Daily Archives: August 25, 2008

August 2008 Board Meeting

August 25, 2008 Board Meeting Minutes 8th Floor Conference Room

Call to Order by President Genia Ellis at 5:30 PM

Roll Call by President, all Board members present except Tom Welch who was excused.

Meeting Minutes:  Review and Approval of Board Meeting Minutes from March 2008  – June 2008 were accepted with the following correction added to the March Minutes:  “Ray Dettman expressed concern about not being able to make a motion at the March Meeting.   Motions are required to be noticed in advance of presentation.

New Business: 1. Agenda for September 9th, 2008 will include a thank you for the committee for the Police and Fire Appreciation Event, an Update by Chief Adderley, Election of a new District 3 Representative and a plaque to Former Chief Bruce Roberts. 2. Committee Duties and Postings –  Richard Mancuso   The Goals Committees need to get organized for a good kick off in September.  Please report to Richard the time and agenda on the committees.  There are several that have not met and need to get on board to report. 3. October General Meeting will have Jonda Joseph, City Clerk and John Herbst, City Auditor making a presentation on ballot amendments.

Old Business: 1. Richard explained the current situation from the City Planning Dept. on outstanding items.  They hope to have public input in October.  The Fast Track items will be presented on the September 3rd or later.  The AIA Chapter of Broward County wants to include cities county-wide. 2. Candidates Forum is all set and scheduled with City Hall, Betty Shelley as committee chair has confirmed that Christopher Pollock has agreed to moderate the event.

For the Good of the Community 1. Genia Ellis reported that Riverwalk Trust had sold all banner locations for this year.  We will be added to the list for next year. 2. It was discussed to have a presentation by the Treasurer for quarterly reports on the budget status versus proposed.                                                                                                                           3. Council authorized NCIP Grant Committee to apply for a matching grant utilizing points assigned to install new poles on the Riverwlk due to an increase in density, pedestrian traffic and incidents of crime.

Meeting adjourned at 6:35pm