December 2012 Board Meeting Minutes

Council of Civic Association
Board Meeting Minutes
December 19, 2012
City Hall, 8th Floor Cafeteria


1. Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by President Marilyn Mammano at 5:30 pm.

2.       Attendance:  All present except Corresponding Secretary Donna Mergenhagen and District III Rep Dr. Magdalene Lewis.  Chairman of Committees position is vacant.

 3.       Minutes:  Minutes of the November 26, 2012 board meeting were unanimously approved as corrected upon motion and second.

 4.       Treasurer’s Report:   Treasurer Klein stated that as of December 19, 2012, the balance in the checking account and the CD total $7,593.04.

 5.       President Mammano gave a Redistricting Committee update. She stated that essentially District IV was too big and District 1 was too small.  The Committee agreed to put all of Progresso Village in District II and move Bal Harbour from District II to District 1. Staff will run numbers again for next meeting.

 6.       First Vice President Centamore stated that he was getting renewals out and that he wanted to include notes from District Reps. The consensus was that said letters would be more effective as follow-up.

7.       It was the consensus of the board to send the latest version of the City Speed Hump Policy to the membership to review and hold a vote at the January General meeting.

 8.       Past President Sterner as chair of the  Nominating Committee for Officer Slate for 2013-14 Fiscal Year stated that the full committee met  and made good progress and will be ready to announce slate at the February general meeting.

 9.       Neighborhood Map. Past President Doug Sterner reported that he found a third party printer (not the City’s printer) who will print two maps for about the same price as the current quote for one map. Therefore, we could print a new map to post as the Council’s centennial gift now and reprint a replacement when the new Commission district lines are finalized. The board unanimously agreed to print a current map.

 10.   Although Ms. Mergenhagen was not present, President Mammano stated that the Consensus Committee is still planning to present the report for approval at the January 2013 general meeting.

 11.   The meeting dates for 2013 were reviewed. It is the Board’s consensus to change the format of the annual holiday party to hold it at the regular time and place of the December general meeting, to provide an interesting speaker and to enhance the refreshments usually provided.

 12.   The agenda for the January 2013 general meeting was discussed. President Mammano will prepared an agenda for distribution.

 The meeting was adjourned at 6:35 pm.

 Respectfully submitted,

Rochelle Golub
Recording Secretary