Daily Archives: October 14, 2008

October 2008 General Meeting

October 14, 2008
8TH FLOOR Commission Chamber

CALL TO ORDER by President Genia Ellis at 7:30 PM followed by the PLEDGE of ALLEGIANCE.

ROLL CALL BY First VP, Dr. Hayes, and a quorum of 22 members are present.

MEETING MINUTES of July 8th, 2008 were moved by Dr. Hayes and accepted as submitted unanimously. There are no minutes for the September 9th, 2008 meeting as it was cancelled due to the hurricane watch/warnings announcements in South Florida.

TREASURERS REPORT for September 30th, 2008 was submitted for review by Treasurer, Ron Centamore and it was moved by Dave Marshall and accepted unanimously.
1. Bruce Roberts – former Police Chief (6.5 years) was given a plaque by the Council in appreciation of his years of dedicated service (35 years) to the citizens of Fort Lauderdale.
2. Police/Fire Event Committee was introduced and thanked for their dedicated service and for providing their talents and hard work for a very successful  event. They were Betty Shelley and Tim Smith, Co-Chairs of the event, Annette Ross and Danielle Kleinrichert €œ Food Committee, Doug Sterner €œ set-up and clean up, David Forman Fire Liaison, Cindy Smith Police Liaison, Jim Mileto – strategic planning and layout of the event, Coleman Prewitt Entertainment and Genia Ellis Council Sponsor
3. Jonda Joseph, City Clerk & John Herbst, City Auditor were introduced and spoke on the City Charter Change that is on the November 4th  ballot allowing  them to hire staff directly for their departments.  This item was recommended by the City Charter Review Board and adopted by the City Commission for a public vote.
4. Pamela Adams, made a presentation for the latest efforts by the Broward MPO to request a public opinion survey for the 2035 Long Range Transportation Plan. The survey was distributed and requested to fill out and send in by December 2008.

New Business:
1. Questions for the Candidates Forum are requested to be submitted no later than the December 1, 2008 to be reviewed and prepared for the upcoming candidate forums.  Each neighborhood should request input from their membership. Christopher Pollock- has agreed to be the Moderator again for these candidates forum
2. The Annual Christmas Party was announced to be on December 09, 2008 on the 8th Floor with Council Members being encouraged to invite their board and association members.  Each member is to bring a covered dish to share.  The Council will provide the paper goods, drinks and ham and turkey.
3. At the November 10, 2008, Council General Meeting, Commission Carlton Moore will be honored with a plaque for his 20 years of service to District III and the City.  All neighborhoods are encouraged to attend and honor this service.

Old Business:
1. Ad Hoc Code reform Committee Report – The purchase order with Winter and Company was signed on October 13, 2008 with a kick off meeting scheduled in the next few weeks.  This is the culmination of 2 years of work and will now start the formal process of making changes recommended by the residents of Fort Lauderdale through the Council Process.  It is anticipated that the Fast Trick items being moved forward by the Planning Department will be presented at October 17th, 2008 Commission meeting as a consent Agenda item.
2.  Election for a replacement of the District Three representative was concluded with Cathy Curry of Lauderdale Manors agreeing to complete the open term.  3. Richard Mancuso reported that the Crime and Parks committees have met. Three minutes were attached to the agenda and are posted on the Council Web Page along with the Crime Committee and the Education Advisory Board minutes.  There has been no report from the Traffic and Development Committees.

For the Good Of the Community:
1. Reminder – Christmas Party will be December 9th, 2008 at the City Hall and will start 6pm. The Council will furnish Ham and turkey, please invite everyone to come and bring a covered dish/ dessert/breads.
2. CVC on October 25th for South Middle River Civic Association clean up for street closures.


Meeting was adjourned at 8:35pm