and welcome calls and are willing to address any concerns. Residents should expect a response of some sort from NAT Officers. If not, contact the Captains. NAT used to be Community Policing – “touchy, feely.” District 1 NAT Officers commended by more than one neighborhood and noted to be affective. Yearly the Command staff evaluates the necessary staff
  6. Guests: Gloria Battle, Gwendolyn Clark Reed’s Office; (State Representatives on September 10)
  7. Thanks to Ron Centamore for the food.
  8. Guest Speakers: from All Aboard Florida, Ali Soule Public Affairs Manager, and Jose Gonzalez VP FEC Corporate Development, Executive Director Greg Stewart of MPO Metropolitan Planning Organization, and Diana Alarcon from Transportation & Mobility (T&M) discussed the FEC All Aboard Florida plans, how this will affect Fort Lauderdale, and how MPO fits in to the plans. Diana Alacorn from the City explained how these T&M facets work together. Focus on the Quiet Zones and safety at the crossings. Explanation of connecting with the ports and the export/import business of Port Everglades. Florida population 19 million, and with tourist over 55 million travelling from Miami to Orlando and around the state. The trains will be “smart” corridors providing wi-fi, etc. 70% of travelers are leisure travelers. 400 employees to run the system; 1000s of employees to build it, plus additional retail around the stations. Goal is to provide hourly service. 32 additional trains. This is not Tri Rail. Start of operation target for 2015. All Aboard Florida is totally private; no funding from State or Federal government. (40 min)See https://www.gobrightline.com/ for more All Aboard Florida information. Also see http://www.browardmpo.org/ for Broward MPO. Also see https://www.fortlauderdale.gov/government/departments-i-z/transportation-and-mobility for City T&M information.
  9. President’s Report/New Business: 1) On the Commission meeting on the 20th:  A) Up-zoning for the Downtown RAC and B) Proposing the Anti-concentration Legislation for Social Service Facility. Problem is you can a halfway house that is not licensed and they can whoever they want there and not covered by these regulations. Houses will put ten people in a three bedroom house, etc. and there are all kinds of social problems. To be brought up at the September 10th meeting with the Legislatures. This proposed legislation is to tighten up the current regulations. Relationships can’t be forced between those living in these houses. The idea of what a “family” is cannot be defined. 2) Explanation of the ANNUAL Neighborhood Recognition Process by the City vs. the paperwork needed to fill out for the CFLCA. Go to City’s web page, and look on the Neighborhood list to see if you are “recognized.” 3) Legislative Roundup is September 10 CFLCA General Meeting. 4) Appointment of Shannon Harmeling as the Chair for the Public Participation Ordinance Committee to focus first on the draft of the Public Participation Ordinance. 5) From the Environmental Division of the City employee Larry Teichs is willing to come out and employee xxx discuss swales, and Climate Change Impact. See http://www.fortlauderdale.gov/public_services/environmental_services/  6) Meals on Wheels by Doug Sauder asking people to bring pet food for these people who have pets. Amber Van Buren will come and talk next month about this issue. 7) Resident, Mr. Don Zimmer [email protected] brought up a code concern from Coral Ridge association about commercial trailors parking in the right of way, and on private property. He met with Greg Bruten head of planning and zoning and said the code has problems and would need the community as a whole to help change the code. He had handouts for everyone. 8) Brucie Cummings of Tarpon River President had a brief discussion of the Marina Lofts project was addressed and the CFLCA has refrained from taking a stand in the matter and leaving it up to individuals and neighbors to do as they wish. It was mentioned that Commissioner Rogers recused himself from the vote on Marina Lofts. Brucie had letters to hand out. Residents are encouraged to email their commissioners.
  10. Meeting Adjourned.