Daily Archives: March 2, 2011

March 2011 Board Meeting

Council of Civic Association Board Meeting Minutes
March 2, 2011
City Hall, 8th Floor
5:30 PM

1.    Call to order. The meeting was called to order by President Doug Sterner at 5:35 PM.
2.    Voting Board Members in attendance: Doug. Sterner,  Marilyn Mammano, Betty Shelley,  Donna Mergenhagen  , Shirley Smith and Rochelle Golub.  A quorum was declared.
3.  Minutes.  Motion made and seconded to accept the minutes of the January 24, 2010 board meeting. Approved by unanimous  consent.
4.  Treasurer’s Report.  Tom Welch was not in attendance and no report was made.
5.  Agenda for Upcoming General Meeting on March 8, 2011 was discussed.  As the  election of officers will take place at this meeting, the Nominating Committee updated the Board on the status of the slate and the by-laws were reviewed and noted for proper election procedures.  President Sterner stated that there was to be a meeting of the City Manager Search Committee on March 3 so that he could provide the most current information at the general meeting. Ms. Mergenhagen reported that Mayor Seiler wanted every neighborhood to have a centennial party.  She provided a flyer on the Centennial Riverfest scheduled for March 27 to be passed out at the general meeting. She stated that since it is also the SunSentinel’s 100th birthday, the newspaper was joining in the celebration by providing music and fireworks. t. Ms Mergenhagen reported that only 2 comments had come  in on the by-laws and it was agreed that a meeting should be scheduled to give interested persons a final opportunity to contribute suggestions for revisions. Ms Mammano reported that the pace of obtaining membership applications still seemed to be effected by the earlier problem with the post office box.
6. Publicity for the St. Patrick’s Day Parade is out but the specific place for CFLCA marchers to gather has not been announced.
7. CFLCA Centennial Project  Report. Mr. Ocasio-Davila was not in attendance (he did join briefly by telephone on this item.) . Ms. Mergenhagen reported that she and Mr. Ocasio-Davila and had made progress with some of the issues surrounding the event. Board members voiced  agreement that a meeting should be called to finalize the details and establish a budget. Board Members also  agreed  that it was imperative that we  get initial publicity about the photo contest out at the March 27 Riverfest Centennial Event.
8. Progresso Village Civic Association Board Election.  In response to a formal written request by the PVCA Board, the CFLCA Board voted in favor of assisting the PVCA with its annual election for its officers. The election was held on February 21, 2011. Ms. Ellis, Ms. Shelley and Mr. Ocasio-Davila attended on behalf of the CFLCA. Ms. Shelley reported on the steps taken to conduct the election  in accordance with the PVCA by-laws.  The ballots were counted with definitive results for 7 offices. There was a tie for 2 offices and there will be a run off at the next PVCA general membership meeting. 9. Mr. Andrew Massagee addressed the Board about his concerns over the future of the North Broward Hospital District. He has done research and attended meetings but noted that a only one citizen he has little influence. He believe that the issues surrounding  North Broward Hospital District are important to the membership of CFLCA. The Board agreed. It was decided that CFLCA would invite a speaker from the North Broward Hospital District to the April general meeting.  Mr. Massaggee was told he could bring printed materials to circulate at the next general  meeting. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:05 p.m.

Rochelle Golub, Acting Recording Secretary