Daily Archives: October 12, 2010

October 2010 General Meeting

General Membership Meeting
Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Report: Due to the lack of a quorum no official business was conducted.  In lieu of minutes of the meeting the following report is offered as a record of the proceedings.

The meeting began at approximately 6:15 pm.

Police Report – Capt. John Dale of the FLPD Criminal Investigations unit reported that violent crime in Fort Lauderdale has declined over the same period last year.  The murder rate is 50% lower than 2009, auto theft is down 65%.  Burglaries, both auto and residential have increased. He also reported that the FLPD has received a grant for an automated license plate reader.  Within a 20 day trial period where one car was fitted with the device and operated during 2 shifts, 16 stolen cars and 20 stolen tags were identified.

Forum on Ballot Amendments #8 and #4 – Dr. Joel Herbst, South Area Superintendent of Broward Schools offered an overview of the proposed State Constitutional Amendment #8 which will be on the Nov. 2, 2010 ballot.  The amendment calls for revising class size requirements for public schools.  The amendment would allow a school to use an average per school rather than the current limit which is based on each classroom.  The amendment, if passed, would also raise the limits for each grade grouping.  Dr. Herbst did not take a position on the Amendment.

The next topic discussed was Amendment 4 which would require referenda for the adoption or amendment of Local Government Land Use Plans.  Speaking in favor was Bett Willett of Hometown Democracy.  Opposed was Courtney Crush, a local land use attorney.  Each side was given 5 minutes for an opening statement, followed by 3 minutes each for rebuttals.  By toss of a coin the pro side elected to go last.  There was also a 15 minute Q&A period where members of the audience asked questions of both sides.  Finally both speakers were given 2 minutes for a closing statement.

The meeting ended at approximately 7:30pm.