July 2011 General

Minutes – July 12, 2011 – General Membership Meeting Corrected and Adopted Sept. 13, 2011

Council of Fort Lauderdale Civic Association’s General Meeting July 12 2011
City Hall- 8th Floor Cafeteria
1. Call to Order: President Doug Sterner called the meeting to order at 7:45 pm followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
3. Attendance: 1st Vice President Marilyn Mammano took the roll and declared a quorum.
Doug introduced our Guest Speaker Mr. Lee Feldman the new City Manager.

Mr. Feldman talked about his background and core beliefs such as “civic conflict leads to creative solutions’ and “neighbors not clients or citizens is the mind set”
He described his proposed restructing of the City Departments around five core service areas: Public Safety, Infrastructure, Public Places, Business Development and Neighborhood Enhancement. He proposes to name a city department head to coordinate across departments based on this new structure. Each service area will have a Strategic Plan with a 3-5 year cycle and an Implementation Plan with a shorter one-year cycle. He proposed that the Visioning Process that is ongoing be integrated into this new structure to assure its implementation. The City’s Vision Plan should drive these strategic plans.
His management team consists of Stanley Hawthorne, Budget, Susan Torriente, Planning and Coordination and TBA, Process Performance, Julie Richards, Neighborhood Support.
He took questions and pledged to work with the Civics.

Police Report
Crime statistics are now on line at http://www.raidsonline.com/ a new service that allows anyone to bring up the same statistics that are reported at our monthly meetings. Log on and choose Fort Lauderdale then accept the terms of use. Click on the dots to get information about the crime. It does not include some Part One Crimes like homicides, rapes and battery.

Doug asked for approval of the minutes of the June 14 meeting. Betty moved and Ron seconded, passed on voice vote.

Donna made a motion to correct the May 10, 2011 minutes to clarify……………


Shirley seconded and passed on voice vote.

Doug spoke about the Florida Neighborhood Conference. He congratulated Betty Shelly on her award. Those members who received stipends for registration gave their reports. Hal Barnes thanked the Council for its help making this the best-attended conference is four years. Doug thanked Hal for printing our new color brochures. Following up on one of the recommendations from the conference, Marilyn asked the members if they want the Council to organize speakers/workshop on such topics as Meetings, Motivation and Roberts’s Rules of Order, The response was affirmative and the Board will start working on this.

Donna distributed the proposed Bylaws changes to all member civics in attendance. The others will be mailed. This constitutes the 60-day notice as specified in the Bylaws. The changes will be voted on at the September meeting.

Marilyn reported that the Commission discussed appointing a representative from the council to the Visioning Committee as requested by the Council. They will vote on this at the August Meeting. Should the vote be in the affirmative, Marilyn will start reporting to the Council on the Visioning process.

Warren Sturman reported on efforts to revive and expand CERT as part of the City’s preparation of a Citywide Disaster Plan. Ron is setting up a committee to pursue this. Anyone interested in CERT training should contact Ron.

Doug announced that the Council was organizing a Legislative Preview for the November Meeting.

Meeting was adjourned at 9:15.

Respectfully submitted

Marilyn Mammano