Monthly Archives: December 2008

December 2008 Board Meeting

December 22, 2008
Board Meeting Minutes
8TH FLOOR Commission Chamber

CALL TO ORDER by President Genia Ellis at 5:30 PM.

ROLL CALL BY President –   Board members present were Betty Hayes, Ray Dettman, Tom Welch, Richard Mancuso, David Marshall, and Genia Ellis  with Betty Shelley and Ron Centamore as excused,  Reid Morgan, Cathy Curry and Gabriel Ocasio-Davila were absent without notice.  Guest was Dennis Ulmer.

MEETING MINUTES of November 24, 2008 remain outstanding by Secretary Reid Morgan with a written request that they be provided as soon as possible.

Treasurers Report- Ron Centamore €œThere was no report provided as Treasurer Ron Centamore was not in attendance and did not provide a copy for review and approval by the Board.


NEW BUSINESS: 1. Resolution discussion regarding the Sand By-Pass proposal by the County was discussed at length and it was unanimously agreed that the Council would send a letter in support of the South Beach Alliance in asking that the City provide a resolution to request that the County more thoroughly research a remedy.  2. Questions for Candidates were due by December 1st, 2008 to Betty Shelley or Genia Ellis and very few additional ones have been submitted.  A meeting with the moderator will be set up to put the plan program in place.  3. All Council Board Members are required to attend and assist in the hosting of the Candidate Forum on January 29, 2009 and February 26, 2009.  Board members will place candidates in the reserved section by District and will collect questions from the audience, if necessary as well as be ambassadors. 4. The Council Centennial Committee met for the first time on November 5, 2008 and will be meeting again on January 7, 2009.  The City did not offer a set to the Council on the City wide committee however we will continue to make the request and seek inclusion.

1. Richard Mancuso reported on the lack of movement on the public outreach meeting schedule being planned by the Planning Department.  We will continue to try to urge these meetings forward and to host them at a time when the maximum numbers of residents are available to participate.
2. The Fast Track items were presented on November 18th, 2008 Commission Meeting as an Agenda Item were passed. However we have not seen any legislative or SOP changes as yet to incorporate those items.
3. Nominating Committee œ Reid Morgan committed to schedule the initial committee meeting following the Council Christmas Party however it was not done nor has there been any forward movement to date.  Committee Member Drew Pickens has contacted Morgan to get this scheduled and completed prior to the January General Meeting at which time, the committee is to provide a report and offer a list of candidates.  It was agreed that perhaps another member of the Committee should take the lead in scheduling and seeking candidates.
4. The 2007 Council NCIP Grant request which was modified from a street closure to a series of speed humps will be back in front of the Commission at the January 6, 2009 evening meeting as a public hearing.  Council Board members are urged to attend and to speak in support of this proposed change. The support of our members is appreciated.
For the Good of the Committee:
1. The Charter Review Board initially scheduled to meet on several occasions and cancelled received a number of recommendations from the public about items to consider, as well as some from the Commission.  It was suggested that an inquiry be submitted to ascertain when this committee will meet and hold public discussion of those items submitted.
2. There will be a CVC Project on January 10, 2009, South Side School in support of the opening of the Boundless Playground.  Volunteers are asked to arrive no later than 9 and be prepared to remain until approximately 2:00 PM to assist in the festivities.  The Council will have a table in conjunction with the CVC to encourage support and provide information.  Additional projects are scheduled in late January and two in February and will be announced shortly. Council Members are encouraged to attend as many of the Candidate Forums as possible to become familiar with all of the candidates and their positions on important issues to the city and the Council.

Motion to adjourn at 6:25pm.